
A species of wingless, fairy-like creatures that love to annoy people. Killmoulis are not generally intelligent creatures and don't possess any social structures of their own. Instead, they have integrated into the societies of other creatures/beings, typically assuming the role of jester or servant. Killmoulis love to play practical jokes and seem to enjoy ruining things. Any building left unattended in territories with large populations of Killmoulis will eventually be overrun with the creatures.

Basic Information


Killmoulis have very large, elephant-like noses that may appear as pseudo-trunks. Killmoulis are small in stature and have not been observed to grow larger than 3 feet tall.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

Killmoulis have been observed to engage in a courtship ritual in which they write an excessive amount of love letters to an object of their infatuation. As Killmoulis are an illiterate and unintelligible species, these letters are usually gibberish.
Scientific Name
Mediocris iocus