
The abundant capital of the emerald peninsula, Maum is a bustling city at the Northern edge of Kildonagh. Nowhere else in Mythologica is the connection between gods and nature more obvious than in Maum. Shimmering white buildings coexist with massive oaks, streets of stone are covered in moss, and citizens routinely report sightings of fantastical wildlife.


Primarily Celtic, more-so than other cities/villages within Kildonagh.


At the heart of Maum is the Godswood, the largest known tree in Mythologica and the royal palace of Kildonagh. Sitting upon his throne of wood is King Dagda, god of life and death. It is said that Dagda can predict the birth and death of every deity in Mythologica, however he keeps that information private as he believes meddling with the affairs of fate can be catastrophic.


Surrounded by the Sheskin river to the South and the Hoftoft Mountains to the North, the City is primarily protected by it's isolated geography. To bridge the river, one must make their way across the Maum Bridge into the city, otherwise they must brave the rushing waters. To enter through the mountains, one must pass through several guard towers stationed along the cliffs edges.


Maum is home to numerous shops, restaurants, hotels, bars, and nightclubs. After a night of dangerous debauchery you may want to check in at Maum Memorial Hospital, the largest Hospital in Western Mythologica.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Abundance
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