The Mysterious Island

A map, found on a skeleton lying in Zodiac Island, has a spot marked "BIG TREASURE". The island isn't marked on other maps and most sailors and residents of the Shimmering Sea are unaware of any island even existing at this location. What lies here?   An island does, in fact, exist at the marked spot and it is shrouded in deep fog. The surrounding area around it is treacherous and the rocky coast makes it difficult to safely land a ship. With all of this in mind, it isn't surprising that this island is so mysterious and poorly understood. Could the legends be true? Is this island home to riches beyond comprehension? Or is it simply another scam? And what's with the rumors of a factory being built somewhere around these coordinates? Very strange and mysterious indeed.   After landing on the Mysterious Island, Up in Arms discovered it to be inhabited by a race of strange bird people. Residing in an abandoned Golden Nagamichi factory in the center of the island, these bird people, known as Kenku, have created a fringe society led by the strongest among them. Using domesticated harpies, the Kenku patrol the island looking for outsiders to force into gladitorial combat.    Up in Arms also found that the Kenku had a chained Sesame Chicken Catoblepas in their factory, only letting it out as entertainment during gladiator fights. Selene, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu killed the creature and created havoc on the island. With the power balance of the Kenku upset, how will these bird-people rebuild? Or will they even get the chance?


The island is made up of a thick, evergreen forest layered above black rock. It appears similar to the geography of the coastal Pacific Northwest with an abundance of cliffs and rocky outcroppings. Beyond the coast is a dense forest, covered in fog. Due to the intensity of the landscape, as well as the dangerous seas surrounding it, the island's interior has not been properly documented.


  • Mysterious Island
    A strange island inhabited by bird-people known as kenku. It seems as if Golden Nagamichi left a factory abandoned on the island.
Alternative Name(s)
Location under