
The native island of Possumfolk. Possumia is a quaint, peaceful island. It's inhabitants live clustered together in Possumtowne and are fearful of outsiders. Old Possumia lies to the south of the island. The original village of Possumia, it has since been abandoned after a great tragedy forced the Possumfolk to head North.

Localized Phenomena

The origins of Possumfolk are unclear. Some say that the species originated as a curse from the gods, others say they came about after a deal went wrong. Either way, every living mammal in Possumia seems to have a little possum in them. Sheep grow wispy, grey wool, reminiscent of a possum's hide, horses have possum-like tails, and even pigs appear to play dead when threatened. This may be strange and slightly concerning to outsiders who may grow paranoid, wondering if their eyes look a little beadier and their teeth a little sharper after staying on the island.   Recently, the citizens of Possumia have been inflicted with a plague. Called the illness by some and the pestilence by others, this disease has begun to spread through Possumtowne. Symptoms include sweating, nausea, hallucinations, hemorrhaging, and bloody vomit.


Possumia is located in a climate vortex within the Shimmering Sea. Unlike the tropical temperatures of many other Shimmering Sea islands, Possumia receives the cool, changing temperatures consistent with temperate regions. This allows the seasons to change, animals to hibernate, and farmers to establish crop cycles.


  • Possumia
    Land of Possums, full of possibilities.
Alternative Name(s)
Possum Island
Location under
Inhabiting Species