Makeiro Character in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Makeiro (muh KYE roh)

Goddess of Rivers and Lakes

CobaltDM - June 11, 2022, edited April 4, 2023
Makeiro, also known as The Mage and The Trickster, is the Goddess of Rivers and Lakes. She is also the mother of all arcane magic as she found ways to combine different strands of the pantheon's power into one source. She is a wild card among the other gods, often acting strangely--a behavior she seems to find much enjoyment in. She bestowed many blessings upon races that exhibited the same carefree and chaotic behavior, leading to the arcane aptitude of High Elves and Quickwit Halflings among others.  

"Clever and quite amusing, Makeiro represents the youthful glee many of us have lost. We should all follow her example from time to time." - Aldernon the Wise

Much like her sister, Tassah, Makeiro was a fun-loving and whimsical goddess from the beginning. She was much more mischievous than the Goddess of the Sea, however, and would often play pranks on her peers with illusion or sabotage. She grew a reputation for being reckless and potentially dangerous, though her good heart and innocent intentions made it hard for most to stay bitter with her for long. Mytkora eventually was built, despite her interference, and Makeiro found her domain by carving through Otia's artful creation with rivers and filling any basins with lakes. She stayed close with Tassah during this time, which led to all of her rivers eventually flowing into the sea.   During the Calamity, Makeiro was reluctant to involve herself at first. When Enamos was slain, however, she felt Tassah's rage. Such powerful emotion from her sister frightened her and brought her great sorrow. She could not stay away from the conflict any longer. She took on the role of causing creative chaos, distracting and disorienting Yparxis whenever an attack against him was planned. She was very successful during this, and was instrumental in keeping Elsios' involvement unknown to Yparxis until it was too late. She mourned with Tassah, but reluctantly stopped spending time with her when it was clear she was heading down a dark path.   In her newfound isolation, Makeiro quickly grew bored and lonely. She grew weary of forging rivers and filling lakes and decided to discover something new. She had always been amazed at the power she and her peers had. Like Kebis, she wondered how they came to be. Unlike Kebis, however, she started experimenting with these abilities. She found that the source of existence could be split into several different categories of power, which she called Schools. There was the power of creation, which she called Evocation. The power to alter something already existing was named Transmutation. She found eight such Schools, and began to practice with them. Makeiro became adept at calling upon these different schools to generate various effects.   Excited at her new revelations, Makeiro returned to the world to find dozens of humanoid races wandering the earth. She went to the gods first, trying to share her discovery with them, but was turned away by disinterested deities. Annoyed, but still determined to share her knowledge, she went to the mortals. Among them, she found several that were receptive to these gifts and were capable of channeling such power. They were weak at first, but with decades of practice, they began to master it. They called her gift Magic, and would go on to discover its potential beyond what Makeiro ever dreamed of.   Some of those who received the gift of magic formed a school dedicated to Makeiro's teachings called The Arcane Assembly, which consisted of thousands of magic users across Mytkora. When the Silence came, there was an interruption to spellcasting. For close to a year, no one was able to cast as they had been before. The Assembly was angry. They believed the gods had abandoned them and taken their gifts. Eventually, however, their magic returned, and the feelings of hostility slowly faded. Some believe the return of magic means the pantheon is back, though they have yet to find proof. Much of the Assembly’s members have left, which has led to a massive drop in organized magic across Mytkora.

Holy Symbol of Makeiro

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Arcana, Trickery, Tempest
See also: Arcane Magic

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