Fairy Species in Myzelis | World Anvil


Infused with the magic of the Feywild, most fairies look like Small elves with insectile wings, but each fairy has a special physical characteristic that sets them apart. Some have birdlike wings, others have insectile legs, others still smell like fresh baked cookies, or are surrounded by a supernatural chill.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Gylidder Faeries

  Spirits of the Feywild: The Fairy species' presence in Gylidd is nearly as old as the entire island, dating back to the very first portals to the plane of the Fey. These interplanar gates were formed by the synergy of Floral and Faunal Incari growing large and wild in the absence of mortals, long before any aethrin walked the land. Myzelis was without guile then, but the untamed wilderness of precivilization Gylidd was a dangerous Realm of vicious, merciless predation, and the fair folk stayed near their portals for fear of their lives. Most elven settlements were built around these gates, many of which stand to this day, such as in the heart of Hynfaol, Zhen Ishraihadasha, Corsdych, and the Shadow Elves' Domain far below the surface. As the eastern end of the island begins to invite more and more visitors, rumors abound of pockets of Faeries maintaining faint, weak leylines around Feywild portals in the Brumewood and Sea Coast regions.