Kethisarqueya in Myzelis | World Anvil


Inaethri of Astronomy, Divination, and Peace

Realm of Origin: Gylidd.
Portfolio: Astronomy, Divination, nonviolence and gentleness, reflection, study and learning without disrupting, living with minimal impact and making use of what naturally occurs.
Symbol: A moon dipping into a pool of water and becoming ripples wreathed by stars.     Kethisarqueya (KETH-ih-sarr-KWAY-ah) believes that magic must be studied as subtly as possible, preserving as much life as possible, and leaving as little footprint upon nature as possible in the process.   They are known as the Pacifist, the Auror of Starlight, and often depicted as a delicate elven oracle.   Kethisarqueya is True Neutral.   Their primary domain is Twilight, and their secondary domains are Arcana, Knowledge, and Peace.    

The Faithful

  Who are the faithful of Kethisarqueya? What types of people are the most likely to be drawn to her? There might be exceptions, but these are the most frequent representatives.   Demonym: Kethren (Kethiira, if Cleric or Diviner Wizard)    
"The philosophy of Kethisarqueya, at its core, is about minimizing how much one takes away from the world around them, and abstinence from causing harm or death. Practitioners of this way are known as Kethren, which is both singular and plural, and pronounced akin to "brethren".   This practice includes many activities that one must minimize and avoid, with the significant taboos involving killing or otherwise ending another creature’s existence, intentional violence and lashing out in anger, and unintentional violence that is not addressed with some appropriate form of remedy that will result in the afflicted being better off than they were before the violence occurred.   Kethren also have specific protocols concerning food, and will consume only organisms that are willingly yielded by their source, such as berries, nuts, seeds, and milk, or foods created by magic. It is also permitted to eat an organism that relies upon being consumed to complete their propagation cycle, or which has already completed its life cycle. While this technically includes creatures which have died of natural causes, many Kethren still find the consumption of meat to be distasteful. Those who do partake in this manner usually do so out of necessity, such as in environments and conditions where other acceptable food is scarce.   The nuance extends to the treatment of animal-derived foods; for example, eating the unfertilized egg of a chicken is permissible, but breeding chickens to be more productive egg layers or keeping them for that purpose is contrary to the heart of the practice.   Kethren are distinct from vegetarians in that their diet excludes most plants, as they view the harvesting as interrupting the plant's life cycle and causing its death."  
— Zisanâl, Gylidder Mentor of Theology

The Ordained

  Those Kethren closest to their Inaethri and who receive their power from her are known as Kethiira. In addition to her Clerics, who have been known to wield the Domains of Twilight, Arcana, Knowledge, and Peace, this also includes Wizards who specialize in the Arcane Tradition of Divination or Chronurgy.      

Who Venerates Kethisarqueya?

  Kethisarqueya's Inaethrid originated amongst Pallid Elves, Winter Eladrin, Autumn Eladrin, and Wood Elves, and their way soon after became common amongst Sylvan Halflings, Aarakocra, Forest Gnomes, Firbolgs, Loxodons, those with the Mark of Detection or the Mark of Hospitality, and the Forged — but any folk might become Kethren.   Kethren typically come from Archaeologist, Cloistered Scholar, Hermit, Haunted One, Outlander, and Sage backgrounds. It is typical to find them to be quite knowledgeable and proficient in the use of herbalism kits, alchemist's supplies, cartographer's tools, glassblower's tools, jeweler's tools, navigator's tools, or tinker's tools.   Bards from the College of Eloquence, College of Glamour, and College of Lore, Druids of the Circle of Dreams, Monks of the Way of Mercy, the Way of the Open Hand, and the Way of Shadow, Sorcerers of the Clockwork Soul and Wizards specialized in the Arcane Tradition of Abjuration, Chronurgy, Divination, Enchantment, Illusion, and the Order of Scribes are commonly followers of Kethisarqueya's gentle path.    
"Kethren spellcasters make frequent use of the School of Divination, both to better observe the natural world and to have forewarning of hazards and conflicts to avoid. Abjuration and Illusion are their first line of defense, and if unable to avoid a conflict or prevent harm to themselves or others, Kethren will resort to Enchantment to assuage an assailant. They find it abhorrent to inflict damage even if one has the means to heal it afterward, even in the rare instances that a Kethren might have a spell that can cause damage prepared. The spellschool of Enchantment is often considered to be the most forceful form of magic permitted to be used on another creature in defense. Conjuration is often used for transportation or providing shelter and sustenance, with the subschools that focus on creating harmful effects or binding creatures and spirits into servitude being entirely eschewed, and so it is rare to find Kethren who specialize their studies in this tradition.   Unsurprisingly, Kethren who do not have magic at their disposal tend to find it more difficult to avoid and resolve violent encounters. They instead tend to rely on evasion, diplomacy, restraining, or some combination to resolve a conflict or harm being done."  
— Zisanâl, Gylidder Mentor of Theology