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The Empire of Zanaro

The Empire of Zanaro stands as a testament to human resilience and ambition in the diverse realm of Naodica. Located predominantly in the eastern coastal regions and spanning vast territories, this powerful nation is characterized by its early Renaissance technological prowess, stark human-centric ideology, and an unyielding stance against magic. Emerging from the shadows of subjugation, the humans of Zanaro overthrew the Likos Kingdom of Torag, giving birth to an Empire where they saw themselves as the true rulers of Naodica. This revolutionary spirit is deeply ingrained in Zanaran culture, emphasizing discipline, militarism, and strict societal norms. While the Empire's long hair and intricately adorned beard trends manifest its rich traditions, its agrarian focus and fervent disdain for magic highlight its distinctive identity.   Governed by an Emperor believed to be of divine descent, the nation is structured meticulously with a hierarchy of Principalities, Grand Duchies, Bishoperics, and more. Each domain, while enjoying a degree of autonomy, is bound to the overarching authority of the Zanaran crown. A rigorous serfdom system, bolstered by the teachings of the Infian Church, pervades the land. Non-humans are marginalized, often enslaved in peripheral territories, and eradicated in the Empire's core regions.   Despite its stringent ideologies, Zanaro's economic machinery is robust. The fertile eastern regions produce bountiful harvests, and industries, especially metallurgy and shipbuilding, thrive in urban hubs. With the Southern Ocean at its doorstep, the Empire engages in active trade, exporting its quality goods and importing rarities.   Technologically, the Empire is on the forefront. Shunning magic, it invests heavily in scientific pursuits, leading to advancements in fields like medicine, engineering, and astronomy. Its military, armed with early firearms and backed by a formidable navy, is a force to be reckoned with.   In essence, the Empire of Zanaro, with its intense nationalism, pro-human sentiments, and technological inclinations, stands as a dominant power in Naodica, seeking to etch its legacy in the sands of time.


The organizational structure of Zanaro is pyramidal, with the Emperor at its pinnacle, revered not only as a political figure but also as a divine descendant. Being the direct successor of the leader who freed humans from the oppression of the Likos Kingdom of Torag, the Emperor is seen as the living embodiment of human resilience and supremacy. Beneath the Emperor, Zanaro is divided into various regions, each with a defined hierarchy:   Principalities: The largest subdivisions, each ruled by a Prince or Princess. Grand Duchies: Significant territories headed by a Duke or Duchess. Grand Counties: Regional areas under the command of a Count or Countess. Bishoprics: Territories controlled by the influential clergy of the Infian Church. The noble lineage and blood ties to the initial revolutionaries against the Likos are of paramount importance in Zanaro. This bloodline prominence often serves as the primary qualification for governing positions. Moreover, the vast machinery of the empire is powered by a strict serfdom system. Enforced by the powerful Infian Church and its Inquisition, this system ensures that the 'liberated' humans serve dutifully in various roles within the Empire. Non-humans, however, face grim prospects. They are enslaved in peripheral territories and systematically exterminated in regions deemed 'civilized' by Zanaran standards.


Zanaran culture is a product of its tumultuous history and the teachings of the Infian Church. Rooted deeply in human supremacy ideals, the culture abhors magic and its practitioners. Zanarans take pride in their agrarian achievements and are staunchly militant, being one of the rare societies where men and women are equally encouraged to take up arms. The society strictly enforces traditional gender roles, with no recognition for transgender individuals. Aesthetically, Zanaran men grow and maintain elaborate beards, which are often decorated as a symbol of status. Both men and women possess long hair, styled diversely, further showcasing their status and lineage.

Public Agenda

Zanaro's public agenda is clear and unequivocal: to spread human dominance across Naodica, eradicate magic, and instill the teachings of the Infian Church. The Empire sees itself as the ultimate champion of human rights, albeit with a twisted definition that often tramples upon the rights of non-humans. It actively promotes anti-magic propaganda, equating magic to a scourge that weakens the pure human spirit.


Emerging from the ashes of revolution against the oppressive Likos Kingdom of Torag, the Empire of Zanaro quickly established itself as a major power in Naodica. Under the leadership of their divinely ordained Emperor and guided by the principles of the Infian Church, the Zanarans pursued an aggressive expansionist agenda. This led them to conquer multiple Driaz Kore successor states and even other human territories resistant to their brand of faith or found guilty of harboring non-humans. The legacy of the revolutionary spirit, combined with the fervent religious and supremacist ideologies, molded the Empire of Zanaro into a formidable force, setting its sight on total dominance over Naodica.

Demography and Population

With a robust population of 2.9 million inhabitants, the Empire of Zanaro has a demographic breakdown primarily consisting of Humans (80%). The Katsie, forming 10% of the population, often live in specialized zones or quarters. Likos, a minor 3%, lead mostly secluded lives due to the Empire's tumultuous history with them. The remaining 7% comprises various other species, each contributing uniquely to the Empire's makeup.


Spanning 135,000 square miles, the Empire of Zanaro boasts a vast and varied landscape: The eastern coastal regions are lush with thick forests, providing the Empire with a wealth of natural resources. The ancient mountain range acts as a natural barrier, separating the greener areas from the drier interior. In the North, jagged mountain terrains overlook vast stretches of the Naodican desert that Zanaro has claimed. Its western borders are contentious, with territories claimed by both the Queendom of Emura and the Beyari Revolutionaries. The southern fringes touch the dense forests of the United Miraki Tribes, with the regions north of it characterized by open plains, serene forests, and water bodies. Its southern coastline, opening into the Southern Ocean, is a crucial trading and naval route.


The Empire of Zanaro's military might is palpable: Imperial Legion: Employing early firearms, the Legion practices volley shooting techniques, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. While the bulk consists of conscripts from the recently acquired territories, the officer cadre hails from the Empire's core regions, ensuring loyalty and dedication.   Imperial Navy: Zanaro boasts one of Naodica's most advanced naval fleets. Equipped with cannon-laden ships, their marine warfare capabilities are unparalleled. Moreover, each ship houses a specially trained force of marines, making them a dual threat on water and land.

Technological Level

Standing at an early Renaissance technological level, Zanaro combines innovation with functionality. The advent of early firearms gives the Empire's military an edge in combat. However, due to the stringent ban on magic, the Empire has invested heavily in scientific exploration. Advancements in astronomy, medicine, and engineering are not uncommon, with scholars often receiving patronage from nobility for their research. The Empire's non-reliance on magic has spurred it to push the boundaries of human innovation and craftsmanship, producing tools and machinery that are state-of-the-art for Naodica.


The Infian Church is in essence an additional governing apparatus for the Empire of Zanaro, running both cultural and religious centers for the nation while the Empire runs the political and military aspects. The Infian Church also has a strong Inquisitor section that seeks to ensure all follow the doctrine of the church even in neighboring human nations that are not officially a part of the Empire of Zanaro.


The laws in the Empire of Zanaro are stringent, clear, and heavily influenced by the teachings of the Infian Church. Non-humans have restricted rights and face strict regulations in their daily lives. The practice of magic is forbidden and punishable by severe measures, ranging from imprisonment to execution. Conquest and colonization are deemed natural rights of the Empire. Hence, any lands they "liberate" are subject to Zanaran law immediately. Crimes against the Empire, including treason, espionage, or dissent, carry the death penalty.

Agriculture & Industry

In the fertile eastern regions, the Empire of Zanaro maintains a robust agricultural system, producing a variety of crops, including grains, fruits, and vegetables. The coastal areas are known for their fisheries, providing both domestic consumption and exports. The drier interiors, while not as productive agriculturally, are a hub for mineral extraction, particularly iron and copper. The industry, buoyed by the nation's rich natural resources, is primarily centered around metallurgy, textile production, and shipbuilding. In regions where non-humans are enslaved, forced labor is often utilized in mines and large-scale agricultural projects.

Trade & Transport

Despite its imperialistic tendencies, Zanaro recognizes the importance of trade, and often uses independent merchants to conduct t his trade. Its ports in the Southern Ocean facilitate commerce with neighboring nations. Goods like textiles, metalworks, and foodstuffs are primary exports, while imports lean towards luxury items and rarities. Internal transportation relies heavily on well-maintained road networks, facilitating swift movement of troops, goods, and information. Canals and rivers also serve as crucial inland transport routes, especially for bulk goods.


Education in Zanaro emphasizes loyalty to the Empire and the teachings of the Infian Church. While basic literacy and numeracy are imparted, a significant portion of the curriculum revolves around the Empire's history and military strategies. Given the lack of magic in Zanaro, science and innovation receive heightened attention, preparing the next generation for roles in engineering, navigation, and strategy.


Zanaro's cities, especially the capital, showcase impressive architectural marvels—large stone-built fortresses, roads, public squares, and aqueducts define the urban landscapes. The rural areas, while not as grandiose, benefit from well-laid roads, grain storage facilities, and organized marketplaces. Harbors are fortified and equipped with facilities for ship repair, making them vital trade and defense points.
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The "Zanaran Gold Crescent" is the primary currency, often simply referred to as the "Crescent". Its intricate design features the profile of the reigning Emperor on one side and the Empire's crest on the other.
Official State Religion
Related Species

Rivals, Unfriendly, No official recognition


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