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Beyari Revolutionaries

The Beyari Revolutionaries represent a resilient collective that emerged from the remnants of the once-mighty Kingdom of Beyari. Their struggle is defined by the aspiration to reclaim and reform their homeland, which has been scarred by the conquest of the Empire of Zanaro. Dominated predominantly by humans, the revolutionary ranks also encompass significant numbers of Katsie and a minority of Chimeras. Each of these groups brings a unique cultural and historical perspective, adding depth to the revolutionary movement.   Historically, Beyari once flourished under the rule of a Leonin Katsie noble family, but with the rise of republican sentiments and the eventual overthrow of this monarchy, the region faced swift invasion and subjugation by the Empire of Zanaro. However, the flame of resistance was never fully extinguished, leading to the re-ignition of the Beyari Revolution a decade later.   The land of Beyari is a diverse landscape, split by the vast Shadowcry River. From the tranquil shores of the Zurian Sea to the dense bayous and swamps of the south, the central fertile plains, and the wooded and mountainous north, Beyari's geography plays a vital role in its economic and strategic importance.   Technologically, Beyari mirrors a high medieval period, with the notable inclusion of early firearms. Their understanding of magic is commendable, balancing practical applications with theoretical exploration.   At its core, the Beyari Revolutionaries' struggle is a testament to the enduring spirit of a people determined to regain their autonomy and build a future on their terms. Their journey, marked by battles, diplomacy, and a vision of an inclusive republic, positions them as a key player in the broader tapestry of Naodica's history.


The Beyari Revolutionary movement, in its current form, is a decentralized collective without a singular leadership figure. This strategic choice ensures that the flame of rebellion remains undying, even in the face of adversity from the Empire of Zanaro. The revolution operates through numerous independent cells and sub-factions, each working towards the shared goal of Beyari's autonomy. This structure has both benefits and challenges. While it guarantees that the revolution can't be crushed with the capture or loss of a single leader, it can sometimes lead to internal conflicts and a lack of unified direction.


Beyari culture, while rooted in Beyari Human traditions, incorporates significant elements from Katsie practices. This synergy is evident in their festivals, art, clothing, and even their revolutionary songs that echo tales of both human and Katsie struggles. The shared experiences of subjugation and the collective dream of liberation have made these two groups natural allies, leading to a harmonious blending of their cultural nuances.

Public Agenda

The primary goal of the Beyari Revolutionaries is to reclaim their homeland and restore its sovereignty, wresting it from the grips of the Empire of Zanaro. Their vision for the future is a republic where power resides with the people, and local authority is both respected and upheld. They champion the ideals of democracy, freedom, and justice.


The primary assets of the Beyari Revolutionaries include their military forces, strategic strongholds, and the support of the local population. Their ability to mobilize and sustain a significant revolutionary movement against a powerful empire like Zanaro demonstrates their organizational capabilities and resourcefulness.


The roots of the Beyari Revolutionaries trace back to the aftermath of the fall of Driaz Kore. The last noble family of Leonin Katsie established the Kingdom of Beyari, ensuring that only their kin - the Leonin Katsie - held political dominion. As time progressed, the winds of change brought with them revolutionary ideals. Non-Leonin Katsie and humans, once marginalized and relegated to serfdom, began to harbor dreams of a more equitable society. These simmering tensions exploded into a full-blown revolt, leading to the overthrow and eventual execution of the monarchy. However, their taste of freedom was short-lived. Sensing an opportunity, the Empire of Zanaro swiftly moved in, conquering the nascent republic. In an act of subjugation, the Empire installed a puppet ruler, a human prince, and rebranded the region as the Principality of Beyari. Yet, the spirit of revolution wasn't easily quelled. Ten years post this takeover, the flames of rebellion ignited once more, giving birth to the Beyari Revolutionaries we know today.

Demography and Population

The population of the Beyari region stands at approximately 633,000 individuals. The demographic breakdown is as follows: Humans: 60% (Approximately 379,800) Katsie: 30% (Approximately 189,900) Chimera: 5% (Approximately 31,650) Other Races: 5% (Approximately 31,650)


The Beyari Revolutionaries lay claim to a 20,000 square mile territory. This region is geographically diverse: Shadowcry River: This vast river bifurcates the Beyari region, providing a natural barrier and a crucial trade route. Zurian Sea: To the west, the waters of the Zurian Sea lap the Beyari shores, offering maritime opportunities and challenges alike. Central Plains: Vast expanses of rolling grasslands dominate the central region, which acts as the breadbasket of the Beyari territories. Southern Bayous: The southern parts of Beyari are characterized by swamplands and bayous, providing both natural defenses and rich biodiversity. Northern Forests & Mountains: Dense woodlands and towering peaks provide natural fortifications, sheltering many revolutionary cells from Zanaro's forces.


Given the revolutionary nature of Beyari, there isn't a centralized military force. Instead, the defense of the region is the responsibility of various cells and factions, which each maintain their militias. These units are agile, adept at guerilla warfare, and are experts in utilizing the diverse Beyari terrain to their advantage. Two prominent forces within the Beyari military landscape are:   Shadowcry Vanguard: Specialized units that patrol and protect the vast stretches of the Shadowcry River. They're adept at both naval and land combat, often using hit-and-run tactics against Zanarian naval patrols. Mountain Sentinels: Stationed in the northern forests and mountains, this group specializes in mountain warfare, utilizing the treacherous terrain to ambush and thwart any incursions. In essence, the Beyari military is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of its people, drawing strength from their shared dream of liberation and autonomy.

Technological Level

Beyari's technological landscape mirrors that of the high medieval period. The advent of early firearms, such as arquebuses and basic cannons, has strengthened Beyari's resistance against external threats. Blacksmiths and engineers, often working together, are continuously exploring improvements in weapon design and efficiency. Magic, while not as deeply ingrained as in some neighboring regions, is reasonably developed in Beyari. The blend of practical needs, like healing and communication, with the theoretical exploration of magical principles, has fostered a balanced approach to arcane studies.   In conclusion, the Beyari Revolutionaries, while grappling with the challenges of an ongoing revolt, are steadfastly laying the groundwork for a prosperous, equitable, and informed society. Their blend of traditional knowledge, modern innovations, and an indomitable spirit promises a bright future for the Beyari region.

Foreign Relations

Kingdom of Aetheria: With Beyari having emerged from a fallen monarchy and Aetheria representing a kingdom, the Beyari view Aetherians with skepticism. The Oorum Philosophy of Aetheria, which blames gods for their plights, does not sit well with the diverse spiritual beliefs within Beyari. Trade is infrequent due to geographical barriers. However, the shared threat of the Empire of Zanaro means they occasionally collaborate. Praetorate of Dagroth: The Beyari Revolutionaries have significant concerns regarding Dagroth's military dictatorship, drawing parallels with their own tragic past under the Empire of Zanaro. Diplomatic ties are cool, with both sides wary of the other's military ambitions. Recognizing the potential of the revolutionaries to destabilize their common foe, Zanaro, Dagroth might be providing covert support to the Beyari movement, whether in the form of funds, weapons, or intelligence. However, both sides are careful to keep these dealings discreet.   Queendom of Emura: While there are no direct clashes of interest, Emura's strong spiritual ties to nature, ancestors, and gods clashes with Beyari's history of republicanism. Yet, both nations maintain a neutral stance, trying to avoid direct conflict.   Korvinhall Republic: The Beyari Revolutionaries admire the Republic's embrace of technological advancements and its commitment to democratic principles. However, they remain wary of Korvinhall's Manacite-driven ambitions and its potential to exploit Beyari's resources. Relations are cordial, but cautious.   United Miraki Tribes: The Beyari are both sympathetic and cautious about the Miraki. While they respect the tribes' spiritual depth and commitment to nature, they fear the tribes' unpredictable alliances due to their unique magic. Diplomatic envoys often engage in discussions about the land, magic, and mutual respect.   Magocracy of Mordrane: The Beyari Revolutionaries see the Magocracy as a potential ally given their shared magic affinity. However, Mordrane's intense focus on magic and hierarchy based on arcane power can come off as elitist to the egalitarian Beyari.   Pirate Federation of Restone: Restone's roots in piracy and its location as a maritime hub make it both a potential trade partner and a threat to the Beyari. While both value freedom, the Beyari are wary of Restone's potential to raid or ally with enemies for their gain.   Imperium of So'Karsa: Beyond the mysterious nature of So'Karsa, there are covert attempts by the Imperium to gain influence within Beyari. They see the revolution as a fertile ground for gaining new converts and increasing their influence. The Beyari Revolutionaries, while appreciating the allure of the Neronians' unique culture, remain cautious about these subtle overtures.   Empire of Zanaro: Given the Empire's history of subjugating the Kingdom of Beyari, the Revolutionaries view Zanaro as their primary adversary. Diplomatic relations are virtually non-existent, with both sides preparing for inevitable clashes in their quests for dominance.


The Beyari Revolutionaries, being a movement focused on liberation and autonomy, emphasize laws that promote equality and justice. Slavery, which was once rife during the time of the Leonin Katsie monarchy, is strictly prohibited. Additionally, laws emphasize freedom of speech, assembly, and expression, encouraging citizens to be actively involved in the revolutionary process. However, the region being in flux means that there's no standardized legal system. Each cell or faction might prioritize certain laws over others based on the immediate needs of their constituents.

Agriculture & Industry

A significant portion of Beyari's central plains is dedicated to agriculture. The fertile lands yield staple crops such as wheat, barley, and rye. Additionally, the bayous in the south offer suitable environments for rice cultivation and fishing. Livestock rearing, primarily of goats and cattle, is common in the grassy plains. Industries in Beyari are often localized and artisanal in nature. The forests to the north provide timber, leading to a robust carpentry and woodworking industry. The mountains offer a range of minerals, which has given rise to small-scale mining operations. These minerals, especially iron and copper, are pivotal for Beyari's budding firearms industry.

Trade & Transport

The Shadowcry River serves as the primary trade route, connecting various parts of Beyari and facilitating transport of goods to the Zurian Sea. This provides an outlet for trade with other nations around the sea, although the ongoing revolutionary activities sometimes hamper such interactions. Overland trade routes, often patrolled by revolutionary militias, connect the different geographical regions of Beyari. Horse-drawn carts and caravans are the main modes of land transportation.


Education in Beyari has experienced a renaissance during the revolutionary period. Where once education was the domain of the elite, now, local cells emphasize the importance of literacy and general knowledge, seeing them as tools for a brighter future. Schools are often community-run and focus on a blend of practical skills, history (especially of the Beyari struggle), and basic magical principles. Advanced education is limited but is growing steadily, with some regions establishing specialized institutions for magic, science, and humanities.


Infrastructure development is a challenge given the revolutionary state of Beyari. However, the resilient Beyari people have ensured that vital systems are maintained and even improved where possible. Roads, especially those connecting major settlements, are regularly repaired. Bridges over key points in the Shadowcry River facilitate movement and trade. The revolutionary cells have also established communication networks, employing both magical and non-magical means, to relay vital information swiftly.
Alternative Names
The Beyari Union
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
While under the yoke of the Empire of Zanaro, the Beyari region used the Zanaran Gold Crescent as their primary currency. However, since the resurgence of the revolution, there have been attempts to reintroduce the "Beyari Mark," an older currency from the time of the Kingdom of Beyari. This dual currency system often leads to confusion, with the Mark being preferred in revolutionary strongholds, while the Crown remains dominant in areas where Zanaro's influence persists.
Major Exports
As a revolutionary movement, the Beyari Revolutionaries does not have a conventional export structure. However, they engage in the trade of resources available in their controlled territories, including agricultural products, artisanal goods, or valuable minerals, to fund their operations.
Major Imports
Given their status as a revolutionary group, the Beyari Revolutionaries import weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, and essential goods to support their military efforts and sustain their populace during the conflict.
Legislative Body
Council of Liberators The legislative responsibilities among the Revolutionaries is managed by the Council of Liberators, comprising representatives from various factions within the revolutionary movement. This council is responsible for formulating policies, laws, and strategies that align with the revolutionary ideals and objectives.
Judicial Body
Tribunal of Justice The judicial arm of the Revolutionaries, known as the Tribunal of Justice, would be tasked with upholding laws and ensuring fairness within the revolutionary ranks. This body also handles disputes and maintain discipline, crucial for the cohesion and effectiveness of the movement.
Executive Body
Revolutionary Command The executive functions of the Beyari Revolutionaries are centralized in the Revolutionary Command, a group of leaders who spearheaded the movement. This body coordinates military operations, strategic planning, and diplomatic efforts to achieve their goals of independence and self-governance.
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