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The Katsie, a feline race native to Naodica, embody a deep history marked by the highs of dominance and the lows of dispersion. With vestiges of their once-mighty empires still influencing the present, these beings navigate their contemporary challenges while preserving their age-old traditions. Physically, the Katsie present an enthralling sight. Standing between 4" to 6", their bodies are draped in fur, exhibiting colors and patterns reminiscent of the vast array of felines known to exist — from the common house cats to majestic lions and elusive panthers. Depending on their regional lineage, one might observe the stately manes characteristic of leonine Katsie, the dense fur akin to highland felines, or even the saber-like teeth of some rare variants. Yet, all Katsie share certain traits, such as retractable claws, agile physiques, and expressive tails.   Their chronicles narrate tales of grandeur and upheaval. Following the decline of the Magocracy of Derendal, it was the Leonin Katsie who rose to forge the Driaz Kore Empire, marking an era of affluence. However, the sands of time, combined with internal strife and external threats like significant human revolts, led to its eventual disintegration.   Modern Katsie culture is a tapestry of diversities. In Emura, the Katsie are seen donning sophisticated kimonos that envelop their figures, while their counterparts beyond this region opt for simpler attire, often leaving much of their fur exposed. Social structures, too, differ. Emuran Katsie society leans matriarchal, with clearly delineated roles within relationships and an emphasis on political ties. In contrast, Katsie residing outside Emura cherish balance in their societal roles, valuing individual prowess and merit.   Steeped in a rich past, yet ever-evolving, the Katsie stand as a testament to the endurance of a race that, despite its challenges, remains a defining entity within Naodica's landscape.

Basic Information


Katsie boast a diverse anatomical structure that is reminiscent of the various feline species of the natural world. Typically standing between 4" and 6" tall, these cat-like humanoids have a lithe and dexterous physique, often covered in fur that can range from sleek to fluffy. Their fur presents in myriad colors, patterns, and textures, depending on their regional origins. Distinct subtypes of Katsie include:   The Leonine variants, with a majestic mane and robust build. Fluffy-furred Katsie from colder climates, adapted to withstand harsh weather conditions. The rare Saber-toothed Katsie, characterized by large protruding incisors and quick-response musculature, hailing from ancient islands seemingly untouched by time. All Katsie possess retractable claws that serve both as a means of defense and tools for daily life. The female Katsie display two pronounced mammary glands, differing from their lesser evolved feline counterparts.

Biological Traits

Feline Grace: Katsie are agile and possess a natural grace, making them adept hunters, climbers, and stealthy movers. Retractable Claws: Equipped with sharp claws that can retract, they serve as natural weapons and tools. Enhanced Reflexes: Particularly evident in the saber-toothed variant, these quick reflexes allow Katsie to respond rapidly to threats or changes in their environment. Whisker Sensitivity: Like their feline counterparts, Katsie whiskers aid in navigation, especially in the dark or tight spaces, by detecting changes in air currents. Fur Diversity: From the thick, insulating fur of the cold-climate Katsie to the sleek coats of their warmer region counterparts, their fur serves both a protective and aesthetic purpose.

Genetics and Reproduction

Katsie procreation results in live births, typically producing litters of 3 to 4 offspring at a time. Their genetic makeup allows for a broad array of fur colors and patterns, often influenced by regional and ancestral factors. The Saber-toothed variant, in particular, is believed to carry ancient genes that manifest in the pronounced incisors and rapid reflexes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy (0-3 years): In this stage, Katsie kittens are highly dependent on their caregivers. They grow rapidly and begin to display their inherited fur patterns. Childhood (4-10 years): A period of exploration and learning. Katsie children develop their dexterity and start to practice the use of their retractable claws.   Adolescence (11-16 years): As they approach maturity, adolescent Katsie undergo significant physical and mental development. This is when many begin formal training in their chosen professions or roles within their community.   Adulthood (17-70 years): By 17, most Katsie are considered adults. They participate fully in societal roles and responsibilities.   Elder Years (71-90 years): As they age, Katsie elders often take on advisory roles, imparting wisdom and experience to younger generations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Katsie have evolved primarily as carnivorous beings, with their dietary preferences leaning heavily towards red meat. Their sharp retractable claws and keen senses have historically aided them in hunting, and many traditional Katsie dishes incorporate various meats, seasoned and prepared in diverse manners. While most of their nutrition is derived from animal sources, some Katsie have been known to include certain fruits, herbs, and vegetables in their diet, especially when residing in mixed-race communities or trading hubs. Despite their carnivorous nature, they show respect for the animals they consume, often practicing rituals that honor the life taken.

Biological Cycle

Katsie have a unique biological rhythm influenced by their feline heritage. They tend to be crepuscular, most active during the dawn and dusk hours. Their rest periods, although shorter than those of other races, are essential for their well-being. This cycle is believed to have originated from their ancestors' hunting patterns in the wild terrains of Naodica.


Much like the felines they resemble, Katsie exhibit a blend of independence and social tendencies. They value personal freedom, yet also recognize the strength of community, especially when it comes to larger tasks or threats. There's a natural curiosity that drives many Katsie to explore, trade, or embark on adventures. They also have an innate grace and poise, moving with a quiet confidence that can sometimes be misinterpreted as aloofness by other races. Katsie are fiercely loyal to their kin and allies. Their history, marred with challenges, has taught them the importance of unity and trust. Despite their past rulership over the Empire of Driaz Kore, modern Katsie don't generally seek dominion over others but prioritize harmony and mutual respect.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Katsie have acute senses, especially those of sight, hearing, and smell. Their night vision is particularly enhanced, allowing them to navigate easily in dimly lit environments. With whisker-like structures on their faces, they can detect subtle changes in air currents, assisting in navigating their immediate surroundings. This heightened sensory perception makes them adept hunters and trackers, often able to pick up on nuances that other races might miss.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Emura Tradition: Clan Names: These act as an emblem of one's lineage and often tie individuals to ancient bloodlines or specific regions within Emura. Examples: Marii, Neoru, Rui. Family Names: Denote more immediate familial connections, often signifying the household's legacy or a particular trait. Examples: Siane, Dawer, Moaw. Personal Names: Reflect the individual's essence, sometimes influenced by omens, dreams, or ancestral guidance. Examples: Aidari, Kaide, Naruha. Outside Emura:   Personal Names: Far simpler, these names often hold meanings tied to personal strengths, virtues, or elemental ties. Examples: Roarke, Sila, Kana. Tribal Affiliations: When venturing beyond their native lands, Katsie might append their tribal name to distinguish themselves and honor their origins. Examples: Roarke of the Sunclaw, Kana of the Windwhisper.

Beauty Ideals

Katsie aesthetics highly value the richness and diversity of fur colors and patterns. A well-groomed coat signifies health, status, and allure. While they embrace their natural appearances, adornments like jewelry, particularly items that shimmer or hold cultural significance, are sought after. Their eyes, with their striking hues and feline intensity, are often considered a significant beauty marker.

Gender Ideals

Within Emura: Here, a matriarchal structure prevails. Women are viewed as the carriers of magic, wisdom, and political prowess, serving as the backbone of the Queendom. They often occupy leadership positions, guiding both familial and regional decisions. Outside Emura: Beyond the Queendom's borders, gender dynamics are more balanced. Both males and females share responsibilities, with roles being determined more by individual strengths and inclinations than strict gender norms.

Courtship Ideals

Within Emura: Marriages and courtships are meticulously planned, often for political alignment and strengthening the Queendom. Rituals involve complex ceremonies, emphasizing both families' magic and heritage. Outside Emura: Courtship rituals highlight individual prowess. Potential suitors often undertake challenges—be it displays of strength, agility, or mastery in magic—to woo their desired partners. Festivals and tournaments are common venues for these exhibitions.

Relationship Ideals

Within Emura: Relationships revolve around mutual respect and service to the Queendom. While females take charge of the magical and service-oriented aspects, males contribute as advisors and caretakers of the household, ensuring a harmonious domestic environment. Outside Emura: Here, relationships are built on shared goals, passion, and mutual trust. Both partners contribute equally to the household and community, ensuring its growth and prosperity.

Common Etiquette Rules

Hospitality holds a sacred place in Katsie culture. Whether in Emura or outside, visitors are treated with warmth, offered food, and shelter. When addressing elders or those of higher rank, it's customary to lower one's head slightly, a sign of respect. In gatherings, it's polite to let those of seniority or higher status speak first. Gift-giving, especially items that denote personal effort or hold sentimental value, is a cherished tradition.

Common Dress Code

Within Emura: Reflecting their inclination for intricate artistry and tradition, Emura Katsie primarily don flowing kimonos that gracefully wrap around their bodies. These kimonos, often crafted from luxurious fabrics, are adorned with symbolic patterns representing their lineage, magic, or nature's elements. Emura attire covers most of the body, with only the head, hands, and tail (which often elegantly protrudes from a specially designed slit in the kimono) being visible. Completing their ensemble are sashes, intricate jewelry, and sometimes, ceremonial headdresses for special occasions.   Outside Emura: Away from the Queendom's formal aesthetics, Katsie attire becomes simpler, often designed to be more functional than ornate. Light tunics, vests, and skirts are common, made from breathable fabrics suitable for their varied environments. These clothes often leave much of their fur exposed, blending utility with a display of their natural beauty.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Katsie culture, as varied as their fur patterns, is rich with a history of service, dominance, revolution, and trade. They possess a deep appreciation for arts, both ancient and modern. Music, dance, and sculpture, often depicting their ancestral tales, hold particular significance. The downfall of the Driaz Kore Empire, while a period of turmoil, has enriched their culture with a spectrum of new traditions, cuisines, and artistic expressions drawn from their interactions with other races and their new environments.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Horizon's Gaze: An event where young Katsie climb to the highest points in their region at dawn to meditate, seeking guidance for their future. Whisker's Dance: A courtship dance where couples mirror each other's moves, symbolizing the balance and harmony they seek in their union.

Common Taboos

Unsheathing Aggression: Revealing one's claws without provocation is seen as deeply impolite and can lead to social ostracization. Disrespecting the Past: Overlooking or trivializing the legends, especially those about Driaz Kore and the Leonin Katsie, is considered an affront to their heritage. Refusal of Hospitality: Rejecting the hospitality of another, be it a meal or shelter, is frowned upon, especially during community gatherings.


The Katsie trace their roots to ancient times, once serving under the mighty Elemental Dragons and later ascending to dominance with the establishment of the Empire of Driaz Kore. Their historical significance further radiates with their association with Leonin Katsie, who championed the establishment of Driaz Kore after the decline of the Magocracy of Derendal. However, the empire's reign was not eternal. It crumbled due to internal strife and external pressures, particularly from a human uprising. Today, the memory of Driaz Kore acts as both a source of pride and a somber reminder of their dynamic history. The Katsie's connection to distinct territories, particularly the Miraki Tribes and the Queendom of Emura, has further influenced their cultural evolution, leading to diversified traditions and practices across the regions.

Common Myths and Legends

The Leonin Legacy: Once, the majestic Leonin Katsie, distinguished by their grand manes, led the Driaz Kore Empire. Their era, celebrated for its wisdom and fairness, is immortalized in Katsie ballads. Alliance Against Tyranny: An enduring legend speaks of the brave Leonin Katsie who collaborated with the Draken to end the rule of the Elemental Dragons. This partnership symbolizes resistance against oppression and is recounted with pride. The Path of Diversity: Narratives recount a pivotal divergence among the Katsie, contrasting the sophisticated Emurans with the wanderlust-driven nomads. This branching, once a point of contention, now stands as a badge of the diverse journey the Katsie have undertaken.
80 years
Average Height
Most Katsie stand between 4" and 6" tall. While there might be slight variations based on regional genetics, this range is standard across the majority of their population.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Katsie fur can exhibit a spectacular array of colors, from the deep golds and browns reminiscent of lions to the varied hues and patterns that might mirror housecats or even majestic tigers. Patterns can vary from stripes, spots, to even unique swirls. The richness and diversity of their fur colors and patterns often serve as a talking point and a source of pride. It's also noted that certain patterns or colors might have specific significance or be associated with ancient family lineages or regional tribes.


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