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Kingdom of Aetheria

West of the Zurian Sea, Aetheria's southern border is marked by the enigmatic Sea of Shadows, while its northern expanse is shielded by towering mountain ranges. This positioning has allowed Aetheria to cultivate a primarily grassland territory, with forests flourishing on its western and eastern fringes. Emerging in the wake of the Magocracy of Derendal's collapse, the Kingdom of Aetheria swiftly moved in to fill the resultant power vacuum. From a patchwork of independent city-states, the Kingdom eventually unified under a single king's banner. Over the years, the king's political potency waned, with a council of oligarchs gradually accruing more power. However, the reverence for the monarchy remains intact.   Home to approximately 1.3 million individuals, Aetheria's population predominantly comprises Minos (70%), followed by Katsie (20%), and Vulpi (5%). Other races make up the remaining 5%.   Deeply influenced by Minos traditions, Aetherian culture integrates elements from its Katsie and Vulpi minorities. Central to its ethos is the Oorum Philosophy, a guiding principle teaching self-control and spiritual communion.   Aetheria's fertile grasslands have fostered a robust agricultural sector. The nation's industrial segment, while still developing, is marked by metallurgical innovations, textile production, and architectural advancements.   With the Aetherian Legion as its primary land force and the Shadow Sea Fleet guarding its maritime interests, Aetheria boasts a formidable military presence in the region. While symbolically led by a king, real power in Aetheria resides with an oligarchic council. This assembly, representing various city-states, governs the kingdom's internal and external affairs.   Rooted in its history and the Oorum Philosophy, Aetherian education marries traditional learning with practical skills. Its technological and scientific achievements align with the high medieval period, blending early industrial practices with rudimentary scientific exploration.   The kingdom's infrastructure encapsulates its medieval essence. From cobblestone pathways to grand city walls, Aetheria has managed to integrate its architectural might with the natural beauty of its landscapes.   Despite its potential, magic's use in Aetheria is restrained. Strict regulations ensure its application is limited, emphasizing safety and reverence over unchecked exploration.   As one of the oldest kingdoms in Naodica, Aetheria stands as a testament to resilience, tradition, and evolution. While challenges dot its path, the kingdom's foundation, rooted in its rich history and philosophical beliefs, ensures its continued prominence in the region's tapestry.


At the helm of the Kingdom of Aetheria is a King, a figurehead with ceremonial prominence, but limited political power. While the King is seen as the embodiment of the Oorum Philosophy and a symbol of unity, the actual reins of governance are held by a council of oligarchs. These oligarchs, often seasoned statesmen from the erstwhile independent city-states, jointly make decisions for the well-being of the nation. Their collaborative approach ensures that every city-state's voice is represented in the governance, though it also means that internal political maneuvering is common.


Predominantly influenced by the Minos, the culture of Aetheria revolves around the principles of the Oorum Philosophy. Ritualized chanting, spiritual gatherings, and a sense of community underpin the daily life of Aetherians. Festivals, art, and music draw heavily from Minos traditions, celebrating their legacy, resilience, and history. However, over time, with the integration of Katsie and Vulpi populations, the cultural fabric of Aetheria has become richer. Katsie-influenced arts and crafts markets can be found in many Aetherian towns, and Vulpi stories and traditions, particularly those revolving around lunar cycles and tails, are becoming increasingly popular, especially among the younger generation.   The Aetherian attire, primarily Minos-inspired, is simple yet elegant, reflecting the nation's values of humility and strength. Yet, in certain regions or during particular festivals, one might see the sophisticated Katsie kimonos or the Vulpi moonlit dance robes.

Public Agenda

Aetheria's primary agenda is the preservation of its cultural identity and the values embedded in the Oorum Philosophy. There's a strong emphasis on unity, collective strength, and community welfare. The kingdom also strives to maintain its position as a de facto power in the Zurian Sea region, ensuring that its interests are safeguarded against external threats. While expansionist ambitions are not at the forefront, the kingdom does prioritize its security and trade alliances, hoping to build a legacy of peace and prosperity for its future generations.


Emerging from the ashes of the fallen Magocracy of Derendal, the Kingdom of Aetheria stands as a beacon of hope and unity. Originally, the region was a patchwork of independent city-states, each governed by its own rulers and influenced by Minos customs. As the power vacuum post-Derendal grew, there was an increasing realization of the need for unity. A charismatic Minos leader, versed deeply in the Oorum Philosophy, rose to prominence and was unanimously declared the King of the unified Aetherian realm. While he played a pivotal role in unifying these city-states under a common banner, ensuring peace and growth, over time, the actual governance shifted towards the council of oligarchs. These oligarchs, representing each of the city-states, ensured that while the King remained a symbol of unity and spiritual guidance, the tangible decisions for the nation's welfare were made collectively.   While the King's political power has waned over time, they are still a revered figure, respected by Aetherians from all walks of life. Today, the Kingdom of Aetheria stands as a testament to the spirit of unity, resilience, and the undying principles of the Oorum Philosophy.

Demography and Population

With a population edging past 1.3 million, the Kingdom of Aetheria is a mosaic of races, though dominated primarily by the Minos. The Minos form the majority, making up about 70% of the total population. The Katsie, with their feline charm and artistic inclinations, make up 20%. The Vulpi, with their tales and moonlit traditions, form 5% of the populace. The remaining 5% comprises a diverse mix of races from across Naodica, adding to the multicultural fabric of the nation.


The Kingdom of Aetheria spans approximately 35,000 square miles of lush grasslands, shaded forests, and majestic mountains. To its south, the shimmering waters of the Sea of Shadows form a natural boundary. The north is marked by a towering mountain range, acting as a barrier separating Aetheria from the vast interior deserts. While the central region is dominated by rolling grasslands, the western and eastern fringes are densely forested, home to various flora and fauna unique to the region.


Aetheria boasts a formidable military force, known for its discipline, training, and valor. The Aetherian Legion: This ground force is composed primarily of Minos soldiers, known for their strength and martial prowess. Their training emphasizes both physical combat and the strategies of the Oorum Philosophy. The Legion is equipped with traditional weapons, complemented by the tactical acumen of its commanders.   The Shadow Sea Fleet: Patrolling the Sea of Shadows, this naval force ensures the southern borders remain impervious to threats. Comprising agile ships and seasoned sailors, the Fleet also plays a pivotal role in facilitating trade and communication with other maritime nations.   Together, the Aetherian Legion and the Shadow Sea Fleet work in harmony, safeguarding the Kingdom of Aetheria from external threats and ensuring peace and prosperity within its borders.

Technological Level

Aetheria's technological advancements align with the high medieval period. While they have yet to harness the power of gunpowder, their skills in metallurgy, construction, and agriculture reflect a society on the cusp of significant discoveries. Magic is an essential aspect of Aetherian life. However, the nation's strict regulations ensure its use is limited, primarily to essential services and rituals. This cautious approach to magic means that while its potential is acknowledged, it isn't as intricately woven into Aetherian society as it might be in other nations.   In the field of science, scholars and alchemists are making strides in understanding the natural world. While their methodologies might be rudimentary by modern standards, their inquisitive nature and dedication are paving the way for future advancements.


The Oorum Philosophy, of the Disciples of Oorum as it is sometimes referred to is the official faith of The Kingdom of Aetheria. This faith focuses on the teachings of the great Minos philosopher and teacher Oorum. The teachings dictate a life separate from the rage imbued in the race by the Elemental Dragons, and instead to find peace through discipline and focus.

Foreign Relations

Beyari Revolutionaries: Aetheria has sympathy for the Beyari Revolutionaries given their struggle against the Empire of Zanaro. There are likely covert efforts by Aetheria to support the Beyari, mostly in the form of resources, as a means of indirectly countering Zanaro's influence in the region. Praetorate of Dagroth: The Kingdom has respect for Dagroth’s military strength and governance model but remains cautious. Both nations, given their maritime interests in the Shadow Sea, have occasional naval skirmishes, but they also recognize the importance of maintaining a stable balance of power.   Queendom of Emura: Given the distance and the fact that they operate in different maritime zones, direct trade between Aetheria and Emura is challenging and infrequent. The two kingdoms, while not antagonistic, maintain a distant relationship, more due to geographical constraints than any ideological differences. However, Aetheria's Oorum Philosophy, which criticizes the very deities that Emura holds in reverence, does add a layer of caution in their diplomatic engagements.   Korvinhall Republic: Aetheria is intrigued by the technological advancements of the Korvinhall Republic but is aware that the Republic is unwilling to share its secrets. This guarded stance on technology by the Republic causes a degree of friction, even if direct confrontations are rare.   United Miraki Tribes: A neutral stance persists. While the Kingdom admires the tribes' deep connection to nature, the divergent lifestyles mean interactions remain minimal.   Magocracy of Mordrane: Given their shared borders, friction is common. Aetheria's limited use of magic contrasts sharply with Mordrane's deep embrace of the arcane. Minor territorial disputes and differences in ideologies may cause regular tensions.   Pirate Federation of Restone: Aetheria remains deeply wary of Restone. The unpredictable nature of the pirates and the potential for maritime threats make Aetheria skeptical of any overtures from the Federation.   Imperium of So'Karsa: The proximity of Aetheria to the floating islands of So'Karsa ensures regular interactions. However, So'Karsa's reluctance to share technology and Aetheria's Oorum Philosophy causes strains in the relationship, with both nations often embroiled in diplomatic standoffs.   Empire of Zanaro: Even though they're distant, Aetheria keeps a watchful eye on Zanaro's movements. The Empire's aggressive expansionist tendencies and staunch anti-magic stance make them a concern for Aetheria, especially with the Empire's influence growing in regions close to the Shadow Sea.


Aetherian laws revolve around the principles of justice, fairness, and the communal values instilled by the Oorum Philosophy. Spiritual Respect: Any form of disrespect or harm towards practitioners or places of the Oorum Philosophy is punishable by law. This also extends to other spiritual practices within the kingdom. Equality: Discrimination based on race, gender, or beliefs is prohibited. This ensures a harmonious integration of the diverse population. Property Rights: Land ownership is recognized and protected, with particular emphasis on communal lands and spaces. Military Service: Citizens are encouraged to serve in the Aetherian Legion for a defined period, fostering national unity and defense. Trade: While internal trade is encouraged and facilitated, external trade agreements are heavily monitored to ensure they align with Aetheria's interests. Magic Regulations: Given the past history with the Magocracy of Derendal, the use of magic, especially those with potential large-scale impacts, is strictly regulated.

Agriculture & Industry

The lush grasslands of Aetheria make it a fertile land for agriculture. Major crops include grains like wheat, barley, and rye. Orchards flourish in the eastern and western fringes, producing fruits such as apples, pears, and plums. The forests offer resources like timber, herbs, and game. Industrially, Aetheria has seen advancements primarily in metallurgy, masonry, and textile production. The nation boasts skilled blacksmiths known for crafting durable tools and weapons, while masons construct fortresses and public buildings that stand as testament to their architectural prowess. Textile mills, powered by water wheels, produce fabrics that are traded both domestically and internationally.

Trade & Transport

Trade plays a significant role in Aetheria's economy. With its agricultural and industrial products in demand, the nation maintains trade relations with its neighbors and even distant lands across the Zurian Sea. The Sea of Shadows serves as a crucial trade route, with the Shadow Sea Fleet ensuring safe passage for merchant vessels. Transport within the nation is facilitated through a network of roads connecting major city-states and regions. Horse-drawn carriages are a common sight, and several inns and rest stops along these routes ensure travelers' comfort.


Education in Aetheria is rooted in its rich history and the teachings of the Oorum Philosophy. While formal schooling is available in larger city-states, smaller communities rely on elders and community circles to impart knowledge. Skills like reading, writing, arithmetic, and history are fundamental. Additionally, students are also introduced to the principles of the Oorum Philosophy, emphasizing its importance in daily life.


Aetheria's infrastructure reflects its high-medieval period essence. Cobblestone roads, stone bridges, and aqueducts dot the landscape. Walled cities with towering gates ensure the safety of inhabitants, while the interiors boast bustling marketplaces, impressive town halls, and serene Oorum sanctuaries. Outside the cities, the countryside is dotted with farmsteads, windmills, and water mills, demonstrating Aetheria's blend of agricultural and early industrial prowess.
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
The Aetherian Drachma (AD) serves as the primary currency of the Kingdom of Aetheria. Imprinted with the visage of the first King on one side and an emblematic representation of the Oorum Philosophy on the other, the Drachma symbolizes both the historical roots and spiritual heart of the nation. It comes in various denominations to facilitate different transactions, both coin and paper forms.
Official State Religion
Related Species


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