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Mstr. Althor Spearson

Master Althor Erwyn Alfir Thiora Spearson (a.k.a. The Ironheart)

Dwarven inventor who revolutionized both New Buryport and all of Volhammer with his Mana Core at the 43rd Grand Faire. Arcane engines had already been in existence for millennia, but these were tempermental, expensive to produce, generated limited power, damaging to the environment, and extremely volatile. Althor's core was barely 1/3 the size of a normal arcane engine, and yet the power it produced was exponentially greater and more sustainable. The initial price tag is higher than a normal arcane engine, but the amount saved on repair & maintenance has proven to be worth it. Mana Cores have revolutionized Volhammer's technology, allowing for both public transportation, cross-continental travel, and even marine & naval expansion. The whole world has opened up to Volhammer thanks to Althor's invention.   Word has it that Master Althor is working on a follow-up for the upcoming Grand Faire. When pushed to comment, his only reply was "look to the skies". This young dwarf has become a celebrity across Volhammer, and even across the seas his name is associated with dwarven transports & goods.   Many believe his submission for the 45th Grand Faire will take Volhammer to even greater heights, and his victory is all but certain in the eyes of most.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Studied as an engineer/artificer, moved to New Buryport to be at the heart of the inventing world. Struggled for several decades, his first accepted entry for the 41st Grand Faire was summarily rejected by Head Judge Tezzeret, humiliating Althor. He submitted no entry for the following Faire, working on what would become one of the modern marvels of dwarvenkind, the Mana Core. This astounding achievement in technology stunned all the judges, and when Head Judge Tezzeret asked him how it worked, Althor responded, "you have to push the "on" button".   His life since then has been a whirlwind tour of new opportunities, blank checks for funding, and questions about what comes next. Althor has kept largely to himself, preferring the comforts of his workshop to public speaking.


Dwarven educational degree specializing in artificing & engineering


Volhammer Industries

Accomplishments & Achievements

Winner of the 43rd Kaladesh Grand Faire

Failures & Embarrassments

First submission to 41st Kaladesh was rejected, dismissed, and belittled by Head Judge Tezzeret

Mental Trauma

Public Speaking



30 years


Quiet, nervous

Wealth & Financial state

Inventing pursuits have been granted a blank check
Neutral Good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master Inventor
Year of Birth
6482 PDT 328 Years old
Current Residence
Brown & Messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
When asked how his revolutionary Mana Core worked, "you have to push the "on" button"
Vault, God of Invention
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Dwarven, Draconic, Common

Articles under Mstr. Althor Spearson

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