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Dwarven Cities of Volhammer

Exploring & mining the mountains of the Immortal Lands, the Dwarves of Volhammer rule over the wealthiest kingdom on the plane. Having come into an agreement with the Red & Gold Dragons that resided within the mountains, an alliance was formed that benefits both tremendously. The Dwarves harvest & refine the precious materials, in exchange, the Dragons watch over & protect the Dwarven kingdom from threats.   Unlike the Elves, the Dwarves have embraced the march of progress wholeheartedly. Their cities have expanded & flourished, though at the cost of their relationship with their Elven neighbors. Funding & providing for the city's expansion has required the Dwarves to excavate countless acres of forest which the Elves regard as sacred. An agreement between the two kingdoms restricted this expansion for over a hundred years, until the Dwarves' blossoming wealth earned them favor with other lands. Seizing the opportunity that lay before them, the Dwarves sought to renegotiate the terms of the agreement. The Elves refused, and the two kingdoms have been at war ever since. Every inch of Elven land the Dwarves attempt to develop is met with extreme defensive aggression from the Elves. However, bit by bit, the cities of Volhammer are encroaching on the Aillinglesh Wood.   The royal Volhammer family is supported by four Dwarven Clans, each characterized by their distinctive choice of weapon and facial hair.   Clan Volhammer: Warhammer and Greatbeard   Clan Pickweir: Warpick and Van Dyke   Clan Acksmaeg: Battleaxe and Garibaldi   Clan Lochsterr: Morningstar and Mutton Chops   Clan Brayhawl: Halberd and Mustache


Kingdom run by royal families. Closely aligned with Red & Gold Dragons, who protect them in exchange for the treasures they mine and craft.


Tradespeople, blacksmiths, jewelers, crafters, miners originally. With the advent of arcanology has come a wave of new inventors, engineers, pilots, mechanics, and artificers

Public Agenda

Craftspeople, defenders of the mountains, technological innovators


Dragons, fighters, barbarians, paladins, clerics, artificers, iron transports, arcanology


250,000 strong

Divine Origins

Thorin was said to be the orignal Dwarven King who first took his people into the mountains for safety. He taught them to mine, to smith, and to defend themselves

The Mountains Provide

Founding Date
3rd Age
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species
Related Plots


The Ironsider's League has held sway over shipping & transport across the seas for several hundred years. They have enjoyed freedom to make their own rules and make a profit doing so. With the advent of the Iron Fish, they are being cut out of the market on larger jobs, as they are unable to replicate the technological innovation of the Volhammer naval transports.


As the most powerful crime organization in the Immortal Lands, the Fiendish Five and their respective organizations are considered public threats to the peace & order of the continent. With that said, certain members of the organization have been around long enough to hold powerful secrets Volhammer will do anything to keep from seeing the light of day. More than a little negotiating goes on between the organizations under the table, but publically Bolhammer condones all five organizations and their leaders.

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