Lessor Lord

A rank within the City Council of Lankhmar. The Lesser Lord approaches the Overlord with the advice recommended by the Aldermen.






The City Council exists to inform the Overlord of the material changes occurring within the City of Lankhmar that may be useful to the Overlord in making his decisions. The advice and opinions of the Alderman, as summarized through the Lessor Lord to the Overlord/King , are considered by the Overlord/King , however his/her decisions are independent and final. The decisions are considered to be part of Kingdom Law and as such are enforceable.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Overlord could remove him/her at any time, otherwise at the end of their term, there is an election, whereby they are automatically entered into the race as incumbent. If they lose, they step back down as a regular Alderman.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Length of Term
1 year
Reports directly to
Related Locations
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