The Gods of M'Brell

Lawful Good

  • Heimdall: War | Watchmen | Keen Senses
  • Heng: Thunder | Rain
  • Ilmatar: Air | Creator of the Universe
  • Moradin: Protection | Craftsmen | the Forge | Dwarvish
  • Ukko: Sky | Weather | Harvest | Thunder
  • Yondalla: Family | Protection | Home | Growth | Halfling

Lawful Neutral

  • Enki: Wisdom | Intelligence | Fresh Water | Mischief | Healing | Creation | Fertility | Art
  • Frigga: Clairvoyance | Cleverness | Prophecy | Marriage | Motherhood
  • Nike: Speed | Strength | Victory
  • Storm Bull, Smiter of Chaos: Untamed Animal Power | Passion | Berzerkers and those who fight Chaos
  • Tyr: War | Justice | Law

Lawful Evil

  • Arawn: Death | Underworld | Ruler of the Wild | War | Revenge | Terror
  • Gruumsh: Conquest | Survival | Strength | Territory | Orcish
  • Hastsezini: Fire | Fire-Drill and Board
  • Inanna: Love | War | Fertility | Beauty | Sex | Divine Law | Political Power
  • Kurtulmak: Protection | Stealth | Trickery | Traps | War | Mining | Kobold
  • Loviatar: Agony | Infliction of psychological and physical suffering | Torture
  • Maglubiyet: War | Leadership | Goblins - Hobgoblins - Bugbears
  • Sekolah: Hunting | Self-Sufficiency | Sahuagin
  • Surtur: Volcanic Power | Apocalypse

Neutral Good

  • Ahto: Sea | Waves | Ocean Abundance
  • Baldur: Light | Wisdom | Courage
  • Bragi: Poetry | Bardic Expression
  • Demeter: Harvest | Agriculture | Fertility | Health | Birth | Marriage
  • Enlil: Wind | Air | Storms | Earth | Grantor of Kingship
  • Freyr: Kingship | Fertility | Peace | Prosperity | Fair Weather | Harvest
  • Freya: Love | Beauty | Fertility | Sex | War | Gold | Prophecy
  • Hecate: Boundaries | Transitions | Crossroads | the New Moon | Necromancy | Ghosts
  • Melkor: Wisdom | Nature | Balance | Protection | Nature | Animals
  • Mielikki: Forests | Forest Creatures | The Hunt | Dryads
  • Oden: War | the Dead | Wisdom | Knowledge | Air | Poetry | Healing | Royalty | Divination | Gallows | Frenzy | Magic | Runic Alphabet
  • Prometheus: Fire | Master Crafstmen | Planning | Foresight

True Neutral

  • Brigit: Healing | Poetry | Blacksmith | Livestock | Dairy | Serpents | the Spring | Fertility | Life | Compassion
  • Cernunnos: Animals | Fertility | Wild Places | Nature | Prosperity | Strength | Endurance | Virility |Travel | Commerce | Reincarnation | Life/Death Cycle
  • Chance: God of gods |Primal force behind the concept of "chance"
  • Dagda: Fertility | Agriculture | Manliness | Strength | Magic | Druidry | Wisdom | Fatherliness
  • Dunatis: Mountains and Peaks | Solitude| Nature
  • Eadro: Nature | the Sea | Tempests | Locathah and Merfolk
  • Fjalar: Wisdom | Poetic Inspiration
  • Goibhniu: Smithwork | Metalwork | Craftsmen | Hospitality
  • Grome: Earth | Land below the roots | Metal
  • Haashastaak: Reptiles | Lizardkind
  • Hephaestus: Artisans | Blacksmiths | Carpenters | Craftsmen | Fire | Metallurgy | Metalworking | Sculpture | Volcanos
  • Hera: Marriage | Family | Childbirth | Women
  • Hermes: Herds and Flocks | Travelers | Hospitality | Roads | Trade | Thievery | Heralds | Diplomacy | Language | Writing | Astrology | Athletic Contest
  • Ki: Nature | Earth
  • Kos: Strength | Doom | Berzerkers | Barbarians
  • Lugh: Oaths | Truth | Harvest |Sun | Light | Nobility
  • Misha: Air | Weather | Wind | Air Elementals | Power of the Air
  • Nin-Hursag: Earth | Gravity | Magnetism | Withering
  • Nnuuurrrr'c'c': Insect Swarms |Insects
  • Norns: Spinners of Fate | Fortunes, good or bad
  • Roofdrak: Dogs
  • Semuanya: Survival | Propogation | Healing | Protection | Renewal | Lizardfolk
  • Skoraeus Stonebones: Craftsmanship | Underdark | Isolation | Deep Contemplation | Buried Things | Stonemasonry | Stone Giants
  • Straasha: Oceans | Water Elementals
  • Tyche: Luck | Protection | Travel
  • Untamo: Dreams | Sleep

Neutral Evil

  • Blibdoolpoolp: Death | Insanity | Drowning | Kuo-Toa
  • Darnizhaan: Deep Earth | Sentient Earth in Slumber
  • Hel: the Dead | Underworld | Death
  • Tobadzistsini: War | Agriculture | Dark Fertility

Chaotic Good

  • Corellon Larethian: Magic | Music | Arts | Crafts | Poetry | Warfare | Androgeny | Transgenderism | Elven
  • Hotoru: Wind
  • Idun: Spring | Rejuvenation | Eternal Youth
  • Magni: Physical Strength | Brotherhood | Health | Family Loyalty
  • Modi: Wrath | Courage | Berserkers
  • Sif: Grain | Fertility
  • Snake-Man: Reptiles | Reptilian beings
  • Thor: Lightning | Thunder | Storms | Sacred Groves |Trees | Strength | Protection | Hallowing | Fertility
  • Titania |Nature | Beauty | Love | Innocence | Mysticism
  • Utu: Sonne | Light | Warmth | Divine Justice
  • Vidar: Vengeance | Silence

Chaotic Neutral

  • Aegir
  • Azazoth the Daemon Sultan
  • Coyote: Arts | Crafts | Use of light and fire | Bullying & Greedy Trickster
  • Dionysus
  • Nehwon Earth God
  • Fileet
  • Glaggerk
  • Gods of Trouble
  • Heracles
  • Kakatal
  • Loki
  • Manannan Mac Lir
  • Meerclar
  • Morrigan
  • Nuada
  • Oghma
  • Pan
  • Poseiden
  • Silvanus
  • Straasha
  • Uller
  • Zola-Fel

Chaotic Evil

  • Abhoth
  • Abhoth, Cult of
  • Arioch
  • Black Man, Coven of the
  • Bloated Woman, Retinue of the
  • Bokrug the Water Lizard
  • Byatis the Serpent-Bearded
  • Byatis, Cult of
  • Chaugner Faugn
  • Chaugnar Faugn, Cult of
  • Crawling Chaos, Cult of the
  • Cthugha
  • Cthugha, Cult of
  • Dark Demon, The
  • Dark Demon, Seekers of the
  • Father Dagon
  • Father Dagon and Mother Hydra, Cult of
  • Filth, The
  • Ghatanothoa
  • Ghatanothoa, Cult of
  • Ghroth the Harbinger
  • Gobogeg the Moon Ladder
  • Gods of Trouble, The
  • Green Flame, Cult of the
  • Grolanthor
  • Hastur the Unspeakable
  • Hate: Embodiment of Hate
  • Haunter, The
  • Haunter, Cult of the
  • Hiisi
  • Howler, The
  • Howler, Cult of the
  • Hruggek
  • Ithaqua
  • Kiputytto
  • Kronos
  • Laogzed
  • Mog
  • Mother Hydra
  • Nuclear Chaos, Cultic Madness of the
  • Nyogtha
  • Nyogtha, Cult of
  • Opener of the Way, Cult of the
  • Pyaray
  • Quachil Uttaus
  • Rhan-Tegoth
  • Shadow Pharaoh, Cult of the
  • Shakak
  • Simalta
  • Sleeper, Cult of the
  • Spider God
  • Thrym: War | Strength | Frost Giants
  • Tsathoggua, Father of Formless Spawn
  • Tulzscha
  • Ubbo-Sathla the Tome Keeper
  • Vaprak
  • Windwalker, Cult of the
  • Xiombarg
  • Yellow Sign, Cult of the
  • Yig, Father of Snakes
  • Yig, Cult of


  • Beast Cults/Cults of the Thirteen

None or N/A

  • Death
  • The Elder Gods
  • The Furies
  • Hades
  • Hastseltsi
  • The Lords of Necessity
  • Pain
  • Raven
  • Surma
  • Tuonetar
  • Tuoni

Articles under The Gods of M'Brell

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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