Michael Samn

Michael Samn

Michael Samn is a charismatic and talented student at Ars Magica, the esteemed wizardry school located in the bustling Mercantile District of Lankhmar. At 22 years old, Michael stands at 5'10" with a svelte build, weighing 145 lbs. His short, brown, unkempt hair and youthful appearance give him an androgynous charm that belies his actual age. Michael's keen intelligence and sharp wit are complemented by his great sense of humor, making him both an engaging conversationalist and a beloved figure among his peers. His attractive, somewhat androgynous features make him effortlessly charming, drawing people to him with ease.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Michael Samn maintains a slender yet resilient physique, standing at 5'10" and weighing 145 pounds. His svelte frame reflects a lifestyle balanced between the intellectual rigor of his studies at Ars Magica and the physical demands of his part-time work assisting professors and managing magical artifacts. Despite his lean build, Michael possesses a surprising level of stamina and agility, honed through occasional physical activities that help him stay fit and manage the stresses of his rigorous academic schedule. His youthful appearance, complemented by short, brown, unkempt hair, often leads others to underestimate his endurance and strength. However, those who know him well recognize the subtle signs of his disciplined routine, such as his steady posture and the occasional display of quick reflexes when navigating the bustling streets of Lankhmar or reacting swiftly during unexpected magical experiments. Michael's skin is fair and relatively unblemished, a testament to his careful attention to personal hygiene and the meticulous maintenance of his enchanted gear. While he may not possess the muscular build of a seasoned warrior, his overall physical condition is a harmonious blend of grace and practicality, enabling him to excel in both his magical pursuits and his everyday endeavors within the vibrant and often unpredictable environment of Lankhmar.

Body Features

Michael Samn possesses a captivating blend of delicate and striking physical features that enhance his youthful and somewhat androgynous appearance. His short, brown hair is perpetually tousled, giving him a relaxed and unkempt look that contrasts intriguingly with the sharpness of his bright blue eyes. These eyes are particularly expressive, often sparkling with intelligence and mirth, yet capable of conveying deep contemplation and empathy. Framing his eyes are neatly groomed eyebrows that add definition to his face without overshadowing his gentle gaze.   Michael's overall build is svelte and agile, reflecting a balance between intellectual pursuits and the occasional physical exertion required by his part-time work at Ars Magica. Despite his lean frame, he moves with a quiet confidence and grace, his posture always straight and poised, indicative of his disciplined nature and inner resilience.   Michael's hands, though slender, are remarkably dexterous, a necessity for both his intricate magical research and the delicate handling of enchanted artifacts. His fingers are long and nimble, often stained with ink from his extensive studies or bearing faint traces of magical reagents from his experiments. These hands move with purpose and precision, whether he's gesturing animatedly during a discussion or meticulously crafting a new spell.   His attire typically consists of practical yet stylish robes that allow for ease of movement, adorned with subtle magical symbols and intricate embroidery that reflect his dedication to the arcane arts. The colors he chooses are usually muted tones that blend seamlessly with the scholarly environment of Ars Magica, yet his clothing is always impeccably maintained, showcasing his attention to detail and respect for his role as a student and researcher.   Michael's overall physical presence is a harmonious blend of youthful vibrancy and understated sophistication. His androgynous features, combined with his expressive eyes and graceful movements, make him both approachable and enigmatic. This unique combination not only draws people to him but also reflects the depth of his character—intelligent, compassionate, and quietly resilient, navigating the vibrant and often unpredictable world of Lankhmar with both charm and strength.

Facial Features

Michael's facial structure is characterized by high cheekbones and a well-defined jawline, lending him an elegant and refined appearance. His smooth, fair skin remains largely unblemished, a testament to his meticulous attention to personal hygiene and the careful maintenance of his enchanted gear. The absence of facial hair further accentuates his youthful visage, enhancing the androgynous charm that makes him appear younger than his 22 years.   His nose is slender and slightly pointed, complementing his overall facial harmony, while his lips are full and often curved into a warm, inviting smile that highlights his great sense of humor and ability to charm those around him.

Physical quirks

Michael Samn possesses several subtle physical quirks that add depth to his character and make him uniquely identifiable. One of his most noticeable quirks is his habitual tapping of his fingers when deep in thought or engaged in intricate magical research. This rhythmic tapping serves as a subconscious manifestation of his intense concentration and aids him in maintaining focus during complex spellcasting sessions or while unraveling arcane theories. Observers often notice this gentle tapping, which becomes a silent indicator of his mental engagement and dedication.   Another distinctive trait is Michael's fondness for adjusting his robes. Whether he is feeling nervous, excited, or simply preoccupied, he frequently smooths down the intricate embroidery on his attire or repositions his robes to ensure they are comfortable and free from any distractions. This meticulous attention to his clothing not only reflects his disciplined nature but also serves as a calming ritual that helps him center himself before delving into challenging magical tasks.   Michael also has a unique way of twirling a small, enchanted ring on his left index finger. This ring, a personal keepsake gifted to him by his parents, is both a symbol of his heritage and a practical magical tool. The twirling motion is often an unconscious gesture that he performs when contemplating a problem or seeking inspiration, providing a tactile means of channeling his thoughts and magical energy. The ring itself is intricately designed with runic symbols that glow faintly when activated, adding an element of mystique to his presence.   Additionally, Michael exhibits a subtle tilting of his head when listening intently or trying to understand a particularly complex explanation. This slight inclination not only signals his active engagement in conversations but also highlights the expressiveness of his bright blue eyes, which dart with curiosity and comprehension. This gesture makes him appear more approachable and attentive, reinforcing his ability to connect with others on both intellectual and emotional levels.   Despite his youthful and androgynous appearance, Michael maintains a habit of running his fingers through his short, unkempt hair when feeling overwhelmed or anxious. This self-soothing action helps him manage stress and regain his composure, providing a brief moment of physical comfort amidst the pressures of his studies and personal challenges. The tousled strands of his hair often frame his face in a way that accentuates his expressive eyes, adding to his overall charismatic and engaging demeanor.   Lastly, Michael has a penchant for collecting small, enchanted trinkets that he keeps in a hidden pocket of his robes. These trinkets range from miniature enchanted crystals to tiny magical artifacts, each holding personal significance or practical utility. He frequently reaches into this pocket during moments of inspiration or when facing unexpected magical phenomena, drawing upon these objects as sources of creativity and problem-solving aid. This habit not only showcases his resourcefulness but also underscores his deep connection to the magical world he is so passionate about.

Special abilities

Beyond his meticulously honed magical skills and intellectual prowess, Michael Samn possesses a suite of innate abilities that enhance his effectiveness as a wizard and set him apart within the magical community of Lankhmar. These natural talents, seemingly inherent rather than acquired through study, provide Michael with unique advantages in both his academic pursuits and personal endeavors.   One of Michael's most remarkable natural abilities is his inherent affinity for magical resonance. From a young age, he demonstrated an uncanny ability to sense and manipulate the underlying magical energies that permeate the world around him. This sensitivity allows him to intuitively detect fluctuations in magical fields, making him exceptionally adept at identifying hidden enchantments or disturbances within his environment. Whether navigating the complex corridors of Ars Magica or exploring the bustling streets of Lankhmar, Michael's innate resonance provides him with a heightened awareness of magical presences that others might overlook.   Complementing his affinity for magical energies is Michael's natural talent for pattern recognition. This ability enables him to effortlessly discern intricate magical formulas and runic sequences, facilitating his rapid comprehension and execution of complex spells. When faced with ancient tomes or enigmatic magical scripts, Michael can intuitively piece together the underlying structures, accelerating his learning process and allowing him to innovate beyond traditional methodologies. This talent is particularly evident in his work with Runic Enchantments, where his ability to recognize and manipulate runic patterns has led to significant advancements in stabilizing and amplifying magical effects.   Additionally, Michael possesses a bioluminescent aura, a subtle yet distinctive natural phenomenon that manifests when he channels his magic. This aura emits a faint, shimmering light that varies in intensity and color based on his emotional state and the nature of the spells he is casting. While not overtly visible in dimly lit environments, the bioluminescent glow becomes more pronounced during intense magical activities, serving both as a visual indicator of his concentration and as a protective mechanism that can temporarily blind or distract adversaries in critical moments. This innate luminescence not only enhances the aesthetic quality of his magical performances but also provides practical defensive benefits during confrontations.   Michael's enhanced sensory perception is another natural ability that significantly contributes to his magical and personal endeavors. His senses—particularly sight and hearing—are exceptionally acute, allowing him to perceive details that others might miss. This heightened perception aids him in both the creation of intricate magical artifacts and the detection of subtle magical anomalies. For instance, his ability to hear the faintest whispers of enchanted objects or see the slightest distortions in illusions makes him an invaluable asset during collaborative research projects and field investigations.   Furthermore, Michael exhibits a natural resistance to magical fatigue. Unlike many wizards who experience significant exhaustion after prolonged spellcasting or intense magical activities, Michael can maintain his magical focus and energy levels for extended periods without succumbing to fatigue. This resilience enables him to engage in lengthy research sessions, participate in demanding magical duels, and oversee complex enchantment projects with sustained efficiency. His ability to recover swiftly from magical exertion also minimizes downtime, allowing him to maximize his productivity and maintain a consistent level of performance across various magical disciplines.   Lastly, Michael's innate empathic connection with magical entities and constructs adds a profound dimension to his magical interactions. He can intuitively communicate and resonate with sentient magical beings, such as enchanted familiars or autonomous magical constructs, fostering cooperative and harmonious relationships. This empathic bond facilitates smoother interactions and enhances his ability to negotiate or collaborate with magical entities, ensuring that his enchantments and creations function optimally and align with his ethical standards.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Michael was born and raised in the Cash District of Lankhmar, a vibrant and diverse area known for its bustling marketplaces and eclectic population. His parents, both alive and well, provided him with a supportive and loving environment. Unlike many of his peers who may have had tumultuous upbringings, Michael enjoyed a relatively normal childhood, filled with curiosity and encouragement from his family. His parents, recognizing his natural aptitude for magic, supported his aspirations, believing in his potential to excel at Ars Magica.   From a young age, Michael exhibited an uncanny talent for magic. Whether it was effortlessly performing basic spells or showing an innate understanding of magical principles, his abilities set him apart from his peers. This natural gift, combined with his relentless curiosity, led Michael to pursue formal education in magic. Ars Magica became the perfect fit for him, offering the rigorous academic environment he thrived in and the opportunity to further hone his talents.   Michael's journey to becoming a wizard was fueled by a blend of innate talent and a deep-seated desire to understand the arcane mysteries of the world. Growing up in the Cash District, he was exposed to a variety of cultures and magical practices, sparking his interest in the diverse applications of magic. His parents, both merchants, often traveled within the district, allowing Michael to observe and learn from different magical traditions and techniques employed by various traders and craftsmen.   One pivotal moment in Michael's life was when he stumbled upon an old, forgotten tome in his father's extensive library. The book, filled with ancient spells and intricate diagrams, captivated him. Despite his parents' initial reservations about diving too deep into forbidden or dangerous magic, they recognized Michael's passion and supported his quest for knowledge. This discovery ignited a fire within him, pushing him to seek formal education at Ars Magica, where he could refine his skills and explore the full potential of his magical abilities.   At Ars Magica, Michael quickly distinguished himself as one of the most promising students in his class. His ability to grasp complex magical concepts and his innovative approach to spellcasting earned him the respect of his instructors and peers alike. Balancing his studies with part-time work at Ars Magica, Michael demonstrated remarkable time management and dedication, ensuring he could support himself financially while pursuing his academic goals.


Michael Samn identifies as gay, finding deep romantic and emotional connection with men. His sexuality is an integral part of his identity, though it remains a private aspect of his life due to the societal expectations and norms within Lankhmar. Michael’s relationship with Patryck Patyr, the Sword of the Council, is a testament to his capacity for love and commitment. Their bond is built on mutual respect, trust, and a profound understanding of each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities.   Michael's youthful appearance and androgynous features sometimes lead others to perceive him differently, but those who know him understand the depth of his identity. He navigates his romantic life with the same intelligence and charm that he applies to his magical studies, creating meaningful and lasting connections. Despite the need for discretion, Michael remains confident and secure in his sexuality, using his wit and humor to foster genuine relationships based on authenticity and mutual admiration.   His attraction to Patryck is not just physical but also emotional and intellectual, reflecting Michael’s preference for relationships where he can connect on multiple levels. This connection provides Michael with a sense of stability and belonging, allowing him to thrive both academically and personally.


Michael’s acceptance into Ars Magica was a testament to his hard work and exceptional abilities. The admission process was highly competitive, with candidates required to demonstrate both their magical prowess and their commitment to the study of the arcane. Michael’s impressive portfolio, showcasing his early magical experiments and academic achievements, secured his place among the top students at the school.   Upon enrolling, Michael was assigned to a specialized track in Enchantment and Arcane Theory, areas that perfectly aligned with his interests and strengths. His coursework included advanced spellcasting, magical theory, alchemy, and the study of ancient magical artifacts. Michael thrived in this intellectually stimulating environment, where he was constantly challenged to push the boundaries of his magical capabilities.   As a current student at Ars Magica, Michael Samn is actively pursuing advanced degrees in Wizardry, specializing in the Enchantment and Illusion traditions. His exceptional talent and unwavering dedication have positioned him as one of the most promising magicians in his cohort. Michael's academic journey is marked by a series of notable achievements and groundbreaking research that bridge the theoretical and practical aspects of his chosen arcane disciplines.   Michael's proficiency in Enchantment allows him to craft intricate charms and spells that manipulate emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. Concurrently, his expertise in Illusion empowers him to create deceptive magical effects that can alter appearances and environments. This dual specialization enables Michael to explore the synergies between these two traditions, resulting in innovative magical applications that enhance both fields.   One of Michael's most acclaimed projects is the creation of Luminar Crystals, enchanted stones that seamlessly blend the enhancing properties of Enchantment with the deceptive capabilities of Illusion. These crystals emit controlled bursts of light that can be manipulated to produce intricate illusions, making them invaluable for both illumination and defensive purposes. The Luminar Crystals demonstrate Michael's ability to integrate complex magical theories into practical, real-world solutions, showcasing his unique approach to wizardry.   In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Michael was awarded the Arcane Scholar Award for his pioneering research on Runic Enchantments. His work in this area has advanced the understanding of how ancient runes can be used to amplify and stabilize magical effects, providing a foundation for future innovations in enchanted object creation. Additionally, Michael's collaboration with Professor Elara Windrider has led to significant advancements in the longevity and potency of enchanted items, further solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in his field.   Michael also engages in collaborative research with his peers, particularly with fellow student Liora Thorne, who specializes in Illusionary Magic. Together, they have developed new methods for creating more convincing and durable illusions, pushing the boundaries of what is possible within their traditions. Their joint projects often explore the intersection of Enchantment and Illusion, uncovering new magical techniques that enhance the effectiveness of both disciplines.   Balancing his rigorous academic schedule, Michael works part-time at Ars Magica, assisting professors with research, maintaining magical artifacts, and managing the extensive library. This role not only helps him finance his education but also provides him with invaluable hands-on experience, allowing him to apply his theoretical knowledge in practical settings. His responsibilities include conducting experiments, cataloging rare magical texts, and ensuring the preservation of the school's vast collection of enchanted items.   Looking ahead, Michael aspires to become a leading expert in both Enchantment and Illusion, with the goal of advancing magical practices and contributing to the protection and prosperity of Lankhmar. His ongoing research aims to uncover new applications for Luminar Crystals and develop advanced runic enchantments that can enhance both personal and communal magical defenses. Michael's commitment to pushing the boundaries of his magical knowledge ensures that his contributions will have a lasting impact on the magical community and the broader society of Lankhmar.


To support his education, Michael takes on a part-time role at Ars Magica, where he assists professors with research, maintains magical artifacts, and manages the school’s extensive library. This position not only helps him finance his tuition but also provides invaluable hands-on experience, allowing him to apply his theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Michael conducts experiments under the supervision of senior wizards, ensuring that the research progresses smoothly and safely. He meticulously catalogues rare magical texts, preserving the school’s vast collection of enchanted manuscripts and ancient tomes. Additionally, Michael is responsible for the upkeep and security of magical artifacts, safeguarding them from potential threats and ensuring they remain in optimal condition for study and experimentation.   Balancing his rigorous academic schedule with his work responsibilities demands exceptional time management and dedication. Michael meticulously organizes his daily routine, allocating specific hours for classes, study sessions, and work at Ars Magica. His ability to efficiently juggle multiple tasks without compromising the quality of his work earns him the respect of both his professors and colleagues. Michael’s proactive approach allows him to stay ahead of deadlines and manage the demands of his studies while fulfilling his duties at the school.   Moreover, his role at Ars Magica fosters meaningful collaborations with faculty members and fellow students, enhancing his academic pursuits. By working closely with experienced wizards and engaging in collaborative research projects, Michael gains deeper insights into complex magical theories and practical applications. This symbiotic relationship between his studies and work not only reinforces his understanding of magical concepts but also broadens his perspective, making him a more versatile and knowledgeable wizard.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Michael Samn continues to shine as a distinguished student at Ars Magica, where he actively pursues advanced degrees in both Enchantment and Illusion traditions. His unwavering dedication and innovative spirit have led to a series of remarkable achievements that highlight his exceptional talent and collaborative nature.   Recently, Michael perfected a new variant of his Luminar Crystals, known as Luminar Crystals II. These enhanced crystals not only emit controlled bursts of light but also incorporate advanced illusionary properties, allowing users to create more intricate and durable illusions. This significant development has broad applications in both defensive strategies and creative magical displays, earning Michael commendations from his professors and peers alike.   Michael's scholarly contributions extend beyond his practical innovations. He authored a seminal paper titled "Synergistic Magic: The Fusion of Enchantment and Illusion", published in the prestigious Arcane Quarterly Journal. In this groundbreaking work, Michael explores the intricate interplay between Enchantment and Illusion traditions, proposing new methods for integrating these disciplines to create more versatile and powerful magical effects. The publication has been widely praised for its originality and depth, positioning Michael as a thought leader in his field.   In collaboration with fellow student Liora Thorne, Michael leads the "Illusionary Safeguards" project, aimed at developing magical defenses that utilize both Enchantment and Illusion to protect key areas within Lankhmar. Their innovative approach focuses on creating barriers that not only obscure and deceive potential intruders but also subtly influence their perceptions and behaviors to deter unwanted entry. The project's success has garnered attention from both Ars Magica and the City Guard, highlighting its practical importance in maintaining the city's security.   Michael's creative prowess was further recognized when he received the Innovative Wizard Award at the annual Ars Magica Magical Symposium for his spellcrafting ingenuity. His award-winning spell, "Mirage Mantle", allows the caster to create adaptive illusions that adjust in real-time to counteract attempts at dispelling or countering them. This achievement underscores Michael's ability to design spells that are both aesthetically impressive and functionally effective.   Demonstrating his commitment to the safety of Lankhmar, Michael played a pivotal role in implementing a series of Protective Enchantments throughout the Mercantile District. These enchantments enhance security measures for merchants and shoppers by creating invisible barriers and detection spells that alert authorities to suspicious activities. His work not only improves the safety of the district but also exemplifies the practical benefits of his research, earning him recognition from both the magical community and local business leaders.   Recognizing his expertise and leadership qualities, Michael was appointed as a Guild Mentor within both the Enchantment Guild and the Illusion Guild at Ars Magica. In this esteemed role, he guides younger students through complex magical concepts, fosters collaborative research initiatives, and organizes workshops that encourage innovative thinking. His mentorship has been instrumental in nurturing the next generation of wizards, further cementing his status as a respected and influential figure within the school.   Michael's contributions extend to the broader magical community through his active participation in the Lankhmar Magical Defense Initiative. This collaborative effort between Ars Magica and the City Guard aims to develop advanced magical defenses against emerging threats. Michael's expertise in Enchantment and Illusion has been crucial in designing spells and protective measures that enhance the city's resilience, reinforcing the vital role of magic in maintaining Lankhmar's safety and stability.   Additionally, Michael took on the role of Host for the Annual Enchanted Exhibition at Ars Magica this year. The exhibition showcases the latest advancements in magical research and provides a platform for students to display their projects and innovations. Under Michael's leadership, the event saw record attendance and participation, with his own Luminar Crystals II demonstration being a highlight. His ability to organize and present complex magical concepts in an engaging manner received widespread praise, further establishing his reputation as a capable and charismatic leader.   Collaborating with Matthix Porpherius, the Black Wizard and owner of a renowned taxidermy shop in the Marsh District, Michael has developed a range of Arcane Artifacts that blend magical enchantments with practical functionality. Their latest creation, the "Guardian Golem", is a sentient construct designed to protect valuable items and locations by utilizing both enchantment spells and illusionary camouflage. This innovative artifact has the potential to revolutionize the way magical protections are implemented in various settings, showcasing Michael's ability to merge theoretical knowledge with practical applications.   A significant milestone in Michael's academic journey is his achievement of mastery in both the Enchantment and Illusion traditions, a rare accomplishment among his peers at Ars Magica. This dual mastery allows him to seamlessly integrate these disciplines, creating spells and magical effects that are both enchantingly effective and illusionarily deceptive. His comprehensive understanding of both traditions not only enhances his own magical capabilities but also contributes to the broader academic and practical advancements within Ars Magica.

Failures & Embarrassments

Michael Samn continues to shine as a distinguished student at Ars Magica, where he actively pursues advanced degrees in both Enchantment and Illusion traditions. His unwavering dedication and innovative spirit have led to a series of remarkable achievements that highlight his exceptional talent and collaborative nature.   Recently, Michael perfected a new variant of his Luminar Crystals, known as Luminar Crystals II. These enhanced crystals not only emit controlled bursts of light but also incorporate advanced illusionary properties, allowing users to create more intricate and durable illusions. This significant development has broad applications in both defensive strategies and creative magical displays, earning Michael commendations from his professors and peers alike.   Michael's scholarly contributions extend beyond his practical innovations. He authored a seminal paper titled "Synergistic Magic: The Fusion of Enchantment and Illusion", published in the prestigious Arcane Quarterly Journal. In this groundbreaking work, Michael explores the intricate interplay between Enchantment and Illusion traditions, proposing new methods for integrating these disciplines to create more versatile and powerful magical effects. The publication has been widely praised for its originality and depth, positioning Michael as a thought leader in his field.   In collaboration with fellow student Liora Thorne, Michael leads the "Illusionary Safeguards" project, aimed at developing magical defenses that utilize both Enchantment and Illusion to protect key areas within Lankhmar. Their innovative approach focuses on creating barriers that not only obscure and deceive potential intruders but also subtly influence their perceptions and behaviors to deter unwanted entry. The project's success has garnered attention from both Ars Magica and the City Guard, highlighting its practical importance in maintaining the city's security.   Michael's creative prowess was further recognized when he received the Innovative Wizard Award at the annual Ars Magica Magical Symposium for his spellcrafting ingenuity. His award-winning spell, "Mirage Mantle", allows the caster to create adaptive illusions that adjust in real-time to counteract attempts at dispelling or countering them. This achievement underscores Michael's ability to design spells that are both aesthetically impressive and functionally effective.   Demonstrating his commitment to the safety of Lankhmar, Michael played a pivotal role in implementing a series of Protective Enchantments throughout the Mercantile District. These enchantments enhance security measures for merchants and shoppers by creating invisible barriers and detection spells that alert authorities to suspicious activities. His work not only improves the safety of the district but also exemplifies the practical benefits of his research, earning him recognition from both the magical community and local business leaders.   Recognizing his expertise and leadership qualities, Michael was appointed as a Guild Mentor within both the Enchantment Guild and the Illusion Guild at Ars Magica. In this esteemed role, he guides younger students through complex magical concepts, fosters collaborative research initiatives, and organizes workshops that encourage innovative thinking. His mentorship has been instrumental in nurturing the next generation of wizards, further cementing his status as a respected and influential figure within the school.   Michael's contributions extend to the broader magical community through his active participation in the Lankhmar Magical Defense Initiative. This collaborative effort between Ars Magica and the City Guard aims to develop advanced magical defenses against emerging threats. Michael's expertise in Enchantment and Illusion has been crucial in designing spells and protective measures that enhance the city's resilience, reinforcing the vital role of magic in maintaining Lankhmar's safety and stability.   Additionally, Michael took on the role of Host for the Annual Enchanted Exhibition at Ars Magica this year. The exhibition showcases the latest advancements in magical research and provides a platform for students to display their projects and innovations. Under Michael's leadership, the event saw record attendance and participation, with his own Luminar Crystals II demonstration being a highlight. His ability to organize and present complex magical concepts in an engaging manner received widespread praise, further establishing his reputation as a capable and charismatic leader.   Collaborating with Matthix Porpherius, the Black Wizard and owner of a renowned taxidermy shop in the Marsh District, Michael has developed a range of Arcane Artifacts that blend magical enchantments with practical functionality. Their latest creation, the "Guardian Golem", is a sentient construct designed to protect valuable items and locations by utilizing both enchantment spells and illusionary camouflage. This innovative artifact has the potential to revolutionize the way magical protections are implemented in various settings, showcasing Michael's ability to merge theoretical knowledge with practical applications.   A significant milestone in Michael's academic journey is his achievement of mastery in both the Enchantment and Illusion traditions, a rare accomplishment among his peers at Ars Magica. This dual mastery allows him to seamlessly integrate these disciplines, creating spells and magical effects that are both enchantingly effective and illusionarily deceptive. His comprehensive understanding of both traditions not only enhances his own magical capabilities but also contributes to the broader academic and practical advancements within Ars Magica.

Mental Trauma

Since the pivotal incident in 3020 RJ, Michael Samn has been profoundly affected by the trauma of nearly being assaulted in the Mercantile District. The memory of being cornered by a relentless merchant intent on forcing him into a secluded alley haunts Michael, leaving deep emotional scars that influence his daily life and interactions. The sheer terror and helplessness he felt during that encounter have manifested in persistent anxiety and a heightened sense of vigilance, making him hyper-aware of his surroundings even in mundane situations. Walking through crowded streets or navigating narrow alleyways often triggers flashbacks of that night, causing his heart to race and his mind to replay the terrifying moments in vivid detail.   These intrusive memories disrupt Michael’s ability to relax, leading to frequent nightmares where he relives the assault, stirring up intense fear and unease each morning. The anxiety extends beyond just flashbacks; Michael finds himself constantly scanning his environment for potential threats, a habit that leaves him mentally and physically exhausted. This state of hypervigilance has made it difficult for him to fully immerse himself in his studies and social activities, as his mind remains tethered to the fear of another attack.   Michael’s sense of vulnerability has also affected his relationships, despite the deep bond he shares with Patryck Patyr. While he admires Patryck’s strength and protectiveness, Michael struggles with feelings of dependency and fears that relying too heavily on Patryck might reveal his own weaknesses. This internal conflict creates moments of tension, where Michael hesitates to fully open up about his fears and anxieties, even though he deeply values Patryck’s support. The emotional walls he has built make it challenging for him to seek comfort, leaving him feeling isolated at times despite being surrounded by friends and peers.   Social interactions have become more complicated for Michael as well. His once vibrant and humorous demeanor is now tinged with moments of introspection and sadness, as he grapples with the lingering effects of his trauma. He often uses humor as a coping mechanism, masking his true feelings behind witty remarks and playful banter, but this facade can sometimes create a disconnect between him and those who care about him. The fear of being judged or misunderstood prevents him from fully expressing the depth of his emotional turmoil.   To cope with his trauma, Michael immerses himself in his studies at Ars Magica, finding solace in the structured and intellectually stimulating environment of the wizardry school. His passion for magic serves as both a distraction and a therapeutic outlet, allowing him to channel his anxiety into productive research and creative endeavors. However, this intense focus can sometimes lead to overwork and burnout, as Michael pushes himself to excel academically while managing the weight of his emotional burdens.   Michael’s relationship with Patryck remains a crucial source of strength and healing. Patryck’s unwavering support and understanding provide Michael with a safe space to confront his fears and gradually rebuild his sense of security. Together, they engage in activities that promote healing, such as practicing protective spells and creating enchanted environments that enhance Michael’s feelings of safety. Patryck’s ability to let his guard down in their private moments encourages Michael to do the same, fostering a deeper emotional connection that helps mitigate the effects of his trauma.   Despite the challenges, Michael’s resilience shines through. He is determined to overcome the shadows of his past, using his relationship with Patryck and his dedication to magic as pillars of support. Through therapy sessions with trusted mentors and a growing network of supportive friends, Michael begins to address his anxiety and fears more openly, taking gradual steps toward healing. His journey is marked by moments of vulnerability and strength, as he learns to navigate the complexities of his emotions while continuing to pursue his magical aspirations.

Intellectual Characteristics

Michael Samn possesses a remarkable intellect that distinguishes him as one of the most promising students at Ars Magica. His keen intelligence is evident in his ability to grasp complex magical theories with ease, often delving deeper into subjects that fascinate him beyond the standard curriculum. Michael's mind operates with a blend of analytical precision and creative ingenuity, allowing him to approach magical problems from unique angles and devise innovative solutions that others might overlook.   One of Michael's standout traits is his quick wit, which not only makes him a captivating conversationalist but also enhances his problem-solving abilities. His sharp mind enables him to think on his feet, adapting swiftly to unexpected challenges during magical experiments or intricate spellcasting sessions. This agility of thought is complemented by his strategic thinking, a skill that proves invaluable both in academic pursuits and collaborative projects. Michael can anticipate potential obstacles and plan several steps ahead, ensuring that his magical endeavors are well-prepared and meticulously executed.   Michael's curiosity drives him to explore the depths of enchantment and illusion, pushing the boundaries of his knowledge and capabilities. He is inherently inquisitive, always seeking to understand the underlying principles of magic and how different magical traditions intersect and influence one another. This relentless pursuit of knowledge not only fuels his academic success but also fosters a deep sense of passion and dedication to his craft.   His creative mindset is another key intellectual characteristic. Michael excels at envisioning new magical constructs and enchantments, often blending elements from different magical schools to create something entirely novel. This creativity is particularly evident in his work on the Luminar Crystals II, where he seamlessly integrated advanced illusionary properties with enchantment techniques to produce versatile and powerful magical artifacts. Michael's ability to innovate ensures that his contributions to the magical community are both impactful and forward-thinking.   In addition to his analytical and creative strengths, Michael possesses a high degree of emotional intelligence. He is adept at reading the emotions and motivations of others, which not only enhances his interpersonal relationships but also aids in collaborative magical research. This sensitivity allows him to navigate complex social dynamics within Ars Magica, fostering strong partnerships and effective teamwork. Michael's empathy and understanding make him a respected and approachable figure among his peers and mentors alike.   Michael's meticulous attention to detail further amplifies his intellectual prowess. Whether he is deciphering ancient magical texts, conducting intricate experiments, or crafting precise enchantments, his ability to focus on the minutiae ensures that his work is thorough and accurate. This precision minimizes errors and enhances the reliability of his magical creations, earning him the trust and admiration of his instructors and fellow students.   Furthermore, Michael exhibits a profound capacity for critical thinking. He consistently evaluates magical concepts and practices with a discerning eye, questioning assumptions and seeking evidence to support his theories. This critical approach not only strengthens his academic work but also drives the advancement of magical knowledge within Ars Magica. Michael's ability to challenge existing paradigms encourages a culture of intellectual rigor and continuous improvement among his peers.   His dedication to lifelong learning underscores his intellectual character. Michael views education as an ongoing journey rather than a finite process, constantly seeking opportunities to expand his expertise and refine his skills. This commitment is reflected in his proactive engagement with both his studies and extracurricular research projects, ensuring that he remains at the forefront of magical innovation.Michael Samn possesses a remarkable intellect that distinguishes him as one of the most promising students at Ars Magica. His keen intelligence is evident in his ability to grasp complex magical theories with ease, often delving deeper into subjects that fascinate him beyond the standard curriculum. Michael's mind operates with a blend of analytical precision and creative ingenuity, allowing him to approach magical problems from unique angles and devise innovative solutions that others might overlook.   One of Michael's standout traits is his quick wit, which not only makes him a captivating conversationalist but also enhances his problem-solving abilities. His sharp mind enables him to think on his feet, adapting swiftly to unexpected challenges during magical experiments or intricate spellcasting sessions. This agility of thought is complemented by his strategic thinking, a skill that proves invaluable both in academic pursuits and collaborative projects. Michael can anticipate potential obstacles and plan several steps ahead, ensuring that his magical endeavors are well-prepared and meticulously executed.   Michael's curiosity drives him to explore the depths of enchantment and illusion, pushing the boundaries of his knowledge and capabilities. He is inherently inquisitive, always seeking to understand the underlying principles of magic and how different magical traditions intersect and influence one another. This relentless pursuit of knowledge not only fuels his academic success but also fosters a deep sense of passion and dedication to his craft.   His creative mindset is another key intellectual characteristic. Michael excels at envisioning new magical constructs and enchantments, often blending elements from different magical schools to create something entirely novel. This creativity is particularly evident in his work on the Luminar Crystals II, where he seamlessly integrated advanced illusionary properties with enchantment techniques to produce versatile and powerful magical artifacts. Michael's ability to innovate ensures that his contributions to the magical community are both impactful and forward-thinking.   In addition to his analytical and creative strengths, Michael possesses a high degree of emotional intelligence. He is adept at reading the emotions and motivations of others, which not only enhances his interpersonal relationships but also aids in collaborative magical research. This sensitivity allows him to navigate complex social dynamics within Ars Magica, fostering strong partnerships and effective teamwork. Michael's empathy and understanding make him a respected and approachable figure among his peers and mentors alike.   Michael's meticulous attention to detail further amplifies his intellectual prowess. Whether he is deciphering ancient magical texts, conducting intricate experiments, or crafting precise enchantments, his ability to focus on the minutiae ensures that his work is thorough and accurate. This precision minimizes errors and enhances the reliability of his magical creations, earning him the trust and admiration of his instructors and fellow students.   Furthermore, Michael exhibits a profound capacity for critical thinking. He consistently evaluates magical concepts and practices with a discerning eye, questioning assumptions and seeking evidence to support his theories. This critical approach not only strengthens his academic work but also drives the advancement of magical knowledge within Ars Magica. Michael's ability to challenge existing paradigms encourages a culture of intellectual rigor and continuous improvement among his peers.   His dedication to lifelong learning underscores his intellectual character. Michael views education as an ongoing journey rather than a finite process, constantly seeking opportunities to expand his expertise and refine his skills. This commitment is reflected in his proactive engagement with both his studies and extracurricular research projects, ensuring that he remains at the forefront of magical innovation.

Morality & Philosophy

Michael Samn's morality and life philosophy are deeply intertwined with his personal experiences, academic pursuits, and the profound relationship he shares with Patryck Patyr. As a dedicated student of Ars Magica and a survivor of a traumatic incident, Michael's ethical framework and worldview reflect a balance between his pursuit of knowledge, his commitment to using magic responsibly, and his unwavering belief in the importance of protecting and supporting those he cares about.   Michael embodies the principles of Neutral Good, striving to do what is right without being strictly bound by laws or traditions. He prioritizes the well-being of others and the greater good, often finding himself advocating for ethical uses of magic and standing against injustices he perceives within the complex dynamics of Lankhmar. His decisions are guided by compassion and a desire to make a positive impact, rather than by a rigid adherence to rules or an inclination towards chaos.   At the heart of Michael's morality lies an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He believes that understanding the intricacies of magic is not just a personal ambition but a responsibility to use that knowledge wisely and ethically. Michael values responsibility highly, recognizing that his magical abilities come with the potential to influence and shape the world around him. This sense of duty drives him to ensure that his research and spellcrafting are conducted with care, minimizing harm and maximizing beneficial outcomes.   Empathy is another cornerstone of Michael's values. His near-assault experience and subsequent rescue by Patryck have heightened his sensitivity to the suffering and vulnerabilities of others. Michael is deeply attuned to the emotions and needs of those around him, fostering strong, supportive relationships and motivating him to use his magical talents to protect and uplift his community.   Michael's beliefs about right and wrong are shaped by his experiences and his inherent sense of justice. He firmly opposes any form of abuse or exploitation, a stance reinforced by his own brush with violence and his gratitude towards Patryck for saving him. This personal history instills in him a strong aversion to using magic for coercion, manipulation, or harm. Instead, Michael advocates for the use of magic as a tool for healing, protection, and enhancing the lives of others.   He believes in the ethical responsibility of magicians to contribute positively to society. This includes safeguarding magical knowledge from falling into the wrong hands, promoting transparency and honesty in magical research, and ensuring that advancements in magic are accessible and beneficial to all, rather than serving only the privileged or powerful.   Michael's life philosophy centers on balance, both in his magical studies and in his personal life. He seeks to harmonize the pursuit of arcane knowledge with the ethical implications of his work, ensuring that his magical endeavors do not tip the scales towards destruction or imbalance. This philosophy is a direct response to his traumatic experience, where the misuse of magic nearly cost him his freedom and safety. Michael is committed to maintaining equilibrium, using his talents to create stability and prevent chaos within the tumultuous environment of Lankhmar.   Growth is another fundamental aspect of Michael's philosophy. He views life as a continuous journey of learning and self-improvement, believing that both magical and personal development are essential for achieving one's full potential. Michael embraces challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth, using his failures and traumas as catalysts to refine his skills, deepen his understanding, and strengthen his character.   Protection is a key element of Michael's worldview, extending beyond the physical to encompass emotional and societal safeguards. Inspired by Patryck's role as a protector and his own experiences, Michael is dedicated to creating magical solutions that enhance the safety and well-being of his community. Whether through developing protective enchantments, advocating for ethical magical practices, or offering support to those in need, Michael strives to be a guardian of both knowledge and people.   The trauma Michael endured—being nearly assaulted and saved by Patryck—has profoundly influenced his moral compass and life philosophy. This incident instilled in him a heightened awareness of the fragility of safety and the importance of vigilance. It reinforced his commitment to using his magical abilities to prevent harm and protect others from experiencing similar fears and vulnerabilities.   Additionally, the emotional scars from the trauma have fostered a deep sense of resilience and determination in Michael. He understands the weight of responsibility that comes with power, and this awareness drives him to approach his studies and magical practices with caution and integrity. Michael's relationship with Patryck serves as a continual source of strength and healing, reinforcing his values of trust, support, and mutual protection.   Michael's exploration of forbidden magic is driven by a profound commitment to safeguarding society against the very dark forces that Ars Magica seeks to regulate and contain. Much like Severus Snape at Hogwarts, who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts not merely out of familiarity with dark magic but with the noble intention of equipping students to defend themselves, Michael delves into these controversial magical practices to develop effective countermeasures against potential threats. Ars Magica's strict guidelines and prohibitions exist to prevent the rise of dark wizards and the havoc they could wreak, and Michael's research aligns with this protective ethos. However, his pursuit often places him at odds with his mentors and the academic hierarchy, mirroring the skepticism Snape might face when his true motives are questioned.   One significant challenge arose when Michael attempted to experiment with a spell designed to subtly influence a person's memory. His goal was to create safeguards against memory manipulation, ensuring that such dark magic could be detected and nullified before it caused harm. Despite his altruistic intentions, the experiment inadvertently caused minor memory distortions in several volunteers. Although no lasting harm was done, the incident sparked heated debates within the faculty about the ethical implications of his work. Michael was reprimanded for his unauthorized experimentation, leading to increased scrutiny of his research and a temporary suspension from certain academic privileges.   This setback forced Michael to confront the delicate balance between innovative defense mechanisms and ethical boundaries. He began to question whether his pursuit of forbidden knowledge was justified by his desire to protect others or if he was overstepping ethical lines. This internal conflict prompted him to adopt a more cautious approach, seeking approval and oversight for his experiments and actively engaging in discussions about the responsible use of powerful magic. By doing so, Michael strives to ensure that his work remains aligned with the protective principles that initially motivated him, reinforcing his role as a guardian against dark magic rather than a practitioner of it.


Michael Samn adheres to a set of deeply ingrained taboos that reflect his moral integrity and personal experiences. Central to his ethical framework is the unwavering prohibition against using magic to harm or manipulate others. Having narrowly escaped a violent assault, Michael is profoundly committed to ensuring that his magical abilities are never wielded as tools for coercion or personal vendetta. This conviction drives him to reject any form of deceitful magic or enchantments that infringe upon another’s free will, maintaining a steadfast commitment to protect and uplift rather than control or harm.   Moreover, Michael holds a strict taboo against exploiting vulnerable individuals for his magical experiments or personal advancement. His empathy, shaped by his traumatic experience and the supportive relationship with Patryck Patyr, compels him to treat all individuals with respect and kindness. He refuses to use his talents to take advantage of those who cannot defend themselves, ensuring that his pursuit of knowledge and power remains aligned with his values of compassion and responsibility.   Betrayal is another profound taboo for Michael. He values trust and loyalty above all else, making it intolerable to betray the confidence of those he cares about. This strong aversion to betrayal not only strengthens his bond with Patryck but also guides his interactions within the magical community. Michael goes to great lengths to honor his commitments and maintain the integrity of his relationships, fostering an environment of honesty and transparency in all his endeavors.

Personality Characteristics


Michael Samn's motivations are a testament to his multifaceted character, blending intellectual ambition with ethical responsibility and emotional resilience. His dedication to mastering magic, commitment to ethical practices, desire to protect and support others, journey of personal healing, and aspiration to leave a meaningful legacy collectively drive him to excel in his magical pursuits and contribute positively to the community of Lankhmar. These motivations not only define his actions and decisions but also shape his interactions and relationships, making Michael a deeply nuanced and inspiring figure within the world of Ars Magica.


Family Ties

Michael Samn hails from a supportive and nurturing family nestled within the vibrant confines of the Cash District in Lankhmar. Born to Lilly Henforth and Benjamin Samn, Michael's upbringing was characterized by stability and encouragement, a rarity in a city often overshadowed by its chaotic undercurrents. Both of his parents are alive and play pivotal roles in his life, providing a foundation of love, guidance, and unwavering support that has been instrumental in shaping his character and ambitions.   Lilly Henforth, Michael's mother, is a skilled artificer renowned for her craftsmanship in creating intricate magical trinkets and enchanted items. Her workshop, located adjacent to their family home, is a hub of creativity and innovation, where Michael spent countless hours observing her meticulous work and absorbing the fundamentals of magical craftsmanship. Lilly's dedication to her craft instilled in Michael a deep appreciation for the meticulous and ethical use of magic. Her patient demeanor and ability to solve complex problems with grace have influenced Michael's own approach to his studies and research, fostering a sense of perseverance and attention to detail.   Benjamin Samn, Michael's father, serves as a merchant in the bustling marketplaces of the Cash District. His role involves trading rare magical ingredients and artifacts, which often brings him into contact with a diverse array of characters from all walks of life. Benjamin's extensive network and keen business acumen have provided Michael with unique insights into the practical applications of magic in everyday life. Moreover, Benjamin's emphasis on integrity and fair dealings has reinforced Michael's commitment to ethical practices in his magical pursuits. Through his father's example, Michael has learned the importance of building trust and maintaining strong moral principles, both essential qualities for a respected wizard.   Michael's relationship with his parents is marked by open communication and mutual respect. They have always encouraged his intellectual curiosity and supported his decision to pursue advanced studies at Ars Magica, understanding the dedication and passion required to excel in the arcane arts. This unwavering support has allowed Michael to focus wholeheartedly on his education, knowing that he has a solid support system backing him every step of the way.   While Michael does not have any siblings, the close-knit nature of his family has fostered a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. The absence of siblings has allowed for a more intimate and focused relationship with his parents, enabling deeper emotional bonds and more personalized guidance. This dynamic has also instilled in Michael a strong sense of independence and self-reliance, qualities that complement his academic and personal endeavors.   Extended family ties are minimal, as the Henforth-Samn family has primarily built their life within the Cash District. However, Michael maintains cordial relationships with relatives who share his interests in magic and craftsmanship. These occasional gatherings provide opportunities for collaborative projects and the exchange of magical knowledge, further enriching Michael's education and reinforcing the importance of family connections in his life.   The Henforth-Samn family's relatively normal and stable upbringing in Lankhmar stands in stark contrast to the often perilous environment of the city. This stability has been a crucial factor in Michael's ability to navigate the complexities of both his magical studies and his personal challenges. The values imparted by his parents—integrity, responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge—are deeply ingrained in Michael, guiding him as he strives to make meaningful contributions to the magical community.  

Social Aptitude

At the heart of Michael's social prowess lies his charismatic and approachable demeanor. His youthful appearance, combined with a genuine smile and expressive bright blue eyes, makes him easily approachable and instantly likable among his peers and professors. Michael possesses a natural ability to make others feel comfortable in his presence, fostering an environment of openness and trust. This charisma is not superficial; it stems from his genuine interest in others and his ability to engage in meaningful conversations that resonate on both intellectual and emotional levels.   Michael's keen intellect and quick wit play pivotal roles in his social interactions. He is adept at weaving humor into conversations, often using it as a tool to ease tensions and build rapport. His sharp mind allows him to engage in stimulating discussions on a wide range of topics, from magical theories and arcane research to philosophical debates and current events in Lankhmar. This intellectual engagement not only makes him a captivating conversationalist but also earns him respect and admiration from both his peers and mentors. Michael's ability to articulate complex ideas in an accessible manner further enhances his social presence, making him a valued member of any discourse.


One of Michael's most distinctive mannerisms is his habitual finger-tapping, a rhythmic motion he performs unconsciously when deep in thought or concentrating on complex magical theories. This gentle tapping serves as a physical manifestation of his intense focus, allowing him to channel his mental energy while working through intricate spells or problem-solving scenarios. Observers might notice this tapping during lectures, study sessions, or collaborative projects, subtly indicating his engagement and dedication.   When presenting his research or leading discussions, Michael often gestures with his hands in a fluid and controlled manner. His movements are precise and purposeful, enhancing his ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively. Whether illustrating a point about runic enchantments or demonstrating the properties of his Luminar Crystals II, his hand movements are both elegant and informative, aiding in the communication of his sophisticated concepts.   Michael also exhibits a tendency to twirl his enchanted ring on his left index finger, especially during moments of contemplation or creative brainstorming. This rhythmic motion not only serves as a focal point for his thoughts but also subtly channels his magical energies, enhancing his spellcasting capabilities. The twirling ring becomes a meditative gesture, helping him maintain focus and balance while navigating the demands of his magical studies and personal challenges.

Hobbies & Pets

Neither Michael nor Patryck owns a pet, yet their love and empathy for animals are evident in every act of kindness they extend towards these urban survivors. Their dedication stems from a deep-seated belief that every creature, no matter how small, deserves care and protection. This shared ethos not only strengthens their friendship but also unites them in their mission to bring compassion and healing to the creatures they encounter.   On countless occasions, Michael and Patryck find themselves responding to distressed animals in need of assistance. Whether it's a bird with a damaged wing struggling to take flight or a mouse caught in the web of a forgotten window sill, they approach each situation with patience and skill. Michael's expertise in enchantment and illusion proves invaluable as he devises magical solutions to gently aid the injured without causing further harm. His ability to create soothing illusions helps calm frightened animals, making the rescue process less traumatic for both the creatures and themselves.   Patryck, with his background in law enforcement and tactical training, brings a pragmatic approach to their rescues. His keen observational skills and strategic mindset ensure that each intervention is conducted efficiently and safely. Together, they form a seamless team—Michael's magical finesse complementing Patryck's methodical precision. Their combined efforts often result in successful recoveries, turning moments of potential tragedy into stories of hope and renewal.   One of their most frequent rescues involves the small, agile squirrels and chipmunks that dart through the city's parks and rooftops. These creatures, though resilient, often suffer from injuries sustained while navigating the perilous urban environment. Michael and Patryck take great care to create safe spaces where these animals can recuperate, using enchanted barriers to protect them from predators and Human interference. Over time, their efforts have led to the establishment of several hidden sanctuaries within the city, where injured animals can heal and regain their strength before returning to their natural habitats.   In the quieter corners of Lankhmar, rabbits and raccoons occasionally seek refuge, attracted by the warmth of Michael and Patryck's compassionate presence. These rare encounters are met with even greater dedication, as both men understand the fragility of such creatures in a city that offers little in the way of natural shelter. Michael employs his knowledge of herbalism and potion brewing to create remedies that aid in the healing of wounds, while Patryck uses his protective instincts to ensure that these animals remain safe from harm during their recovery.


Michael Samn

Partner (Vital)

Towards Patryck Patyr



Patryck Patyr

Partner (Vital)

Towards Michael Samn




Patryck and Michael’s journey toward intimacy began with a series of chance encounters in the Mercantile District, where Patryck spent most of his time patrolling. Their initial interactions were brief, but each time they met, a deeper connection formed. Michael, a student at Ars Magica, found himself increasingly drawn to Patryck's quiet strength and protective nature, while Patryck was intrigued by Michael's intelligence and charm. However, it wasn't until a particular night, when Michael’s life was in danger, that their relationship truly shifted.   One evening, Michael was returning from his studies when a local merchant, who had been harboring an unhealthy fixation on him, cornered him. The merchant, larger and stronger than Michael, attempted to force him into a nearby alley with the clear intention of assaulting him. Just as things were about to escalate, Patryck, while on patrol, noticed the situation. He stepped in without hesitation, drawing his weapon and scaring off the merchant before he could drag Michael into a nearby building.   Though Michael was shaken, Patryck remained calm and insistent that he walk Michael back to his quarters at Ars Magica. Along the way, the tension between them, already building from months of subtle exchanges, became more palpable. Michael, who had always sensed Patryck’s emotional walls, saw something different in him that night—concern and protectiveness that ran deeper than the duty of a city guard.   When they reached Michael’s quarters, they sat together in the dim light of his study, the silence between them heavy with unspoken emotion. Michael, ever perceptive, noticed how much the incident had unsettled Patryck, even though he tried to hide it. Gently, Michael reached out and touched Patryck’s arm, offering him comfort. To his surprise, Patryck didn’t pull away; instead, he let himself be vulnerable, something he had rarely allowed himself to do.   In that moment, their connection deepened, and they both realized their feelings had grown far beyond friendship. What started as a soft touch turned into a quiet, tentative kiss. That night, they crossed the line from friendship into something far more intimate. Their first time together was not rushed—it was filled with caution, tenderness, and an unspoken understanding. Patryck, who had spent years guarding himself emotionally, finally felt safe enough to let someone in. For Michael, it was about creating a space of trust, where Patryck could be himself without fear. This moment of intimacy solidified the bond between them, laying the foundation for a relationship built on mutual respect, trust, and a deep, personal connection.

Nicknames & Petnames

Michael calls Patryck "Trick", like his friends call him. In intimate situations, he calls him "daddy".   Patryck calls Michael "Love".

Relationship Reasoning

In essence, the reasoning behind their relationship is that they complement and complete each other. Patryck offers the emotional security and physical protection Michael needs, while Michael provides the intellectual stimulation and emotional refuge that Patryck craves. Their bond is grounded in mutual respect, shared values, and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities, making their relationship both practical and emotionally fulfilling.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Despite their different backgrounds, Michael and Patryck share several commonalities that have strengthened their bond over time. One of the core elements of their relationship is the mutual respect they have for each other's strengths. Patryck greatly admires Michael's intelligence and magical abilities, qualities that complement his own more physical, pragmatic nature. Similarly, Michael deeply values Patryck's unwavering loyalty, protective instincts, and strong sense of duty. This mutual admiration helps bridge the gap between their seemingly different worlds.   Both men find solace in quiet, intimate moments. Neither is fond of excessive socializing or grand gestures, preferring the peace that comes with simply being together. Whether they’re sitting in comfortable silence at Michael’s quarters, or sharing a quiet evening after a long day, they find these moments to be deeply restorative. It's in these moments that they connect most, without the need for constant conversation or action.   Though Patryck is a fighter and Michael a student of magic, they both enjoy the mental challenge of strategy. Patryck’s tactical mind, shaped by years of combat, aligns with Michael’s love for problem-solving and intellectual pursuits. They often play strategy games like chess or similar games from Lankhmar, and while Patryck may not always win, he finds the process engaging, enjoying the challenge of matching wits with Michael. For Michael, it’s a way to connect with Patryck on an intellectual level, appreciating his willingness to engage in thoughtful pursuits even if it’s outside his comfort zone.   Their shared appreciation for practicality also plays a role in their bond. Patryck’s no-nonsense, functional mindset aligns with Michael’s approach to magic and life in general. Both value efficiency over extravagance and have little interest in the excesses of Lankhmar’s wealthier classes. Whether Patryck is meticulously maintaining his weapons or Michael is refining his magical skills, they both understand the importance of discipline and focus.   Neither of them is comfortable in formal or elite circles. Patryck, with his rough upbringing, has little patience for the pretentiousness of Lankhmar’s upper class. Michael, though exposed to the city’s elite through his studies at Ars Magica, also feels out of place among them. Their shared discomfort with the excesses of wealth and power creates a bond, as both prefer a more grounded, practical way of living. They both have a distaste for the superficial displays of status and wealth that are common in Lankhmar, preferring the company of those who value hard work and intellect over privilege.   A strong sense of duty also ties them together, though it manifests in different ways. Patryck is committed to his role as a protector of Lankhmar, a responsibility he takes very seriously. Michael, on the other hand, feels a deep sense of duty to his studies and the magical knowledge he is accumulating. They both understand the weight of their responsibilities and the sacrifices that come with them, which allows them to support each other in times of stress. Patryck respects Michael's dedication to magic, and Michael admires Patryck's loyalty to his role as Sword of the Council.   Together, they share an interest in exploring the mysteries of Lankhmar. Michael’s curiosity about the city’s hidden magical elements sometimes piques Patryck’s interest as well. While Patryck is often skeptical of magic, he respects Michael’s knowledge and occasionally joins him in exploring Lankhmar’s darker, more arcane aspects. Their combined skills—Patryck’s physical protection and Michael’s intellectual insight—make them an effective team when delving into the unknown parts of the city.   Another key bond between them is their protective instincts toward one another. Patryck is the obvious physical protector, always vigilant over Michael’s safety in Lankhmar’s dangerous streets. However, Michael is equally protective of Patryck, particularly when it comes to his emotional well-being. Michael often encourages Patryck to lower his emotional walls, offering a safe space for him to process the emotional burden of his past and his responsibilities. Their mutual desire to protect each other, both physically and emotionally, strengthens their connection.

Shared Secrets

Michael and Patryck's relationship is built on a foundation of trust, strengthened by the secrets they share, which create a deep bond between them. One of the most significant secrets they keep is the very existence of their relationship. Given Patryck’s role as Sword of the Council and Michael’s position as a student at Ars Magica, they know that revealing their romantic involvement could invite unwanted scrutiny. In the dangerous political and criminal landscape of Lankhmar, where knowledge is power and can be weaponized, they have chosen to keep their relationship discreet. The fewer people who know about them, the safer they are.   Another secret they hold close is the near-death experience that Michael had when he was almost stabbed during an attempted robbery in the Mercantile District. Patryck had intervened just in time, saving Michael, but the event left a lasting mark on both of them. Patryck’s protective instincts, already strong, became even more intense after this incident. They rarely talk about what happened, understanding that exposing Michael’s vulnerability could put him in greater danger. Patryck, in particular, does not want this incident to reflect poorly on his reputation as a protector.   Patryck’s criminal past is another secret they share. Few in Lankhmar know that Patryck once lived as a cutpurse before joining the City Guard. This is a part of his life that he keeps buried, fearing that it could jeopardize his position if the wrong people were to find out. Michael is one of the few people Patryck has trusted with this knowledge, and he respects the journey Patryck has made from street thief to protector. Together, they keep this part of his history hidden from those who might use it against him.   Michael, too, has his own secrets, particularly concerning his forbidden magical research. Though he is cautious, Michael’s natural curiosity has led him to explore spells and magical theories that push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable at Ars Magica. Patryck is aware of this, and while he remains wary of magic in general, he trusts Michael’s judgment. They both understand that if this research were discovered by the wrong people, it could cause serious trouble for Michael. Out of loyalty, Patryck keeps this secret safe, recognizing the importance of Michael’s intellectual pursuits.   On a more personal level, Patryck has shared with Michael his emotional struggles and vulnerabilities—aspects of himself that he would never reveal to anyone else. The weight of his role in the city, his guilt over his past, and the emotional burden of constantly being on guard are things that Patryck keeps locked away from the world. Only with Michael does he allow himself to be vulnerable, sharing the emotional toll that his responsibilities take on him. Michael, in turn, provides the emotional refuge that Patryck needs, keeping these moments of vulnerability between them.   Both men also possess shared knowledge of Lankhmar’s darker sides. Patryck’s work in the City Guard has exposed him to the city’s criminal networks, while Michael’s connection to the magical community gives him insight into the arcane dealings of Lankhmar. Together, they have a unique perspective on the hidden dangers that lurk in the city. They’ve uncovered secrets about political figures and criminal leaders that could be highly damaging if revealed. For their own safety, and to maintain stability, they keep this information to themselves, knowing that revealing it could invite chaos.   At times, Michael has also had to cover for Patryck, using his magical abilities discreetly to assist Patryck in ways that others don’t know about. Whether by gathering information through magical means or providing healing that Patryck couldn’t seek through public channels, Michael has quietly supported Patryck in his duties. They keep this quiet collaboration secret, understanding that it could raise questions about Patryck’s work or Michael’s position at the academy.   One of their most personal secrets is their shared vision for the future. Despite the dangers of Lankhmar and their respective roles in the city, they’ve privately discussed the possibility of leaving one day to live a quieter life together. It’s a dream they both hold, though they don’t speak of it often, knowing that their current responsibilities keep them bound to Lankhmar. Still, the idea of finding a place where they can live openly and without fear remains a shared goal, one that keeps them grounded amidst the chaos of their lives.   The secrets they share—whether about their relationship, their personal struggles, or the hidden dangers of the city—are the foundation of the trust between them. Together, Michael and Patryck navigate the complexities and dangers of Lankhmar, relying on the unspoken understanding that they will protect each other’s secrets just as fiercely as they protect each other. These hidden truths deepen their connection, creating a bond that is as much about survival as it is about love

Shared Acquaintances

Michael and Patryck, despite coming from different backgrounds, have developed connections with several individuals in Lankhmar who serve as shared acquaintances. These connections help bridge their worlds and provide additional depth to their relationship.   1. Liora Thorne Liora Thorne is a fellow student at Ars Magica and a close friend of Michael. She is known for her expertise in enchantments and has often collaborated with Michael on various magical projects. Liora has also interacted with Patryck on multiple occasions, primarily through Michael. She respects Patryck’s role in the City Guard and has witnessed firsthand his dedication to protecting Michael. Liora serves as a neutral ground between Michael and Patryck, facilitating interactions and providing support when needed.   2. Captain Darius Rook Captain Darius Rook is the commanding officer of the City Guard and oversees Patryck’s duties as the Sword of the Council. He has developed a professional relationship with Michael through Michael’s interactions with the guard, especially after Patryck introduced Michael to some of the guard’s resources for information gathering. Captain Rook respects both men, recognizing Patryck’s value as a protector and Michael’s contributions as a magical scholar. While their interactions are mostly formal, Captain Rook occasionally seeks Michael’s insights on magical matters that intersect with city security.   3. Matthix Porpherius Matthix Porpherius, a Black Wizard who owns a renowned taxidermy shop in the Marsh District, is another shared acquaintance. Michael often consults Matthix for rare materials needed for his magical research, and Patryck has worked with Matthix when unusual magical artifacts come into the guard’s possession. Matthix admires Michael’s dedication to his studies and respects Patryck’s commitment to maintaining order. His shop serves as a discreet meeting place where both Michael and Patryck can exchange information when necessary.   4. Selene Varek Selene Varek is a merchant in the Mercantile District who owns a popular apothecary. She has a friendly relationship with both Michael and Patryck. Selene provides Michael with rare ingredients for his magical experiments and offers Patryck supplies and potions to aid in his duties. Her shop is a hub of information, and Selene often shares insights about the goings-on in the district with both men, making her an invaluable resource for their respective roles.   5. Gareth “The Shadow” Gareth, nicknamed “The Shadow,” is a skilled informant who operates within Lankhmar’s underworld. He has connections with both Michael and Patryck, albeit in different capacities. Patryck relies on Gareth for discreet information about criminal activities that threaten the city, while Michael occasionally taps into Gareth’s network to gather intel on arcane threats. Gareth’s ability to navigate both the magical and criminal realms makes him a crucial link between Michael and Patryck’s worlds.   6. Evelyn Starfire Evelyn Starfire is a mage and librarian at Ars Magica. She assists Michael with his research and has become acquainted with Patryck through their shared interest in protecting Lankhmar from hidden threats. Evelyn often collaborates with both men when dealing with magical anomalies or historical artifacts that require both magical and physical expertise. Her extensive knowledge of magical lore makes her a respected figure among their shared acquaintances.   7. Thorin Ironfist Thorin Ironfist is a dwarven blacksmith who runs a forge near the Mercantile District. Both Michael and Patryck have interacted with Thorin on multiple occasions—Michael for enchanted weaponry and Thorin for maintaining Patryck’s gear. Thorin’s craftsmanship ensures that Patryck’s armor and weapons are always in top condition, while his enchanted creations provide Michael with unique tools for his magical studies. Thorin’s no-nonsense attitude and reliable nature make him a trusted ally for both men.

Legal Status


Current Status
Works and studies at Ars Magica in Lankhmar
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
14 Satyr
Year of Birth
3000 RJ 22 Years old
Cash District of Lankhmar
Patryck Patyr (Partner)
Light blue
Short brown, unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Even, light complexion
145 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Please.... " followed by a tisk of his tongue.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Lankhmarian
  • Elvish
  • Dwarvish
Character Prototype
While Raistlin Majere serves as a strong foundation for understanding Michael Samn's intellectual and magical attributes, Michael's distinct moral compass, emotional depth, and charismatic presence carve out his own unique identity. Michael embodies a harmonious blend of the Scholar Mage and Wounded Healer archetypes, enriched by his personal experiences and relationships. This combination makes Michael a compelling and original character who stands on his own while sharing resonant traits with well-known figures like Raistlin.

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Michael Samn by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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