Patryck Patyr

Sword of the Council Patryck Patyr (a.k.a. Trick)

Patryck is a man of few words, hardened by his rough upbringing and his experiences on the streets and as a city guard. His toughness and no-nonsense demeanor make him an effective and respected figure within the guard, but there is a softer, more introspective side to him that few see. His relationship with Michael is one of the few areas where he allows himself vulnerability, revealing a more thoughtful and caring personality beneath the scars and stoicism.   Though he left his life of crime behind, Patryck is not without moral ambiguity. He understands the realities of Lankhmar’s streets better than most and knows that sometimes the line between law and lawlessness is thin. As Sword of the Council, he uses his knowledge of both worlds to maintain order, but he remains haunted by his past, knowing that the path he walks could easily have led him back to the same violence and chaos he now fights to contain.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Patryck is in excellent physical condition, a necessity for someone in his line of work as Sword of the Council and a city guard in Lankhmar. Standing at 6'2" and weighing 220 lbs, he has a muscular, well-built frame, developed through years of intense physical training, combat experience, and patrolling the streets. His physique is one of power and endurance, sculpted not in a gym, but through a life of constant action, survival, and battle.   Despite his numerous scars, which are evidence of the brutal encounters he has survived, Patryck remains highly capable and physically resilient. His strength is matched by his agility—he moves with the quick, purposeful grace of someone who has spent years navigating narrow alleyways, crowded streets, and unpredictable combat situations. His reflexes are sharp, and he maintains a balance of power and speed that allows him to handle a wide range of threats, from street brawls to organized assaults.   Patryck’s endurance is another hallmark of his physical condition. He has the stamina to endure long shifts on patrol, engage in extended fights, and survive the harsh environments of both Lankhmar and the more dangerous outskirts, such as The Cold Wastes. His body is conditioned to handle physical stress, pain, and injury, which is evident in his high pain tolerance and ability to continue fighting even when wounded.   Though he is not invulnerable, Patryck’s disciplined lifestyle keeps him in peak condition. He maintains his strength through a regimen of physical activity that includes combat drills, weapon practice, and conditioning exercises. His general physical condition is a reflection of his commitment to his role as a protector and enforcer, always ready to act when the situation demands.

Body Features

Patryck’s body is a testament to his life of discipline, combat, and survival, marked by strength, scars, and the wear of countless battles. His muscular build is imposing, with broad shoulders, defined arms, and a strong chest, all shaped by years of training and battle. His core is firm and well-developed, essential for maintaining balance and agility in the chaotic streets of Lankhmar. His legs are powerful, built for speed and endurance, aiding him in both patrols and combat.   One of the most striking features of his body is the tattoo of Heimdall, the god of vigilance and protection, etched onto his left chest pectoral. The tattoo serves as a personal symbol of his commitment to duty and order, even if he loosely follows Heimdall's teachings. It’s simple yet powerful, a mark of his identity as a protector.   His skin is weathered and rugged, reflecting the years spent patrolling in harsh conditions. Scars crisscross his body, most notably the H-shaped scar on his nose and the C-shaped scar above his right eyebrow. These scars, though numerous, add to his fearsome presence, giving him a battle-worn appearance that intimidates his foes. Yet, to those who know him, especially Michael, these scars are symbols of his resilience and strength, making him all the more attractive as a protector.   Patryck’s calloused hands and thick neck further enhance his rough exterior, evidence of a life spent in constant physical exertion. His minimal body fat and lean, muscular frame are built for combat, always ready to respond to the demands of his dangerous work. Every feature of his body, from his tattoos to his scars, reflects the hard-earned experience of a man who has survived—and thrived—through adversity.

Facial Features

Patryck’s most noticeable scar is on his nose, shaped somewhat like the letter H. The scar runs vertically down the bridge of his nose, with two smaller horizontal marks crossing it, giving it the distinctive "H" shape. This scar, a remnant of a brutal fight in his youth, adds a striking feature to his otherwise rugged, handsome face, lending him an air of hardened experience.   He also bears a scar on his right eyebrow that starts dangerously close to his eye, cutting across his eyelid before curving upward and following the shape of his eyebrow, resembling the letter C. This scar, a close call from a blade that came too near his eye, adds depth to his already battle-worn visage.   While Patryck’s scars are numerous, they give him a fearsome look in the eyes of his foes—marks of survival that only enhance his imposing presence. To Michael, however, these scars are far more than just signs of danger. Michael finds them deeply attractive, drawn to the strength and resilience they represent. He’s attracted to the Protector side of Patryck, seeing in his scars the man who has endured countless trials, always standing strong, always protecting those he cares for. This combination of physical toughness and emotional strength is what Michael loves most about Patryck.

Identifying Characteristics

Patryck is easily recognized by his rugged, weathered appearance, the result of years spent in the harsh streets of Lankhmar and countless battles. His skin bears the marks of his experience, crisscrossed with scars from past encounters, giving him a hardened, battle-worn look. These scars are not just physical reminders of his past but also add to his fearsome reputation. His body is solid and muscular, standing at 6'2" with broad shoulders and a strong, defined frame. He moves with the confidence of someone who knows his strength and isn't afraid to use it, his stance always firm and ready for action.   One of his most distinctive features is his short, dark brown hair, kept practical and simple for his life as a city guard. Flecked with hints of gray, it reflects the stress and years of survival in the streets, though it remains mostly dark, a testament to his endurance. His deep brown eyes are intense and vigilant, constantly scanning his surroundings. There’s a weight behind his gaze, revealing the burden of his experiences and his unwavering focus. His eyes are one of his most striking features, reflecting the emotional and physical battles he has endured.   Patryck's hands are large and heavily calloused, a clear sign of a life spent in combat. These hands have wielded countless weapons, and their roughness speaks to his expertise in physical confrontation. Whether holding a sword or grappling in close quarters, his hands are a testament to his skill and experience as a fighter.   His gear is equally practical and unadorned, chosen for its functionality rather than appearance. Patryck's armor and clothing are designed for protection and mobility, with no unnecessary flourishes or decorative elements. Everything he wears and carries serves a purpose, reflecting his straightforward, no-nonsense attitude. His minimalist style emphasizes his focus on duty and survival, with every piece of gear carefully selected for its effectiveness in combat.   Together, these features—his scarred skin, muscular build, practical gear, and intense gaze—paint the picture of a man shaped by a lifetime of battle, someone who has earned every mark on his body and carries himself with the confidence of a seasoned protector.

Physical quirks

Patryck does have a few physical quirks, subtle yet noticeable to those who spend time around him. One of the most prominent is the slight crook in his nose, the result of it being broken in a fight long ago and never quite healing properly. This gives his face a bit of asymmetry, adding to his rugged, weathered look. Another quirk is the way he occasionally runs his thumb over his calloused knuckles, an unconscious habit he picked up over the years, especially when he’s thinking deeply or assessing a tense situation.   There’s also a certain stiffness in his movements on particularly cold days, a reminder of an old wound in his right shoulder that never fully healed. Though it doesn’t slow him down in combat, it can cause him to roll his shoulder or stretch it out when he thinks no one is watching, a small tic that surfaces when he's been on patrol for too long. Despite his strong, solid build, his body bears the wear and tear of his years of service, manifesting in these small, often unnoticed quirks.

Specialized Equipment

As Sword of the Council, Patryck has access to a variety of elite weapons, armor, and gear, specially designed for someone of his station. His primary weapon is a finely crafted sword, forged from high-quality Froststeel, a rare metal known for its durability and sharpness, allowing him to cleave through most armor with ease. His armor is custom-fitted, designed for both mobility and protection, made of a lightweight but strong metal that enables him to move quickly during combat while still providing substantial defense. The armor’s surface is treated to withstand extreme weather conditions, as well as the harsh environments of Lankhmar’s more dangerous districts.   In addition to these standard items, Patryck possesses a minor enchanted item known as "The Vigilant Sigil", a pendant that has proven invaluable in his work as both an enforcer and protector.   The Vigilant Sigil Description: The Vigilant Sigil is a small, unassuming silver pendant that Patryck wears beneath his armor, always close to his skin. It is etched with intricate, runic designs that faintly glow when activated. The pendant is simple in appearance—a circular disc about the size of a coin—but its surface is cold to the touch and always remains so, regardless of the weather. The enchantment on the sigil is subtle, designed not to draw attention, which makes it ideal for someone like Patryck who prefers practicality over flash.   Origin: The sigil was a gift from Michael Samn, Patryck’s partner, who crafted it with the help of the instructors at Ars Magica. Understanding the dangers Patryck faces daily and knowing how important vigilance is to his survival, Michael enchanted the pendant to grant him a unique edge, particularly when dealing with unseen threats or ambushes.   Enchantment and Abilities: Enhanced Perception (Passive Ability): The Vigilant Sigil subtly heightens Patryck’s senses, allowing him to be more attuned to his surroundings. While wearing the sigil, Patryck gains a slight enhancement to his hearing and sight, particularly in dim or obscured environments. This ability makes him acutely aware of distant footsteps, whispered conversations, or the rustling of clothing, giving him a head start on detecting hidden enemies or approaching threats, even in the shadowy streets of Lankhmar.   Awareness Pulse (Active Ability, Once per Day): Once per day, Patryck can activate the sigil to send out a brief magical pulse that extends in a 30-foot radius around him. This pulse allows him to sense the presence of invisible or hidden entities, such as a cloaked thief or an assassin lying in wait. The pulse lasts for only a few seconds but gives Patryck a momentary sixth sense, alerting him to danger even if the threat is out of sight. The sigil’s magic manifests as a faint, almost imperceptible pulse of energy that reverberates through the ground and air, subtly marking anything hidden to his mind’s eye.   Minor Protective Ward (Passive Ability): The sigil provides a minor protective ward against mental manipulation, giving Patryck resistance to mind-altering magic such as charms or fear spells. While the ward isn’t strong enough to fully protect him from powerful enchantments, it makes him more resistant to subtle mental intrusions, keeping his mind sharp in dangerous situations. This protective ward complements Patryck’s natural mental fortitude, giving him an additional layer of defense when facing foes who rely on magic to dominate or manipulate their enemies.   Utility for Patryck: The Vigilant Sigil is perfectly suited for a man like Patryck, who operates in the shadows of Lankhmar’s back alleys, political intrigue, and constant danger. Patryck values vigilance and awareness, and the sigil enhances these traits, allowing him to detect threats before they become deadly. His enhanced perception gives him an edge in dark, narrow alleys where ambushes are common, while the Awareness Pulse is invaluable when dealing with assassins or thieves who rely on stealth or invisibility to get the jump on their targets.   Additionally, the mental ward gives him a much-needed defense against the arcane, which he distrusts but often encounters through his role as Sword of the Council. Patryck’s work brings him into contact with corrupt nobles, rogue wizards, and magical threats, so having a tool that helps him remain mentally sharp and perceptive in high-stress situations is crucial.   Though not overly powerful, the sigil is practical and subtle, aligning with Patryck’s personality. It grants him just enough magical assistance to give him an edge without making him reliant on it, which is important to someone who prides himself on his physical and mental abilities rather than external magical power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Patryck Patyr was born in the Tenderloin District of Lankhmar, one of the most dangerous and lawless areas of the city. The Tenderloin, notorious for its poverty and violence, shaped Patryck from an early age. As a boy, survival was everything, and for many—including Patryck—the path to staying alive meant becoming a cutpurse. He grew up fast, learning to navigate the back alleys, blend into crowds, and pickpocket with skill. It was in those early years that he developed the street smarts and physical toughness that would later define his career as a guard.   Patryck spent much of his youth running with gangs, pulling off petty thefts and learning the trade of the city’s underworld. His tall, muscular frame and natural athleticism allowed him to become more than just a sneak thief—he became a fighter, defending himself and his crew in brawls that erupted in the filthy streets. However, a turning point came when, at 18, a failed job left him scarred for life. A botched robbery attempt ended in a violent clash with a rival gang, and Patryck was left nearly dead, his face slashed and his body riddled with wounds. While he survived, his gangmates were not as lucky, and it was at this low point that Patryck reconsidered his future.


Despite his rugged, masculine demeanor, Patryck's personal life is more complex than it seems on the surface. While he presents himself as a straight man to the public, he is in a committed relationship with Michael Samn, a talented student at Ars Magica, a school of wizardry located in the Mercantile District of Lankhmar. The relationship, which remains private due to the societal expectations in Lankhmar, is a source of emotional strength for Patryck.   Michael, in contrast to Patryck, grew up in a more privileged setting, and their bond is built on a mutual understanding of struggle, ambition, and survival—though in very different worlds. Patryck finds solace and comfort in Michael's presence, a sharp contrast to the brutal life he leads as a city guard. Together, they navigate the dangers of keeping their relationship hidden while supporting one another in their respective careers.   Patryck is a complex and deeply introspective person, shaped by his difficult past and his role as a city guard. His experiences in Lankhmar’s dangerous streets have made him emotionally guarded, even in intimate situations. While he projects a strong, stoic exterior, his personal life is where he allows himself to be more vulnerable, particularly with his partner, Michael Samn. This vulnerability creates a dynamic where trust and connection are crucial to his comfort and enjoyment.   Emotional Connection and Trust: Patryck’s relationship with Michael is built on trust and intellectual admiration, which plays a large role in their physical intimacy. Patryck isn’t the type to engage in casual encounters—he prefers deep, meaningful connections, where both partners feel safe and comfortable. For him, the emotional bond with Michael enhances the physical aspects of their relationship. He enjoys the sense of security that comes from being with someone who truly understands him, and this emotional intimacy is what drives his sexual connection.   Gentle Control and Protectiveness: In keeping with his role as a protector, Patryck enjoys being in control during intimate moments—not in a domineering way, but in a way that reflects his natural tendency to care for and protect his partner. He likes being the one to take the lead, ensuring that both he and Michael are comfortable and cared for. This protectiveness extends into the bedroom, where he enjoys the balance of gentle assertiveness, knowing that he is trusted to create a safe, respectful environment for intimacy.   Physical Touch and Sensuality: While Patryck is muscular and scarred, his approach to physical intimacy is surprisingly tender. He is highly responsive to physical touch, enjoying the slow, deliberate act of exploring each other's bodies. His rough exterior hides a deeper sensuality—he takes time to focus on the tactile aspects of intimacy, finding comfort in simple gestures like running his hands through Michael’s hair or feeling the warmth of their closeness. Despite his stoic nature, Patryck finds physical connection deeply comforting and grounding.   Intellectual and Emotional Foreplay: Part of what Patryck loves about Michael is his wit and intelligence, which carries into their intimate moments. Patryck is attracted to intellectual stimulation—conversations that build emotional and mental closeness before physical intimacy. He enjoys engaging in dialogue, teasing exchanges, and moments of intellectual play that bring them closer, making intimacy feel like an extension of their emotional bond.


Patryck Patyr’s education was far from formal or traditional, shaped more by the streets of Lankhmar than any classroom. Growing up in the Tenderloin District, Patryck never had access to schooling. His early education came from necessity—learning the arts of survival, thievery, and street smarts from older gang members and fellow cutpurses. This hands-on experience honed his skills in observation, quick thinking, and adaptability, all of which would later serve him well as a city guard.   His real education came through hard lessons on the streets—how to navigate Lankhmar’s underworld, read people’s intentions, and survive in a world where violence was the primary teacher. In these harsh environments, he developed a keen sense of danger, a sharp eye for assessing risk, and an ability to act under pressure. His education, though unconventional, made him an expert in street-level tactics, both in combat and negotiation.   Once Patryck joined the City Guard, his training took on a more formal structure. He learned the laws of Lankhmar, advanced combat techniques, tactical planning, and leadership skills from his superiors. Through his rise in the guard, Patryck gained expertise in managing criminal investigations, handling complex political dynamics, and understanding the inner workings of the city’s power structures. His time in the guard gave him the equivalent of a formal education in law enforcement, conflict resolution, and urban survival, though he always approached these lessons with the same practical mindset he developed on the streets.   Though lacking a formal academic background, Patryck's time in the guard and his relationship with Michael Samn, a student at Ars Magica, has exposed him to more intellectual pursuits. Michael's influence has broadened Patryck's perspective, introducing him to magical theory and the more philosophical aspects of Lankhmar’s power dynamics. While Patryck may never be an academic, his street smarts and practical knowledge have been complemented by a growing understanding of the arcane and scholarly worlds.


Determined to escape the endless cycle of violence and crime, Patryck made a fateful decision to turn his skills toward a new purpose. Using what little connections he had left, he petitioned for a spot in the Lankhmar City Guard. Though they were reluctant to accept a known cutpurse, his physical prowess, intimate knowledge of the streets, and undeniable toughness convinced them to give him a chance. Patryck excelled in his training, quickly proving himself as a capable and loyal guard.   Over the years, Patryck rose through the ranks, his dedication and ability to navigate both the dangerous underbelly of the city and the formal structures of law enforcement earning him the respect of his superiors. His understanding of the criminal world allowed him to anticipate threats, making him invaluable as an enforcer for Lankhmar's ruling council.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Patryck Patyr has built an impressive list of accomplishments throughout his career as a city guard in Lankhmar, rising from his rough beginnings as a cutpurse to the prestigious position of Sword of the Council. Here are some of his most notable achievements:   1. Escaping the Underworld and Joining the City Guard One of Patryck’s earliest and most significant achievements was his decision to leave behind his life as a cutpurse in the dangerous Tenderloin District. After a violent encounter left him scarred and disillusioned with the underworld, Patryck made the bold move to join the Lankhmar City Guard. Given his criminal background, it was no easy task to gain the trust of his superiors, but his knowledge of the streets, combined with his physical prowess, earned him a place in the guard. This marked the turning point in his life, transforming him from a petty criminal into a protector of the city.   2. Promotion to the Elite Rank of Sword of the Council Patryck’s rise through the ranks of the City Guard culminated in his appointment as Sword of the Council, a role reserved for only the most capable and trusted guards. As Sword of the Council, Patryck acts as a bodyguard and enforcer for the city's most powerful figures, protecting them from both physical threats and political intrigue. His promotion to this position is a testament to his skill in combat, his loyalty to the city, and his ability to navigate the complexities of Lankhmar’s dangerous political landscape.   3. Neutralizing the "Red Dagger" Syndicate One of Patryck's early career highlights was his role in the dismantling of the notorious Red Dagger Syndicate, a violent criminal gang that terrorized parts of the Tenderloin District. Patryck's intimate knowledge of the streets and his former ties to the underworld made him instrumental in tracking the gang's operations. He played a key role in coordinating a raid that led to the arrest of several high-ranking members, earning him recognition and a reputation as someone capable of handling the city's most dangerous criminals.   4. Preventing an Assassination on the Council Patryck is known for his quick thinking and combat skills, which came to the fore when he thwarted an assassination attempt on a high-ranking council member. During a tense political gathering in the Palace District, Patryck noticed something off in the behavior of one of the attendees. Acting on instinct, he intercepted the would-be assassin just before they could strike. His swift actions not only saved the council member’s life but also cemented his status as a trusted protector of the city’s elite.   5. Leading Critical Negotiations with the Thieves' Guild Though Patryck has little love for the criminal organizations in Lankhmar, he has been involved in delicate negotiations with the city’s infamous Slayer on more than one occasion. Recognizing the importance of maintaining an uneasy balance between the Guilds and the city’s authorities, Patryck played a key role in brokering a temporary truce between the City Guard and the Dead Masters Thieves Guild (DMTG) after tensions escalated into open conflict. His ability to understand the criminal mindset allowed him to speak the language of the underworld, while still enforcing the council’s authority.   6. Mentor and Trainer to Junior Guards As Patryck’s experience grew, he became a mentor to younger guards, passing on his knowledge of both street-level policing and more complex operations. He has trained several promising recruits, sharing insights on how to survive and thrive in Lankhmar’s often brutal and chaotic environment. Many of these recruits have gone on to distinguish themselves in their own careers, with some crediting Patryck’s mentorship as a key factor in their development.   7. Protecting the Ars Magica School While Patryck’s relationship with Michael Samn at Ars Magica remains private, he has nonetheless shown loyalty to the institution itself. On several occasions, Patryck has intervened to protect the school from external threats, whether it be violent gangs seeking to raid the Mercantile District or magical mishaps requiring quick action to prevent widespread damage. His presence around Ars Magica has earned him quiet respect among some of the school’s staff, though they remain unaware of his personal connection to the school.   8. Defending Lankhmar from External Threats During a conflict with the nomadic raiders from the steppes beyond Lankhmar, Patryck led a small but capable unit of city guards in defending a key section of the city’s outer wall. Outnumbered and under-equipped, Patryck’s leadership, combat skills, and tactical planning enabled his team to hold off the invaders long enough for reinforcements to arrive. His bravery in the defense of the city earned him recognition from both the council and his fellow guards.   9. Mastery of Hand-to-Hand Combat Known for his prowess in combat, Patryck has become one of the most skilled fighters in the City Guard. His ability to handle a variety of weapons, from swords to daggers, combined with his street-fighting experience, makes him a fearsome opponent. He is often called upon to train others in advanced combat techniques, particularly those who will face dangerous situations in Lankhmar’s dark alleyways and backstreets.   10. Strategic Mind and Investigator Patryck is not just a physical force—his sharp mind has made him an excellent investigator and problem-solver. His street knowledge combined with his time as a guard allows him to solve complex cases, often linking seemingly unrelated events to uncover larger criminal networks or threats to the city. He has been credited with solving multiple high-profile cases involving smuggling, organized crime, and even assassination plots.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite Patryck Patyr’s many accomplishments and the respect he commands as Sword of the Council, his career has not been without its share of failures and embarrassments. These moments, though few, serve as reminders of the complexities of Lankhmar’s streets and political landscape, and they have left scars as deep as those on his body.   1. Betrayal of a Childhood Friend One of Patryck’s most personal failures was the betrayal of Davin Skell, a childhood friend from his cutpurse days. Davin, unlike Patryck, stayed deeply entrenched in the criminal underworld, eventually rising to a leadership position in one of Lankhmar’s smaller gangs. When Patryck became a city guard, their paths inevitably crossed again during an investigation into smuggling operations.   Despite their friendship, Patryck was forced to confront Davin, leading to a tense and violent showdown. Davin was arrested, but he never forgave Patryck for turning on him. The betrayal weighed heavily on Patryck, who still regrets the confrontation, seeing it as both a personal failure and a necessary evil. The fallout from that event continues to haunt him, and the shame of betraying a friend lingers beneath his otherwise stern exterior.   2. Losing a High-Value Target As a promising guard early in his career, Patryck was once assigned to apprehend a notorious smuggler known as Jaris Cray, who was working with several powerful merchants in Lankhmar. Despite his physical skills and street knowledge, Patryck underestimated Cray’s connections. During a sting operation, Cray escaped, leaving Patryck and his fellow guards empty-handed and humiliated. The failure embarrassed Patryck publicly and tarnished his reputation at a critical point in his rise through the ranks.   To make matters worse, Cray continued operating in the city for years afterward, evading capture and mocking the guards at every turn. Though Patryck would eventually bring him to justice, the initial failure remained a stain on his record.   3. Overwhelmed by the Dead Masters Thieves Guild During a particularly dangerous investigation into the Dead Masters Thieves Guild (DMTG), Patryck led a raid on one of their hideouts in Lankhmar’s Marsh District. Confident in the intelligence provided, he anticipated a routine operation. However, the guild had anticipated the raid, and the guards were ambushed. Patryck and his team barely escaped with their lives, and several of his colleagues were seriously injured.   The failure was seen as a tactical blunder and a public embarrassment for the City Guard, with many pointing fingers at Patryck’s leadership. The DMTG used the botched raid to further its influence in the district, setting back law enforcement efforts for months. While Patryck later redeemed himself in dealings with the guild, the incident left him with a reputation for being vulnerable to underworld manipulation.   4. Public Brawl in the Market District Known for his tough exterior and occasionally short temper, Patryck once found himself embroiled in a public brawl in the Market District. While off duty, he encountered a group of drunken mercenaries harassing a merchant. Initially trying to defuse the situation, Patryck’s temper flared when one of the mercenaries insulted him, leading to a full-blown fistfight.   While he easily bested the mercenaries, the fight caused considerable damage to nearby market stalls and drew a large crowd. His superiors reprimanded him for his lack of control and the bad optics of a city guard causing chaos in broad daylight. Although Patryck paid for the damages and apologized to the merchant, the incident earned him a reputation for being hot-headed, something he has since worked hard to control.   5. Failing to Save a Civilian During an Astral Wolf Attack One of Patryck’s most deeply felt failures occurred during an incident in The Cold Wastes while accompanying a diplomatic envoy. During the journey, the group was attacked by a pack of Astral Wolves, supernatural predators capable of pulling victims into the astral plane. Patryck, despite his combat skills, could not protect a civilian scholar who had traveled with the group to study ancient ruins.   The scholar, a soft-spoken academic who had befriended Patryck, was dragged into the astral plane and fatally mauled. Though Patryck fought valiantly and killed one of the wolves, he was too late to save the scholar, whose body bore the gruesome marks of the attack. The incident left Patryck with deep guilt, knowing he had been unable to protect someone who had trusted him. The failure still haunts him, and he remains wary of any dealings with the supernatural as a result.   6. The Michael Samn Scandal Though Patryck’s relationship with Michael Samn, a student at Ars Magica, is kept private, a scandal nearly erupted when rumors began to circulate about his frequent visits to the Mercantile District. Some members of the City Guard suspected him of corruption or secret dealings, not realizing the personal nature of his visits. The rumors put Patryck in a difficult position, forcing him to be more discreet and paranoid about protecting his personal life. While the scandal was eventually quashed, it caused significant tension within the guard and added pressure to an already complex relationship.   7. Botched Negotiation with the Free Companies When Lankhmar’s council sought to hire one of the Free Companies (mercenary groups) for additional protection during a time of political unrest, Patryck was tasked with leading the negotiations. However, his straightforward, no-nonsense approach clashed with the mercenary leaders, who were known for their pride and complex bargaining tactics. The talks broke down after a heated argument, leading the Free Companies to refuse the council’s offer and leaving the city temporarily vulnerable to external threats.   Though Patryck was not directly punished, his failure to secure the deal was seen as a misstep in the eyes of the council, who expected more diplomacy from one of their top enforcers. It was a humbling experience for Patryck, reminding him that not all battles are won with swords or intimidation.   8. The Night of the Unseen Assassin During one of his early assignments as Sword of the Council, Patryck was responsible for guarding a key council member during an important political event. Despite his vigilance, an unseen assassin managed to poison the council member's drink. Though the council member survived after receiving medical attention, the incident embarrassed Patryck deeply. He took the failure personally, questioning his own abilities, and the council briefly considered assigning another guard to the member. Patryck’s reputation took a hit, and it took considerable effort on his part to rebuild trust with his superiors after that night.

Mental Trauma

1. Survivor’s Guilt One of Patryck's deepest traumas is survivor’s guilt, originating from multiple events throughout his life. The most significant instance is the failed robbery during his youth that left his gangmates dead and him critically injured. Patryck survived while those he considered his family were killed, and this has haunted him ever since. This guilt only deepened when he later failed to save the civilian scholar during the Astral Wolf attack in The Cold Wastes. Despite his combat prowess, the feeling that he could have done more or acted faster eats away at him.   2. Betrayal of a Childhood Friend The betrayal of his childhood friend, Davin Skell, left Patryck with unresolved emotional turmoil. While he knew his duty as a guard required him to arrest Davin, the act of turning against someone who had been like a brother to him has left lasting guilt and internal conflict. The incident brought up painful memories of his criminal past, reminding him of the thin line he walks between law and lawlessness.   3. Nightmares and Flashbacks Patryck often suffers from nightmares and flashbacks of violent events from his past, including the botched raid against the Dead Masters Thieves Guild, where he nearly lost several fellow guards. He has frequent dreams about his encounters with the gangs of the Tenderloin, where he relives knife fights and the deaths of people he couldn’t save. These episodes often leave him sleep-deprived and irritable, which he hides behind his rugged exterior.   4. Fear of Losing Loved Ones Patryck's relationship with Michael Samn is one of the few things that bring him peace, but it is also a source of anxiety. He is constantly worried about Michael's safety, knowing how dangerous Lankhmar can be, especially for someone associated with him. Patryck keeps their relationship private not only to protect his career but also out of fear that his enemies—whether from the criminal underworld or political rivals—might use Michael to get to him. This fear creates a sense of constant tension, and Patryck struggles to balance his work and personal life without bringing danger to those he loves.   5. Emotional Suppression and Isolation Due to his upbringing and life as a guard, Patryck has learned to suppress his emotions and internalize his pain. This emotional isolation has left him feeling disconnected from most people, even his fellow guards. He struggles with vulnerability, preferring to bury his trauma under layers of toughness and professionalism. This makes him appear distant and cold to many around him, even though he longs for connection and understanding. His inability to express his emotions often exacerbates his feelings of loneliness.   6. Hypervigilance and Paranoia As a result of his experiences in Lankhmar, Patryck suffers from hypervigilance, constantly scanning for threats and expecting violence around every corner. His years as a cutpurse, combined with the dangers he faces as a guard, have made it difficult for him to ever truly relax. This heightened awareness keeps him alive but has also created an underlying sense of paranoia, especially in social situations where he’s not in control. He is always on edge, anticipating betrayal or danger, even from those close to him.   7. Fear of Becoming His Past Self Patryck's past as a cutpurse and gang member in the Tenderloin constantly lingers in the back of his mind. While he has worked hard to leave that life behind, he fears that one wrong decision or slip into violence could drag him back into the person he once was. His violent tendencies in combat, especially when fueled by anger, sometimes make him question whether he’s truly changed or if he’s just suppressing his old self. This internal struggle creates deep insecurities and self-doubt.   8. Avoidance of Supernatural Threats His traumatic encounter with the Astral Wolves has left Patryck with a deep aversion to supernatural threats. He tends to avoid missions or assignments involving the arcane or the astral plane, as the event has left him with a lingering fear of the unknown and a sense of helplessness. Despite his relationship with Michael, a student of magic, Patryck is uncomfortable with matters of magic and the supernatural, which can cause tension in his personal life.   Coping Mechanisms: Patryck uses several unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with his trauma. He often distracts himself with work, taking on more dangerous assignments to avoid confronting his feelings. He also drinks heavily when off duty, though he never lets it affect his performance as a guard. His relationship with Michael is one of the few positive outlets for his emotions, though the secrecy surrounding it prevents him from fully opening up

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite his rugged appearance and lack of formal education, Patryck Patyr possesses a sharp mind, honed by years of survival on the streets of Lankhmar and his experiences as a city guard. While he often downplays his intelligence and sees himself as somewhat dull compared to others, especially to his partner Michael, Patryck has developed several intellectual characteristics that make him a formidable and effective protector.   1. Street Smarts and Tactical Thinking Patryck’s sharpest intellectual trait is his street smarts—a deep, practical knowledge of Lankhmar’s complex underworld, its criminal organizations, and the people who inhabit its darker corners. His ability to read situations, spot danger, and anticipate people’s moves is unparalleled. He knows how to navigate both the physical streets and the unspoken rules of survival. This keen sense of tactical thinking makes him an excellent strategist, particularly in chaotic or high-stress situations, where quick decisions are required.   2. Observation and Perceptiveness Patryck is highly observant and has a natural ability to notice details that others often miss. Whether it’s a subtle change in someone’s behavior, an anomaly in the layout of a room, or a hidden clue in a crime scene, Patryck’s keen eye for detail helps him unravel mysteries and anticipate threats. This perceptiveness serves him well both in his role as a guard and in his personal life, though he sometimes uses it to distance himself emotionally from others.   3. Strategic Patience Patryck understands the value of patience and often takes a methodical approach to problems. He doesn’t rush into decisions unless absolutely necessary, preferring to carefully consider his options and analyze the situation before acting. This quality makes him a highly effective investigator and negotiator, particularly when dealing with delicate situations, such as guild politics or criminal negotiations. His patience also helps him when mentoring younger guards, as he knows how to wait for the right moment to teach a lesson or impart wisdom.   4. Pragmatism and Realism Patryck is deeply pragmatic and tends to focus on solutions that work, rather than idealistic or theoretical approaches. He doesn’t concern himself with high-minded philosophical debates or elaborate plans if they don’t lead to immediate, tangible results. This grounded, realistic mindset has been shaped by his years in Lankhmar, where survival often depends on practical actions and hard choices. While this can make him seem unromantic or blunt at times, it also means he is rarely swayed by false promises or illusions.   5. Underestimates His Own Intelligence Patryck is self-critical when it comes to his intellect, often dismissing himself as dull or less intelligent compared to others, particularly when around those with formal education. He downplays his own tactical brilliance, problem-solving skills, and deep understanding of Human nature because he lacks formal schooling. This insecurity is part of why Patryck is so drawn to Michael—Michael’s wit, sharp intellect, and knowledge of magic and the arcane world are traits Patryck greatly admires and finds incredibly attractive. He sees Michael as everything he isn’t: educated, sophisticated, and clever. Patryck deeply respects Michael’s mind and often feels a sense of awe when they talk about subjects beyond his own grasp.   6. Emotional Intelligence Though he might not recognize it, Patryck has strong emotional intelligence, particularly in reading people’s motivations and detecting dishonesty. His background as a cutpurse and a guard has taught him to read people’s body language, tone, and subtle expressions. He knows when someone is lying, when they’re hiding something, or when they’re feeling vulnerable. This ability to understand others on an emotional level, even when he struggles with his own feelings, gives him an edge in negotiations and investigations.   7. Practical Problem-Solving Patryck is excellent at practical problem-solving, particularly when it comes to physical challenges or immediate threats. He quickly assesses a situation, identifies the key issues, and devises a plan to address them. Whether it’s figuring out how to defend against an ambush, securing a dangerous area, or de-escalating a tense encounter, Patryck’s mind is always working on the most efficient way to achieve the desired outcome.   8. Loyalty and Honor as Guiding Principles Though he often doesn’t think of his loyalty and honor as intellectual qualities, they serve as guiding principles for his decisions. Patryck is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, particularly Michael, and he uses this loyalty to motivate himself in difficult situations. His sense of honor drives him to act with integrity, even when it’s not the easiest path. This mindset, while not traditionally intellectual, shapes the way he approaches moral dilemmas and the choices he makes in life.   9. Curiosity and Quiet Learning While Patryck may not think of himself as curious or scholarly, he has a quiet interest in learning from others, especially from Michael. Through his relationship, Patryck has begun to open himself to new ideas, particularly in the realm of magic and philosophy, areas far removed from his own expertise. His admiration for Michael’s intelligence has led him to ask more questions and engage with subjects that he would have dismissed before. While he may never see himself as an intellectual, Patryck’s curiosity has been sparked, and he is more open to learning and growth than he realizes.   Patryck’s intellectual characteristics are rooted in practicality, emotional insight, and a deep understanding of Human nature. Though he may feel inferior in the presence of those with formal education, particularly Michael, his intelligence is a key component of what makes him such a skilled and respected figure in Lankhmar’s city guard. His attraction to Michael’s sharp mind and wit reflects both his admiration for what he perceives as his own lack and his desire to grow beyond the limitations he places on himself.

Morality & Philosophy


1. Duty to the Law and Order Patryck’s primary sense of duty is not necessarily to protect the innocent out of compassion, but to uphold order and maintain stability. As a Lawful Neutral character, his primary motivation is the enforcement of the rules that keep society functioning, even if those rules sometimes lead to outcomes that might seem morally gray. He respects the authority of Lankhmar’s government and the laws, even when he disagrees with them, and believes in following the chain of command.   While he has a personal code of honor, it is secondary to his responsibility to the city’s laws. This makes him willing to make difficult or even cold decisions if they serve the greater order. For instance, he might arrest someone he personally sympathizes with because they broke the law, or carry out a council directive even if it seems unfair.   2. Justice as an Extension of Law Patryck’s concept of justice is tightly tied to the law, though his Lawful Neutral nature allows for a degree of flexibility. While he believes in enforcing the laws as they exist, he also understands that Lankhmar is a corrupt city, and sometimes the law needs to be interpreted or bent to maintain the city's stability. He does not seek personal revenge or vigilante justice, but if breaking the rules ensures the overall balance and function of the city, he may do so while feeling it’s justified under the broader framework of maintaining order.   His justice is pragmatic rather than idealistic. He upholds the law but has no delusions about the perfect morality of it. What matters to him is that the system doesn’t collapse into chaos.   3. Loyalty to Structure, not People Patryck’s loyalty is more toward the structures and institutions of Lankhmar than to specific individuals. While he does have personal connections, like with Michael and his fellow guards, his deeper loyalty is to the city itself and its governing systems. This means he will follow orders, even if he doesn’t agree with them on a personal level, because he believes that the chain of command must be respected for the city to function.   Though he is willing to protect the people of Lankhmar, he does so because it is his duty as a city guard, not because of a personal moral imperative to help others. His loyalty to his role can sometimes lead him to make decisions that seem cold or detached, as his priority is maintaining the rules that hold society together.   4. Vigilance in Service of Law Patryck's vigilance is not simply a survival mechanism but is tied to his responsibility to keep order. As a Lawful Neutral character, he sees being constantly alert and prepared as essential to fulfilling his role in society. This vigilance ensures that threats to Lankhmar’s stability are dealt with swiftly and efficiently. His sense of vigilance also extends to watching for corruption or inefficiencies within the system itself, as these are threats to the city’s order.   5. Skepticism of Individuals, Trust in Systems While Patryck is skeptical of individuals, he places his trust in systems. This differs from someone who is purely pragmatic or chaotic—Patryck believes that the systems in place, even if flawed, are better than allowing chaos to reign. He may not trust those in power, but he trusts that rules and structure keep the city functioning. His skepticism toward individuals means he’s often wary of trusting personal motives, but as long as the laws are upheld, he believes the system will prevail.  

Philosophy of Life

1. Order Above All Patryck believes that order is the cornerstone of society. Without rules, everything falls apart, and as a city guard, it is his duty to maintain this order, even if it means making morally ambiguous decisions. To him, the law is the law, and it must be respected, as it provides the framework that prevents Lankhmar from devolving into chaos. He acknowledges that the city’s laws are sometimes harsh or unfair, but he sees them as necessary for the greater stability of the city.   This philosophy means that Patryck doesn’t seek to change the system, but to enforce it. He may occasionally bend rules when it serves a greater purpose, but never with the intent to undermine the system itself.   2. Pragmatic Ethics Patryck’s moral code is governed by pragmatism. He believes that life is too chaotic to adhere to rigid ethical ideals, but order can still be maintained through flexibility within the law. While he understands the value of mercy, he views it as a tool to be used sparingly, only when it doesn’t threaten the stability of the system. His philosophy is that if laws need to be adjusted, it should be done through official channels, not personal moral decisions.   In his eyes, there’s a difference between maintaining order and acting on one’s emotions or personal beliefs. He keeps his personal feelings in check, focusing instead on what is necessary to maintain balance in the city.   3. Strength in the Service of Order Patryck values strength, but in service to maintaining the city’s laws and structure. He believes that true strength comes from controlling one’s emotions and channeling that energy into enforcing the rules. To him, strength is not just about physical power or winning battles—it’s about maintaining discipline and upholding the order that keeps society functioning.   He views chaos and lawlessness as the greatest threats to Lankhmar, and he uses his strength to fight against these forces, seeing them as existential dangers to the city’s structure.   4. Attraction to Intelligence and Rationality Patryck is attracted to intelligence and wit, especially as embodied by Michael. He admires Michael’s sharp mind and rational approach to life, seeing it as a strength that complements his own. While Patryck doesn’t see himself as particularly intellectual, he is drawn to those who think logically and strategically, and he respects people who can navigate the world through reason.   This admiration is also part of his philosophy of life—Patryck values rationality and believes that the smartest people are those who can see the bigger picture and understand the necessity of rules and structure.   5. Balance and Control For Patryck, life is about balance. He doesn’t seek glory or personal reward, nor does he act out of a sense of altruism. Instead, he strives to maintain the delicate balance between order and chaos. He sees himself as part of the mechanism that keeps Lankhmar stable, understanding that without people like him enforcing the rules, the city would fall into ruin.   His personal motto might be, "Do what must be done," reflecting his belief that sometimes maintaining order requires hard decisions and sacrifice, but it is always in service of a greater, lawful balance.


1. Betraying the Chain of Command One of Patryck’s strongest taboos is the idea of betraying his superiors or the chain of command. As someone who believes in order and structure, Patryck would never undermine or disobey a direct order from his commanders or the council, even if he privately disagrees with it. To him, respecting the hierarchy and following lawful orders is essential to maintaining stability within the city guard and the city itself. Insubordination or deliberately going against the authority structure is something he would never tolerate from himself or others.   2. Corruption or Taking Bribes Although Patryck operates in a morally complex world, corruption is a line he refuses to cross. Taking bribes or allowing money to influence his decisions goes against his belief in the law and the order it upholds. He has seen firsthand how corruption erodes the integrity of the system, and while he understands the practical need for bending rules in certain situations, accepting bribes or acting out of personal greed is a strict taboo for him. It would violate his sense of honor and loyalty to the city guard and the principles of law he loosely follows.   3. Turning a Blind Eye to Treachery Despite his flexible moral code, Patryck draws a firm line when it comes to treachery. Whether it’s a fellow guard betraying the city, a criminal turning on their comrades, or someone within the council plotting behind the scenes, Patryck refuses to tolerate betrayal. Having once been a cutpurse who lived in a world of shifting loyalties, he now sees treachery as one of the most dangerous threats to the order he strives to maintain. He would rather confront an enemy directly than deal with someone who undermines trust from within.   4. Using Magic for Personal Gain Though Patryck has a relationship with Michael, a student at Ars Magica, he maintains a strong taboo against using magic for personal gain. While he respects Michael’s intelligence and ability to wield magic, Patryck sees the abuse of magic for selfish purposes as reckless and dangerous. He has seen how powerful magical artifacts and spells can disrupt the natural order of things in Lankhmar, and he firmly believes that magic should be controlled and used responsibly. He would never seek to exploit magic for his own benefit, and he deeply mistrusts those who do.   5. Killing Without Purpose or in Cold Blood Patryck may be a fighter, but he has a strict rule against killing without purpose or in cold blood. Violence, to him, is a tool to maintain order and justice, not something to be indulged in for revenge or personal satisfaction. While he’s willing to kill when it’s necessary to protect others or maintain stability, he would never take a life out of anger or for the sake of vengeance. Cold-blooded murder disgusts him, and he avoids associating with those who kill for sport or gain. This taboo reflects his commitment to the greater good of the city, rather than personal vendettas.   6. Abandoning His Post As someone deeply committed to duty, abandoning his post or leaving his responsibilities would be a grave violation of Patryck’s personal code. Whether it’s deserting during a battle, failing to protect someone under his care, or shirking his responsibilities to the city guard, Patryck would never forgive himself for abandoning his role. Loyalty to his duty is central to his identity, and even in moments of personal crisis, he holds fast to the belief that fulfilling his obligations is more important than his own desires or safety.   7. Involving Innocents in Crime or Conflict Though Patryck understands the harsh realities of Lankhmar, he holds a firm taboo against involving innocent civilians in crime or conflict. While he’s seen and participated in morally ambiguous situations, he believes that non-combatants and those uninvolved in criminal activity should be left out of violence and political maneuvering whenever possible. He would refuse to use an innocent person as leverage, and he would never condone actions that knowingly put civilians at risk. Protecting the uninvolved, even in a city as corrupt as Lankhmar, is one of the few lines he won’t cross.   8. Dishonoring the City Guard Patryck holds his position as Sword of the Council and as a city guard in high regard. Any behavior that would bring dishonor or shame to the city guard, such as reckless actions, corruption, or dereliction of duty, is a strict taboo for him. He believes that the guard must be a force of stability and respect in a city filled with chaos and corruption, and he works hard to uphold that ideal. For him, dishonoring the guard is not only a personal failure but a threat to the order he fights to maintain.

Personality Characteristics


Patryck is primarily motivated by his sense of duty and loyalty, both to the city of Lankhmar and to the people he cares about. His role as Sword of the Council is not just a job to him; it’s a calling that aligns with his deep-seated belief in maintaining order in a chaotic world. Growing up in the dangerous Tenderloin District, Patryck experienced firsthand the destruction caused by lawlessness and betrayal, which instilled in him a strong desire to protect others from the dangers he once faced. His commitment to keeping the city safe is a key motivator, driving him to put his life on the line repeatedly.   Beyond his duty to the city, Patryck is driven by his loyalty to those close to him, particularly Michael Samn. Their relationship represents a source of personal fulfillment for Patryck, a place where he can be vulnerable and emotionally connected. Protecting Michael, and ensuring his safety, motivates Patryck in ways that go beyond his professional obligations.

  Patryck is also motivated by a desire for redemption. Though he has left his life as a cutpurse behind, the memories of his criminal past still haunt him. He pushes himself to be better, to make up for the mistakes of his youth by dedicating his life to law and order. This internal drive to atone for his past misdeeds keeps him committed to his role, constantly striving to be a protector and enforcer of justice.   Finally, Patryck is motivated by a need for stability and control. Having grown up in an environment of unpredictability and violence, he now seeks to impose order on the world around him. This desire for control over his environment—and himself—helps him manage his emotions, his relationships, and his responsibilities, ensuring that chaos doesn’t overtake his life again.

Likes & Dislikes

Though it might not be something he openly expresses, Patryck has a soft spot for animals, particularly those that are strong and independent. He respects creatures that embody qualities he admires, such as loyalty, resilience, and survival instincts. Though he would never make a big deal of it, he has a quiet affection for animals he encounters in the city or in the wild.   While Patryck doesn’t seek power himself, he has little patience for weak or incompetent leaders. He believes that those in charge should be decisive and capable, and he has no respect for those who abuse their position or shirk responsibility. This mistrust of leadership sometimes puts him at odds with authority figures in the city, especially when he senses corruption.   Patryck dislikes flashy displays of wealth or self-indulgence, particularly when they are used to show off power or status. In a city where many people struggle to survive, he finds the ostentation of the wealthy distasteful. He prefers things to be simple and practical, and he views extravagant lifestyles as frivolous and disconnected from reality.

Vices & Personality flaws

Patryck has his share of vices and flaws, stemming from his difficult past, his position in Lankhmar's often corrupt and dangerous environment, and the emotional walls he has built around himself. These traits, while not defining him entirely, contribute to his complexity as a character.   One of Patryck's more prominent flaws is his emotional repression. He struggles to express vulnerability or open up about his feelings, even to those he cares about most, like Michael. This emotional guardedness can make him seem distant or cold, even when his intentions are good. He has difficulty processing his trauma and often avoids confronting his deeper emotions, preferring to bury them under layers of stoicism and duty.   His workaholic tendencies also manifest as a flaw. Patryck is often so focused on his responsibilities as Sword of the Council that he neglects his personal well-being and relationships. He believes that constant vigilance and hard work are necessary to keep order, but this can lead to burnout, isolation, and even pushing away those who care about him.   Patryck's stubbornness is another issue. Once he sets his mind on something, it’s difficult to change his perspective. His rigid sense of duty sometimes makes him inflexible, and he can be dismissive of ideas or opinions that differ from his own. While this determination serves him well in some situations, it can cause friction in personal and professional relationships when compromise or adaptation is needed.   When it comes to vices, Patryck has a tendency to drink to unwind or cope with stress. While he doesn’t let alcohol affect his performance on the job, he sometimes leans on it as a way to escape his burdens, particularly after difficult or emotionally draining experiences. Drinking is one of the few times he allows himself to relax, though it can also be a crutch that prevents him from dealing with his inner struggles.   Lastly, Patryck has a distrust of authority, despite being a figure of authority himself. Having grown up in Lankhmar's underworld, where power is often corrupt, he is skeptical of those in leadership positions. This mistrust can cause him to be cynical and question the motives of even those who should be his allies, leading to occasional conflicts within the city guard and the council.

Personality Quirks

When he’s particularly stressed or frustrated, Patryck has a habit of clenching his jaw or grinding his teeth. It’s a subtle but telling sign that he’s holding back emotions or tension, especially when he’s trying to remain composed in difficult situations.   Though he’s generally quiet and reserved, Patryck occasionally exhales sharply through his nose when he’s irritated or trying to suppress an outburst of frustration. This sound is barely perceptible to most people but serves as a small release for his pent-up emotions, particularly when dealing with bureaucracy or incompetence.


Patryck maintains a high level of hygiene, driven by practicality and discipline rather than vanity. As Sword of the Council, he knows that staying clean is essential for both optimal performance and presenting himself as a capable professional. After long patrols or battles, he’s diligent about washing up, aware that good hygiene helps prevent infection, particularly given the number of scars and injuries he carries.   He keeps his gear and armor meticulously clean, always ensuring his weapons are in top condition, and this same mindset applies to his personal grooming. His hair is kept short for practical reasons, and his beard is always closely trimmed, never allowed to grow long. He knows that a long beard could be disadvantageous in a fight, providing an easy grip for an opponent, so he ensures it remains neat and minimal at all times.


Contacts & Relations

Although Patryck now upholds the law, his past as a cutpurse and his time growing up in the Tenderloin District have given him long-standing connections with certain members of Lankhmar’s criminal underworld. While he avoids indulging in these connections, certain figures from his past still hold sway over parts of the city, and Patryck occasionally taps into this network when necessary. Some old acquaintances might provide him with critical information about underground activities, smuggling rings, or criminal plots. However, these relationships are fraught with tension, as Patryck’s betrayal of his former life as a criminal has left many in the underworld distrustful or resentful of him.   Though Patryck generally distrusts authority figures, he has forged professional relationships with several key members of Lankhmar’s ruling Council. Some of these relationships are more strategic than personal, and Patryck often keeps these council members at arm’s length. His most trusted ally on the Council is likely someone who shares his commitment to order and justice, while his dealings with more corrupt members are fraught with tension. Despite his discomfort with politics, these connections are crucial in securing resources and authority for his work as Sword of the Council.

Family Ties

Patryck's family ties are minimal and strained, a reflection of his difficult upbringing in Lankhmar's harsh Tenderloin District. His relationship with his father is particularly complicated. A distant and hardened man, his father was more focused on survival than on being a nurturing parent. He likely had his own ties to petty crime, and from an early age, expected Patryck to follow in his footsteps. While his father taught him the basic street smarts needed to survive, their relationship lacked any real warmth or guidance. When Patryck chose to leave his criminal life behind and join the City Guard, his father saw it as a betrayal. Since that moment, they have had no contact, and Patryck feels no urge to reconnect with him. This estrangement leaves a lingering sense of guilt and resentment within Patryck, but it’s something he rarely allows himself to dwell on.   Patryck’s mother passed away when he was still a young boy, a loss that shaped much of his early development. Her death left him without any real source of affection or care during his formative years, and as a result, Patryck was forced to harden himself early on. Though his memories of her are faded, he recalls her as a gentle woman who tried to protect him from the harshness of their world. Her death, however, marked a turning point for Patryck, pushing him further into a life of crime and survival on the streets.   It’s possible that Patryck has siblings, though any connection with them has long since faded. If they exist, they are either estranged or lost to him. Life in the Tenderloin was transient and chaotic, and family ties were often secondary to survival. If Patryck does have siblings, they likely went their separate ways long ago, perhaps remaining in Lankhmar’s underworld or living lives unknown to him. He has made no effort to reconnect with them, either because those bonds were weak to begin with or because he sees little reason to revisit the past.   As for any extended family, Patryck has no known ties. His life has always been focused on survival and later on his role as a protector in Lankhmar, leaving little room for familial connections. If extended family exists, they are distant and uninvolved, having drifted away or been lost to the harsh realities of life in the city.  

Religious Views

Patryck is not a religious man by nature, but he holds a certain respect for the principles that Heimdall represents—vigilance, protection, and order. For Patryck, these ideals resonate deeply with his own worldview and personal code. He doesn’t pray or engage in any formal worship, but Heimdall’s attributes act as a loose guide for how Patryck approaches his life and duties.   Patryck views Heimdall more as a symbol of what he strives to embody rather than a deity to be worshiped. He appreciates the idea of a guardian who stands watch over the world, ever alert to threats and maintaining balance and safety. This aligns closely with Patryck’s role as Sword of the Council and his self-imposed responsibility to protect Lankhmar from danger. The god's constant vigilance is something Patryck admires and tries to emulate in his own life, particularly in his ability to stay calm, focused, and aware, even in the face of chaos.   However, Patryck’s respect for Heimdall is pragmatic rather than spiritual. He doesn’t believe that Heimdall is watching over him or intervening in the world. Instead, he sees the god’s principles as useful guidelines for action, reinforcing the idea that vigilance and readiness are the best defenses against the unpredictability of life. His tattoo of Heimdall on his chest is not a mark of devotion but a personal reminder of these qualities—strength, vigilance, and protection.   In his mind, relying on oneself and maintaining control over his own fate are far more important than placing faith in a higher power. To Patryck, the values Heimdall represents are worth aspiring to because they align with his belief in order and duty, not because they are divine commandments. For him, the idea of honoring Heimdall means living by principles that make sense in the dangerous, lawless world of Lankhmar, rather than practicing any religious rituals or beliefs.

Social Aptitude

Patryck has a strong, commanding presence that naturally garners respect. He knows how to use his authority and physical stature to get attention when it’s needed. In situations where he has to assert control, such as when dealing with subordinates or defusing tense encounters, Patryck’s no-nonsense approach and authoritative demeanor work in his favor.   atryck is known for being straightforward and clear in his communication. He doesn’t mince words or engage in unnecessary small talk, which can be refreshing to those who appreciate efficiency and honesty. This directness serves him well in the City Guard, where decisions often need to be made quickly, and people rely on him to speak plainly.   Patryck lacks charm and has little patience for the subtleties of diplomacy or flattery. He’s not someone who can effortlessly navigate social events or sway people with smooth talk. In situations where diplomacy or social finesse is required, he often comes across as too blunt or dismissive, making it difficult for him to connect with more refined or political figures.   Patryck is uncomfortable in formal social settings, such as high-society events or diplomatic gatherings. He doesn’t enjoy the small talk or the often-performative nature of such events, and he tends to feel out of place. His straightforward nature clashes with the nuances and subtext often required in these interactions, leading him to avoid such gatherings when possible.


In public, Patryck maintains a stoic and disciplined presence, rarely showing emotion and keeping his expression neutral. His serious demeanor is a defense mechanism that reinforces his authority and control. He moves with purpose and precision, never rushing, always calculating each step as if preparing for action at any moment. Whether walking through the streets of Lankhmar or preparing for a confrontation, his posture is straight and confident, reflecting a constant readiness for whatever danger may come. His communication style is equally direct, preferring short, no-nonsense sentences, often cutting straight to the heart of the matter without indulging in small talk or unnecessary pleasantries. This can make him seem blunt or cold, but for Patryck, efficiency is key.   Vigilance is one of his most pronounced mannerisms. His eyes are always scanning his surroundings, constantly on alert, whether he’s in the bustling city or a quiet room. He picks up on details others might miss, and his awareness gives him an edge in potentially dangerous situations. When tension builds, one of his few outward signs of stress is a subtle clenching of his jaw, a physical manifestation of the frustration or irritation he tries to suppress. This, combined with his tight control over his emotions, makes him seem even more unapproachable in public.   However, when Patryck is with Michael, his entire demeanor softens. His normally rigid posture relaxes, and he allows himself to let go of the constant tension he holds in public. He doesn’t feel the need to maintain the same level of vigilance or control, so his body language is looser and more at ease. In these private moments, he uses gentle touches to communicate what he doesn’t express in words—a hand on Michael’s shoulder, a soft brush of his fingers across his partner’s arm. These quiet gestures reflect his affection and protectiveness, qualities he shows only to those closest to him. His voice also changes in Michael’s presence, losing the sharp edge of authority and becoming softer, more conversational. Though still a man of few words, his tone carries a warmth that is absent when he’s on duty.   Despite his generally stoic nature, Patryck sometimes allows himself brief, almost imperceptible smiles when he’s with Michael. These moments of warmth are rare, but they reveal the deep connection and trust he has with his partner. His smiles aren’t big or obvious, just small, fleeting signs of contentment, usually in response to something Michael says or does that makes him feel understood or cared for.   Even in private, Patryck’s protective instincts are always present. Without thinking, he often positions himself between Michael and any potential source of discomfort or danger, no matter how trivial. He adjusts their surroundings subtly, always making sure that Michael is safe and comfortable. It’s these unconscious acts of protectiveness that show just how deeply Patryck cares for him, even when words fail to express it. And while silence is often a companion for Patryck, he finds peace in these quiet moments with Michael. Long stretches of wordless companionship don’t feel awkward; instead, they are a reflection of the comfort and intimacy they share, where understanding goes beyond what is spoken.

Hobbies & Pets

Patryck has never been one to indulge in many hobbies, largely due to the demands of his life as a city guard and his upbringing in the rough streets of Lankhmar. However, over the years, he has developed a few quiet, practical interests that allow him to find some peace in his rare moments of downtime.   While he has never kept a pet in the traditional sense, Patryck has a soft spot for animals, particularly strong, independent creatures like stray dogs or street cats that roam the city. Though he doesn't consider himself an animal lover in a sentimental way, he respects their survival instincts and resilience, qualities he sees reflected in himself. From time to time, he has been known to leave food out for the strays that hang around the barracks or the parts of Lankhmar he frequents. He doesn’t take them in, but there's an unspoken bond between him and the animals, especially the ones that have survived as long as he has.   As for hobbies, Patryck is a man of simple tastes. In his rare moments of leisure, he enjoys weapon maintenance—not just as a necessity for his job, but as a calming ritual. Sharpening his blades or repairing his armor gives him a sense of control and purpose, a quiet focus that allows him to clear his mind. The rhythmic nature of it, along with the satisfaction of knowing his gear is always ready, provides him a rare form of relaxation.   Additionally, Patryck has a quiet appreciation for strategy games, such as chess or similar games played in Lankhmar. Though he isn’t overly competitive, he enjoys the mental challenge of thinking ahead and anticipating moves, something that mirrors the tactical thinking he applies in his role as Sword of the Council. Michael, with his intellectual sharpness, has introduced him to these types of games, and while Patryck rarely wins, he finds the challenge satisfying and appreciates the time spent together.   While Patryck doesn’t have many hobbies that would be considered recreational in the usual sense, his interests reflect his need for control, purpose, and quiet focus—whether it’s in caring for his weapons, tending to the stray animals of Lankhmar, or spending quiet, thoughtful time with Michael.


Michael Samn

Partner (Vital)

Towards Patryck Patyr



Patryck Patyr

Partner (Vital)

Towards Michael Samn




Patryck and Michael’s journey toward intimacy began with a series of chance encounters in the Mercantile District, where Patryck spent most of his time patrolling. Their initial interactions were brief, but each time they met, a deeper connection formed. Michael, a student at Ars Magica, found himself increasingly drawn to Patryck's quiet strength and protective nature, while Patryck was intrigued by Michael's intelligence and charm. However, it wasn't until a particular night, when Michael’s life was in danger, that their relationship truly shifted.   One evening, Michael was returning from his studies when a local merchant, who had been harboring an unhealthy fixation on him, cornered him. The merchant, larger and stronger than Michael, attempted to force him into a nearby alley with the clear intention of assaulting him. Just as things were about to escalate, Patryck, while on patrol, noticed the situation. He stepped in without hesitation, drawing his weapon and scaring off the merchant before he could drag Michael into a nearby building.   Though Michael was shaken, Patryck remained calm and insistent that he walk Michael back to his quarters at Ars Magica. Along the way, the tension between them, already building from months of subtle exchanges, became more palpable. Michael, who had always sensed Patryck’s emotional walls, saw something different in him that night—concern and protectiveness that ran deeper than the duty of a city guard.   When they reached Michael’s quarters, they sat together in the dim light of his study, the silence between them heavy with unspoken emotion. Michael, ever perceptive, noticed how much the incident had unsettled Patryck, even though he tried to hide it. Gently, Michael reached out and touched Patryck’s arm, offering him comfort. To his surprise, Patryck didn’t pull away; instead, he let himself be vulnerable, something he had rarely allowed himself to do.   In that moment, their connection deepened, and they both realized their feelings had grown far beyond friendship. What started as a soft touch turned into a quiet, tentative kiss. That night, they crossed the line from friendship into something far more intimate. Their first time together was not rushed—it was filled with caution, tenderness, and an unspoken understanding. Patryck, who had spent years guarding himself emotionally, finally felt safe enough to let someone in. For Michael, it was about creating a space of trust, where Patryck could be himself without fear. This moment of intimacy solidified the bond between them, laying the foundation for a relationship built on mutual respect, trust, and a deep, personal connection.

Nicknames & Petnames

Michael calls Patryck "Trick", like his friends call him. In intimate situations, he calls him "daddy".   Patryck calls Michael "Love".

Relationship Reasoning

In essence, the reasoning behind their relationship is that they complement and complete each other. Patryck offers the emotional security and physical protection Michael needs, while Michael provides the intellectual stimulation and emotional refuge that Patryck craves. Their bond is grounded in mutual respect, shared values, and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities, making their relationship both practical and emotionally fulfilling.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Despite their different backgrounds, Michael and Patryck share several commonalities that have strengthened their bond over time. One of the core elements of their relationship is the mutual respect they have for each other's strengths. Patryck greatly admires Michael's intelligence and magical abilities, qualities that complement his own more physical, pragmatic nature. Similarly, Michael deeply values Patryck's unwavering loyalty, protective instincts, and strong sense of duty. This mutual admiration helps bridge the gap between their seemingly different worlds.   Both men find solace in quiet, intimate moments. Neither is fond of excessive socializing or grand gestures, preferring the peace that comes with simply being together. Whether they’re sitting in comfortable silence at Michael’s quarters, or sharing a quiet evening after a long day, they find these moments to be deeply restorative. It's in these moments that they connect most, without the need for constant conversation or action.   Though Patryck is a fighter and Michael a student of magic, they both enjoy the mental challenge of strategy. Patryck’s tactical mind, shaped by years of combat, aligns with Michael’s love for problem-solving and intellectual pursuits. They often play strategy games like chess or similar games from Lankhmar, and while Patryck may not always win, he finds the process engaging, enjoying the challenge of matching wits with Michael. For Michael, it’s a way to connect with Patryck on an intellectual level, appreciating his willingness to engage in thoughtful pursuits even if it’s outside his comfort zone.   Their shared appreciation for practicality also plays a role in their bond. Patryck’s no-nonsense, functional mindset aligns with Michael’s approach to magic and life in general. Both value efficiency over extravagance and have little interest in the excesses of Lankhmar’s wealthier classes. Whether Patryck is meticulously maintaining his weapons or Michael is refining his magical skills, they both understand the importance of discipline and focus.   Neither of them is comfortable in formal or elite circles. Patryck, with his rough upbringing, has little patience for the pretentiousness of Lankhmar’s upper class. Michael, though exposed to the city’s elite through his studies at Ars Magica, also feels out of place among them. Their shared discomfort with the excesses of wealth and power creates a bond, as both prefer a more grounded, practical way of living. They both have a distaste for the superficial displays of status and wealth that are common in Lankhmar, preferring the company of those who value hard work and intellect over privilege.   A strong sense of duty also ties them together, though it manifests in different ways. Patryck is committed to his role as a protector of Lankhmar, a responsibility he takes very seriously. Michael, on the other hand, feels a deep sense of duty to his studies and the magical knowledge he is accumulating. They both understand the weight of their responsibilities and the sacrifices that come with them, which allows them to support each other in times of stress. Patryck respects Michael's dedication to magic, and Michael admires Patryck's loyalty to his role as Sword of the Council.   Together, they share an interest in exploring the mysteries of Lankhmar. Michael’s curiosity about the city’s hidden magical elements sometimes piques Patryck’s interest as well. While Patryck is often skeptical of magic, he respects Michael’s knowledge and occasionally joins him in exploring Lankhmar’s darker, more arcane aspects. Their combined skills—Patryck’s physical protection and Michael’s intellectual insight—make them an effective team when delving into the unknown parts of the city.   Another key bond between them is their protective instincts toward one another. Patryck is the obvious physical protector, always vigilant over Michael’s safety in Lankhmar’s dangerous streets. However, Michael is equally protective of Patryck, particularly when it comes to his emotional well-being. Michael often encourages Patryck to lower his emotional walls, offering a safe space for him to process the emotional burden of his past and his responsibilities. Their mutual desire to protect each other, both physically and emotionally, strengthens their connection.

Shared Secrets

Michael and Patryck's relationship is built on a foundation of trust, strengthened by the secrets they share, which create a deep bond between them. One of the most significant secrets they keep is the very existence of their relationship. Given Patryck’s role as Sword of the Council and Michael’s position as a student at Ars Magica, they know that revealing their romantic involvement could invite unwanted scrutiny. In the dangerous political and criminal landscape of Lankhmar, where knowledge is power and can be weaponized, they have chosen to keep their relationship discreet. The fewer people who know about them, the safer they are.   Another secret they hold close is the near-death experience that Michael had when he was almost stabbed during an attempted robbery in the Mercantile District. Patryck had intervened just in time, saving Michael, but the event left a lasting mark on both of them. Patryck’s protective instincts, already strong, became even more intense after this incident. They rarely talk about what happened, understanding that exposing Michael’s vulnerability could put him in greater danger. Patryck, in particular, does not want this incident to reflect poorly on his reputation as a protector.   Patryck’s criminal past is another secret they share. Few in Lankhmar know that Patryck once lived as a cutpurse before joining the City Guard. This is a part of his life that he keeps buried, fearing that it could jeopardize his position if the wrong people were to find out. Michael is one of the few people Patryck has trusted with this knowledge, and he respects the journey Patryck has made from street thief to protector. Together, they keep this part of his history hidden from those who might use it against him.   Michael, too, has his own secrets, particularly concerning his forbidden magical research. Though he is cautious, Michael’s natural curiosity has led him to explore spells and magical theories that push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable at Ars Magica. Patryck is aware of this, and while he remains wary of magic in general, he trusts Michael’s judgment. They both understand that if this research were discovered by the wrong people, it could cause serious trouble for Michael. Out of loyalty, Patryck keeps this secret safe, recognizing the importance of Michael’s intellectual pursuits.   On a more personal level, Patryck has shared with Michael his emotional struggles and vulnerabilities—aspects of himself that he would never reveal to anyone else. The weight of his role in the city, his guilt over his past, and the emotional burden of constantly being on guard are things that Patryck keeps locked away from the world. Only with Michael does he allow himself to be vulnerable, sharing the emotional toll that his responsibilities take on him. Michael, in turn, provides the emotional refuge that Patryck needs, keeping these moments of vulnerability between them.   Both men also possess shared knowledge of Lankhmar’s darker sides. Patryck’s work in the City Guard has exposed him to the city’s criminal networks, while Michael’s connection to the magical community gives him insight into the arcane dealings of Lankhmar. Together, they have a unique perspective on the hidden dangers that lurk in the city. They’ve uncovered secrets about political figures and criminal leaders that could be highly damaging if revealed. For their own safety, and to maintain stability, they keep this information to themselves, knowing that revealing it could invite chaos.   At times, Michael has also had to cover for Patryck, using his magical abilities discreetly to assist Patryck in ways that others don’t know about. Whether by gathering information through magical means or providing healing that Patryck couldn’t seek through public channels, Michael has quietly supported Patryck in his duties. They keep this quiet collaboration secret, understanding that it could raise questions about Patryck’s work or Michael’s position at the academy.   One of their most personal secrets is their shared vision for the future. Despite the dangers of Lankhmar and their respective roles in the city, they’ve privately discussed the possibility of leaving one day to live a quieter life together. It’s a dream they both hold, though they don’t speak of it often, knowing that their current responsibilities keep them bound to Lankhmar. Still, the idea of finding a place where they can live openly and without fear remains a shared goal, one that keeps them grounded amidst the chaos of their lives.   The secrets they share—whether about their relationship, their personal struggles, or the hidden dangers of the city—are the foundation of the trust between them. Together, Michael and Patryck navigate the complexities and dangers of Lankhmar, relying on the unspoken understanding that they will protect each other’s secrets just as fiercely as they protect each other. These hidden truths deepen their connection, creating a bond that is as much about survival as it is about love

Shared Acquaintances

Michael and Patryck, despite coming from different backgrounds, have developed connections with several individuals in Lankhmar who serve as shared acquaintances. These connections help bridge their worlds and provide additional depth to their relationship.   1. Liora Thorne Liora Thorne is a fellow student at Ars Magica and a close friend of Michael. She is known for her expertise in enchantments and has often collaborated with Michael on various magical projects. Liora has also interacted with Patryck on multiple occasions, primarily through Michael. She respects Patryck’s role in the City Guard and has witnessed firsthand his dedication to protecting Michael. Liora serves as a neutral ground between Michael and Patryck, facilitating interactions and providing support when needed.   2. Captain Darius Rook Captain Darius Rook is the commanding officer of the City Guard and oversees Patryck’s duties as the Sword of the Council. He has developed a professional relationship with Michael through Michael’s interactions with the guard, especially after Patryck introduced Michael to some of the guard’s resources for information gathering. Captain Rook respects both men, recognizing Patryck’s value as a protector and Michael’s contributions as a magical scholar. While their interactions are mostly formal, Captain Rook occasionally seeks Michael’s insights on magical matters that intersect with city security.   3. Matthix Porpherius Matthix Porpherius, a Black Wizard who owns a renowned taxidermy shop in the Marsh District, is another shared acquaintance. Michael often consults Matthix for rare materials needed for his magical research, and Patryck has worked with Matthix when unusual magical artifacts come into the guard’s possession. Matthix admires Michael’s dedication to his studies and respects Patryck’s commitment to maintaining order. His shop serves as a discreet meeting place where both Michael and Patryck can exchange information when necessary.   4. Selene Varek Selene Varek is a merchant in the Mercantile District who owns a popular apothecary. She has a friendly relationship with both Michael and Patryck. Selene provides Michael with rare ingredients for his magical experiments and offers Patryck supplies and potions to aid in his duties. Her shop is a hub of information, and Selene often shares insights about the goings-on in the district with both men, making her an invaluable resource for their respective roles.   5. Gareth “The Shadow” Gareth, nicknamed “The Shadow,” is a skilled informant who operates within Lankhmar’s underworld. He has connections with both Michael and Patryck, albeit in different capacities. Patryck relies on Gareth for discreet information about criminal activities that threaten the city, while Michael occasionally taps into Gareth’s network to gather intel on arcane threats. Gareth’s ability to navigate both the magical and criminal realms makes him a crucial link between Michael and Patryck’s worlds.   6. Evelyn Starfire Evelyn Starfire is a mage and librarian at Ars Magica. She assists Michael with his research and has become acquainted with Patryck through their shared interest in protecting Lankhmar from hidden threats. Evelyn often collaborates with both men when dealing with magical anomalies or historical artifacts that require both magical and physical expertise. Her extensive knowledge of magical lore makes her a respected figure among their shared acquaintances.   7. Thorin Ironfist Thorin Ironfist is a dwarven blacksmith who runs a forge near the Mercantile District. Both Michael and Patryck have interacted with Thorin on multiple occasions—Michael for enchanted weaponry and Thorin for maintaining Patryck’s gear. Thorin’s craftsmanship ensures that Patryck’s armor and weapons are always in top condition, while his enchanted creations provide Michael with unique tools for his magical studies. Thorin’s no-nonsense attitude and reliable nature make him a trusted ally for both men.

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Patryck’s personal wealth is modest, reflecting both his pragmatic nature and his background. He’s never been driven by the pursuit of riches, and his time in the City Guard has provided him with a steady, though not lavish, income. As Sword of the Council, his position comes with certain benefits and a slightly higher salary than a typical guard, but Patryck doesn’t indulge in luxuries or accumulate excessive wealth.   He lives a simple, practical lifestyle, using his earnings to maintain his gear, ensure his personal needs are met, and occasionally support those he cares about, like Michael. Patryck saves most of his money rather than spending it on frivolous things, so while he doesn’t possess great wealth, he has a small financial cushion built up over the years.

Current Status
Works as a city guard, stationed at the South Barracks near the Grain Gate in Lankhmar.
Current Location
Date of Birth
20 Zepter
Year of Birth
2988 RJ 34 Years old
The Tenderloin District of Lankhmar
Michael Samn (Partner)
Masculine, physically fit and muscular
Short dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy complexion, has scars all over his body including his face
220 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Patryck isn’t one for long speeches or grand declarations, but he has a few phrases that he tends to repeat, each reflective of his no-nonsense approach to life and his role as a protector. One of his most common sayings is, "Do what needs to be done." This simple, straightforward phrase encapsulates his pragmatic mindset. Whether it's in battle, during a tough decision, or when he's dealing with the politics of Lankhmar, this catchphrase serves as a reminder that in his world, actions speak louder than words.   Another phrase he often uses, particularly when faced with uncertainty or danger, is, "Stay sharp." It's a phrase he uses both for himself and those under his command. To Patryck, vigilance is essential, and this short expression underscores his constant awareness of potential threats.   In more private moments, especially with Michael, Patryck might quietly say, "I've got you." It’s a simple affirmation of his protective nature, assuring his partner that no matter what happens, he’ll always be there to defend and support him. These catchphrases, though subtle, reflect the core of who Patryck is—a man of few words, driven by action, duty, and loyalty.

Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Geralt of Rivia

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown
Character Portrait image: Patryck Patyr by Chad Watson via Midjourney


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