Blood Hunters Organization in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Blood Hunters


The Blood Hunters are separated into three orders, each commanded by a Grandmaster: Lycan, Ghostslayer, and Mutant. The orders, though very different in their teachings, training, and even certain philosophies, are all bound to honor the will of their Grandmaster. Besides the Grandmaster, the power structure of the orders looks different for each, though all three work on the idea that seniority and merit should be the determining factors in a Blood Hunter's reputation and standing.


Blood Hunters are all taught that they are the world's best chance at protecting the common person from terrors they could not possibly hope to overcome. This belief, while originating in a time where technology was at it's most primal and civilization had yet to grow beyond tribes and family units, has not wavered in the face of powerful nations and the creation earthshaking armaments. To many Blood Hunters, it has only reassured them of their necessity. Blood Hunters pride themselves on being bound to no nation, no flag, and no specific peoples. Free of bureaucratic and national burdens, they can entirely dedicate themselves to hunting and exterminating their prey. The order also sees themselves as protectors of the benevolent supernatural forces of the world, though this is a facet of their occupation many rarely exercise now due to the work of their predecessors. Blood Hunters also see themselves as outcasts, a notion that has only changed slightly since the first Blood Hunters began their work. Originally seen as a single degree of separation from what they hunted by most, Blood Hunters are still seen as an omen and are told to leave as quickly and urgently as they were asked to grant their services by most. Even in bastions of civilization, Blood Hunters are a strange lot, seen as dangerous and violent in nature. Blood Hunters embrace this as well, for better and for worse, casting their old lives aside for the life of the Blood Hunter. Though the orders can often have caustic relationships with one another, each order treats its members as family. After all, they are all bound by the Founding Blood.

Public Agenda

Blood Hunters seek to protect the world from the supernatural forces of destruction and malignancy. Though they do seek compensation for their work, it is not unheard of for Blood Hunters to take jobs based on personal convictions, as many have become zealous in hunting their preferred prey.


The Blood Hunters have amassed many things over the years: wealth, relics, renown, and equipment. But nothing has been more fervently pursued, gathered, improved, and closely guarded than the knowledge and experience of it's collective members. Each order collects knowledge on its preferred prey and despite the waxing and waning of animosity between orders, this information is compiled in full from all three orders and stored in a great archive, the location of which is known only by the Grandmasters and whoever supposedly maintains and preserves the archive.


Founded by an tribe of shaman known now as only "The Founders", the first Hunter's Bane ritual was performed and subsequently created the first Blood Hunters in -721 ME. The order's knowledge would grow steadily as the years passed and their order grew. Eventually, due to rising issues of infighting, the Blood Hunters created the three orders that are seen today. Though there have been notable points in history where the three orders set aside their differences and fought as one, the most recent example being The Blood Crusade. Though they keep a detailed history within their own ranks, few outside the orders know anything close to their full history. The Blood Hunters largely chose to stay out of the Dwarven Civil War, though the then Grandmaster of the Lycan Order, Tasha Sabboril, defied this general principle and fought in the war from 1216-1225 MIE for the Separatist forces. She would return to her post after the Grandmasters of the other orders threatened to mark her "Excommunicato" is she continued to fight, but it is said she returned largely due to the fact that she fell in love with a fellow soldier, who had been gravely wounded shortly before she returned from the war.

Bound in unnatural blood to hunt the supernaturally malignant.

Founding Date
-721 ME
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Blood Hunter
Leader Title


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