The Westlands

The western continent is one of regional environments and weather. The Motionless Swamp is ever humid and dangerous, the lands of Weststar are forever arid and desert, and the region between Riverdale and Summerholde are temperate.   Weststar truly is the “jewel of the west” and is a huge mixing pot of people, cultures, and trade; even more so than the city of Waterdeep. All races find welcome here, even Half-Orcs and many Tieflings live here.   The sister towns of Riverdale and Ravenvale are comprised primarily of Humans, Half-Elves, and some Elves. A humble folk, they work the land and send supplies down to Weststar.   Summerholde and its surrounding forest are the home of the Elves. Long lived, the Elves are prideful and see themselves above the other races of the world.   To the north, the city of Oakenstorm is home to the Dwarves. They have tunneled deep below the Exwich Heights. An untrusting people, the Dwarves tend to keep to their tunnels and mountains rather than the affairs of the south.   The Ethereal Steppes are a land of mystery and terror. Long sealed by a great gate, few have traveled within this region.
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