
The great city of Weststar, Jewel of the West, while less technologically advanced than Waterdeep is certainly much larger. Here resides the Great Bazaar, a massive center of trade where almost anything from Neverine and indeed even from other planes can be bartered for.   There are very few laws in the city of Weststar, however, the city guard are given almost ultimate authority in keeping the peace and they do so swiftly and brutally. The Sapphire Code consists simply of one rule: Live as you please, sully not the lives of others. More often than not, those who do “sully” the lives of others are put to death on the spot.   With so few laws, great opportunity for wealth resides in the city of Weststar, attracting many from far and wide to try to make their fortune. From here, many will venture forth to explore the deserts and mountains to the south, or travel north toward the lands of Humans and Elves.
Large city
Location under


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