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Session 6 7 & 8ish: The Colosseum

General Summary

Our survivors made their way to the CORVUS COLOSSEUM that appeared at the third dawn post Comet Impact in New Mystra    The Corvus colloseum had many important events and NPCs to interact with. We also left the fate of important NPCs up to the drunk PCs one evening, the results of a deathmatch that will change the campaign premise a bit more. The Carrion Games were a series of 1v1 deathmatches that involved NPCs attempting to earn a wish spell from the Raven Queen.  

The Timeline:


The Corvus Colusseum took place over what felt like 4 days in the Raven Queen's Domain. In the real world only a nice even 24 hours had passed.  

Day 1

  Everyone arrived in varying times throughout the day. After leaving Arcanatown with the Courtesan Robes and Tailoring survivors, we arrived just around breakfast time. Our party saw that Brigan , Endbringer Cults , and everyone's favorite father Fenwick Brassfoot were already there. Hoo and Anton gave Fenwick an amazing welcome by stabbing him in the neck on sight. The group learned what it meant to be under the Raven Queen's promise of neutrality amongst the audience. The were immediately teleported into the cages in the bottom of the arena, and forced to fight as survivors 6 hours later. They absolutely dominated the fight and got the approval of many of the factions there. They also rescued Duchess Avery Isilet, an old childhood friend of Duke Viktor Harpaine  

Day 2

  Among the many assorted prize fights through the day, the challenge of wits was entered by Hoo and Anton. They did amazing and completed the event. Getting a temporary boon from the Raven Queen. NPCs had important conversations with the PCs, and more lore about the fate of the city was revealed. Duke Viktor Harpaine reunited with his younger brother Diego Harpaine and tried to convince him to leave the The Ebon Star Apocalypse Cult . Hoo did some investigating and learned about Fenwick and the Asmodeus gang's plans.   In the first round of death matches, Commander Conquest was killed by Sir Dewalt.  

Day 3

  Frankie Presto closely wins the Raven Queen's favour in the performance competition. Only slightly beating The Fencer, a masked violinist with an appreciation for the finer arts. Frankie goes to the Raven Queen's bar at the circus and makes a lot of new friends, especially the Orcs with the wardrums. He even meets a young rabbit boy name Elms Jr. who wants to grow up to become a Bard.   Anton Chooze goes off alone to explore the circus. He comes back notably shaken but with a newfound sense of clarity over much of his life. It is up to him what he does with his life now.

Day 4

    A few more death matches occur, and The Fencer is killed much to Frankie's dismay. Before he went into the arena, he gave Frankie his metal harmonica.     Duchess Avery Isilet continues to flirt with Anton, much to Kaja Petrov 's dismay. She intentionally spills a drink on Avery, and Anton doesn't know what to do with all this attention     Shortly before the final deathmatch to end the night, our heros fight Mimosa. The drawn game mode was king of the hill.   Hoo, Anton, Kaja (plus Drangolin), and Viktor all file into the ring, with Mimosa on the other side.   Mimosa also had to acomplish the following extra bargain being projected to the arena.  
  1. One by the blade
  2. One by the flame
  3. At the hands of someone who cherishes their name
  4. One by gravity ever so cruel
  5. And one by hands of someone's own tool
The match begins with Soma summoning her hellhound Jackjack and three of her infernal musketmen. A bloody melee erupted while Soma began her speech. However in a shocking turn of events the group managed to kill all three of the musketmen. Soma stepped into to sunder the group, but the Drangolin companion Brometheus sucked her beneath the contested King of the Hill zone. Soma exploded the dias from underground in a rage, before being forced to burn a spell scroll to teleport back up. Meanwhile on the other side of the arena the Duke was corned by Jackjack, but his quick thinking allowed him to cast suggestion on the dog and make it run joyful laps around the arena. Kaja and Anton pulled Soma out of the zone a second time, where she propelled herself back with her gauntlet to get back into contesting the zone. However a sudden last ditch grapple from Anton and a sheild spell prevented her from doing it again. The timer ticked over to a second full round, and the Hooligans had won the event. Soma was not seen after this event. Presumably leaving the colloseum.   The party receives a level up to level 5, a free ASI, and the goblins they killed at the tavern will be revived for acomplishing such a feat. DMS NOTE: HOLY FUCK you guys should not have won that     Last but not least the finale of the deathmath occured. Sir Dewalt versus the Hastened Bears. A close and bloody battle occured, but Ryan eventually fell to the tide of furry beasts. A wish spell was granted to the bears. Who wished for safer lands and the ability to protect their territory better (at least that was the Raven Queen's translation to the audience). The Raven Queen granted this wish. The effects of this have not been seen yet by the PCs.     We ended the final session with the group departing the colosseum shortly before the end of the fourth day right after the deathmatch (about 15 minutes before the ending of the colosseum). With dawn about to rise on the ruined city for the third morning since the impact.
Report Date
18 Nov 2023

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