Meru Zaveri Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Meru Zaveri

Character design, story, and personality by orphidor

Meru Zaveri

Meru is a gentle soul through and through. She abhors conflict or violence to the degree that she can't even stomach eating meat. Her passion in life is maintaining the Labyrinth at the California City Natural History Museum. She spends her time wandering the quiet, hedge-lined passageways, tending to every flowered courtyard and fountain with a gentle hand.  
Theme Song

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meru had a relatively quiet childhood in California City. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to her aside from the innocent questioning she got from other children regarding the pigmentation of her hands and horns (stemming from her true koron heritage.)  
Young Adulthood
When Meru got older, she persued her interest in plants, studying and ultimately acquiring a degree in botany. Her parents lovingly supported her during this time, including when she hesitantly came out as a lesbian.  
Current Day
After graduating from college, Meru returned to her hometown and was hired as lead caretaker at the botanical gardens of California City Natural History Museum, a job she still relishes to this day.

Gender Identity

Meru identifies as a woman. She has never questioned the gender she was assigned at birth.


She is attracted to other women, usually those with outgoing personalities.


She used to do house and pet-sitting work in her teens, but now she's employed full time at the California City Natural History Museum.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are spacial, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.

Morality & Philosophy

Meru is an extraordinarily gentle person who hates violence and believes in extending kindness and mercy to everyone. This has burned her several times in the past, but she refuses to let go of her beliefs, saying that "there's good in everyone" and it's a shame to ignore or deny that fact. She firmly ascribes to the old adage "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." She regularly experiences rudeness or a lack of consideration from others that would cause many people to become wary, but she knows that path is not for her.


She's not a fan of those who enjoy guns and hunting.

Personality Characteristics


Meru is a deeply kind and empathetic soul who refuses to hold anything less than wholesome intentions, despite the fact that this attitude has resulted in her being hurt in the past. She makes the daily choice to avoid becoming bitter and keep living a life full of love. She wholeheartedly believes that everyone has good in their hearts, whether they express it or not.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is incredibly knowledgeable about all things plants. Her green thumb enables her to not only keep nearly every plant she touches alive, but get them to thrive and bloom as well.

Virtues & Personality perks

Meru's intense empathy means that she can put herself in anyone's shoes and find love in her heart for those others cannot.

Vices & Personality flaws

While Meru's empathy can be a strength, it's also a weakness at times because she has difficulty "turning it off," so to speak. When she sees someone or something in pain, emotional or physical, she becomes distressed as well. She's working on setting internal boundaries, but still regularly faces difficulties in this regard.

Personality Quirks

Being an early bird, Meru prefers to sleep and wake early. She sleeps on her back, since her horns make side-sleeping difficult.


Showers daily and takes wonderful care of her hair. Can usually be seen with soil on her work clothing, but on her days off, her clothes are pristine. She becomes stressed if she can't perform her nightly hair care rituals.


Religious Views

She's spiritual, believing in karma and reincarnation, but not religious.

Social Aptitude

Though Meru is very kind to everyone she meets, she's also incredibly shy. She'll hold conversations with visitors who stumble across her while wandering the Labyrinth, but will not actively seek out social interaction. She can go for days at a time without social interaction without any adverse effects.

Hobbies & Pets

A lover of plants and animals of all types, she keeps a variety of both in the home she shares with her girlfriend, Cora. Among her favorites include several terrariums full of succulents, two tortoises, and a few rescued cats.


Much to her frustration, Meru tends to stutter and speak in a very soft voice around strangers.


Cora Bainbridge

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Meru Zaveri



Meru Zaveri

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Cora Bainbridge



Relationship Reasoning

Cora and Meru make a wonderful pair because they easily compliment each other's strengths and make up for the other's weaknesses. They've become closely bonded over the years since they've met and are rarely seen apart from each other if they can help it.


Friend (Vital)

Towards Meru Zaveri



Meru Zaveri

Friend (Important)

Towards Blythe




Meru was one of the first people Blythe met after her creation, when the nymph wandered into the California City Natural History Museum's botanical gardens a few hours after coming into existence, curious about all the trees and plants she could see beyond the fences. Blythe's naturally gregarious personality appealed to Meru, so the two quickly became fast friends.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both love plants and animals, are extremely empathetic, and feel disgusted by the thought of eating meat. They both collect plants and regularly exchange seeds or clippings with each other.

Shared Acquaintances

Cora Bainbridge

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
February 22
Cora Bainbridge (Girlfriend)
Current Residence
Long, wavy pale platinum, dyed dusty pink at the ends
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
6 feet 2 inches
175 lbs

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by bobamilktea