Lalia Volta

Governor of Aeraguard and the Province of Forelenium

Lalia Volta is the only child of Military Governor Emilano Volta, the former Military Governor of Aeraguard and the Province of Forelenium; best known for the creation of the infamous "Scar" in the city and the violent suppression of the rebellion in 972 3A that spilled over from The Idiomaris Rebellion.   Lalia came to power in the aftermath of the Ortus Uprising and the death of her father. She is known to have had (and some speculate, have) associations with The Northsiders that stopped Ortus. In fact, she is married to one of them.   Despite some of her unsavory connections, Lalia is mostly known for her role in the recovery and rebuilding of the city of Aeraguard in the aftermath of the uprising; working hard to both rebuild the city as well as pushing many progressive policies in her province.   This has made her a contentious figure within the Impero. Lalia is often accused of kneeling to the various labor unions of the city and being soft hearted by some. Yet, she is also known to have a firm hold on her province, with little to no open dissent within it. Whether this is due to her progressive politics, or the shadowy network of agents she is rumored to use within her province is unknown.   She also enjoys the favor of Imperatrice Cosima Ghiacciato, shielding her from major backlash.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lalia was born to then Legate Emiliano Volta and local Aeraguardian Scion Rosemary Webster. While the marriage between the rising Tharrisian Volta and local "wild-child" Webster was often seen as something of a scandal, their birthing of a child was seen as an over all positive sign of "people coming together" in the aftermath of the rebellions.    Lalia was raised and trained within Aeraguard, and reportedly rarely if ever left the city. Her mother died when she was 8 to burning plague.    While she was constantly trained and tutored, as any noble would be, she is said to have been interested in politics from a very young age and seen as especially adept; if somewhat naive.    She came to power in the aftermath of the Ortus Uprising and the death of her father as part of said Uprising. Reports consistently point to her having spent time with The Northsiders during this time in their fight against Ortus.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Youngest Serving Tharrisian Governor
Date of Birth
Sero the 16th of Autumn Lumena
Year of Birth
1765 21 Years old
Current Residence
Long raven hair
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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