
A city with a dark and conflicting history. Aeraguard was once the capital of the long-ago dead country of Forelenium, which was essentially conquered by Tharrisia in the late Second Age.   Even before its subjugation, Aeraguard (and Forelenium at large) was known for its open and encouraged use of the dark arts (such as Necromancy and Blood Magic). This led to a saturation of dark magic in the very environment, something that has not changed to this day. Undead, abberations, and foul moods are much more common in Aeraguard and Forelenium than nearly anywhere else in Kalin. This also leads to a dark pragmatism among its people.   Aeraguard also serves as the Provincial Capital for the Tharrisian Province of Forelenium, which has constantly served as one of the hardest to tame, with rebel groups being a near constant, especially the Cults of Ris.   More recently, Aeraguard was devastated during the events of the Ortus Uprising  in 1004 3A, being saved by a ragtag group of criminals known as The Northsiders. The city has recovered somewhat since 1004, in large part due to the leadership of Lalia Volta.   The city, and larger province, is seen as a hotbed of progressive politics in the Impero.


The city in the common day is an important industrial center for Tharrisia, with many factories and foundries, along with their constituent workers, in the city.   Humans are the most populous species in the city, with large minority populations of Tieflings, Half-Orcs, and Olark.


The city is managed by the Tharrisian Provincial Government led by the Provincial Governor.

Industry & Trade

The city is a hot bed of progressive work politics in the Impero. The city labor unions have a lot of sway due to reduced population but increased needs for production. Salaries for industrial workers have nearly doubled since the Uprising in 1004, and labor protections have tripled.


The city was essentially flattened during the Tharrisian War during the late Second Age during the Siege of Aeraguard, and flattened once again during the Return. This has led the city to have many "old pockets" supposedly underneath the city itself, dating back over 1500 years ago.   The city was nearly flattened again in 1004 3A during The Ortus Uprising. It was saved by The Northsiders and has been heavily rebuilt under the leadership of Lalia Volta. Despite this, the city's productivity is still much lower than it was before the uprising, and it is estimated that the city lost nearly a million people in population between casualties, deaths, and people who fled the city but did not return.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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