The Northsiders

The Northsiders are mostly known for their role in stopping the Ortus Uprising of 1004 3A in Aeraguard.   A lot of information about most of the members of the organization are murky or unclear. While some of its members have become more publicly notable in the years since the Ortus Uprisings, many of them have not, and seem intent to keep their quasi-anonymity. This applies to their accomplishments/crimes as well.   There are some known facts that investigators and reporters have found over the years however:
  • The Northsiders were an offshoot of a much older gang under the locally notable crime boss "Siser Page."
  • The Northsiders both applies to the overall unofficial name of the gang that ruled the Northside of the city, as well as the smaller specific group of notable members who killed Ortus.
  • The Northsiders were most likely involved in several terrorist/criminal acts before their pardon; such as the bombing of Falvus station, the destruction of the Schola Magus campus in the city, the death of Legate Savio Pentro, and others.
  • Following their efforts to defeat Ortus, they were pardoned of any crimes committed up to that point via Provincial Governor's Pardon from Governor Lalia Volta. 
  General consensus says that the Northsiders consisted of the following members at varying times. From "most information known" to "least" as well as their status as of 1009 3A:  
Member Current Status
Zeia Volta, a Satyr street mage and urchin. Wife and Advisor of Governor Lalia Volta
Arvir Grim Reaper, a Tiefling ex-Auxilia officer Reinstated and serving as Southside Precinct Supervisor
Ajax Nullepride, a Leonin wanderer from Wahar. Residing in Riven
Sirrai, a Tiefling street mage and urchin. Unclear, theorized to be co-leading the current Northside gang
Victor Newman, a Human smuggler and gunslinger. Died during the Ortus Uprising, local legend.
Damaso Bertola, a Human thief. Died during the Ortus Uprising. Namesake of a Northside Orphanage
  The Northsiders enjoy a mixed reputation. To many people in the province and city, they are seen as something akin to local folk heroes. While to authorities they are seen as menaces that got a free pass for horrendous crimes committed during 1004 3A.    Their fictionalized exploits are featured in the popular Lira-Novel series "The Ill-Adventures of the Northsiders" by V.D. Mountain.


First hand accounts of the Northsiders, including some tales by the more respectable members, tell that the small group was usually chaotic and not overly organized in any meaningful fashion.

Public Agenda

While its members goals and objectives seemed to vary wildly, the generally agreed upon mission that the group undertook was "Kill Ortus."

1004 3A(?) - 1004 3A(?)

Illicit, Gang


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