Order of Wind and Wood Declared a Terrorist Organization

Political event

1006 3A

"We take no pleasure in this decision. The Order of the Wind and Wood has a proud history tracing back to ancient heroes such as Sorra Norixious and Baralas Oakenhollow. Yet the actions of its members in Domus Novus cannot be ignored, and the Order's refusal to accept responsibility and cooperate with authorities leaves us no choice as a continental community." -Grand Vizier Kakdi

In the aftermath of the Quaking Earth Incidentthe Schola Custodi launched a wide-reaching investigation with the support of Impero Tharrisian, Federated Union of Eastern Kalin Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi and Strakan Empire authorities.   The aim initially was to see if there were other co-conspirators in the attack. The arcane materials and training needed to launch such a sustained attack were substantial. Further, each member carried sigils and signs that they were members of The Order of the Wind and Wood.   The investigation was stalled instantly. Very few Shamans or Druids were cooperative, thinking themselves above and apart from general laws of the various nation states of the continent. Many were Unregistered and considered criminals under the Magical Registry Compact, they resisted both investigation attempts and attempts to be registered.   During the course of the investigation several dozen Shamans and Druids were registered, while several more were arrested or killed in pursuit; while half a dozen Custodi and several dozen various local authorities were injured or killed in the various investigation and register attempts. Nearly every single Shaman or Druid interacted with during this process was a member of The Order of the Wind and Wood.   With no central authority leading the Order, and the investigation yielding no results, public opinion began to turn to the idea that the entire Order was complicit in the tragedy.   With no further evidence being discovered to disprove public opinion and no one from the Order standing in its defense, most Nation states in Kalin agreed to declare the Order a Terrorist Organization in response to the events in Domus Novus. Any members discovered were to be arrested on sight. The only nations to not sign onto the declaration were the Kingdom of Aurelia and Nordanvald.   The Custodi put renewed resources into trying to enforce the Compact and the new law on Shamans and Druids, who for years had often flown under the radar since they rarely enter major cities or hubs of civilization.   In practice, Shamans and Druids had became pariahs. Any Shaman or Druid was suspected as being a member of the Order, and were viewed with at best suspicion if not outright hostility.   Baralas Oakenhollow, the last presumed surviving and well known founder of the organization was unable to be found by the Custodi or any other authority that attempted to find him as part of the new decision. Whether this means he has finally passed or is simply in hiding is unclear.

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