The Olbern Heist

Criminal Activity

1005 3A

"At this time, we are still seeking to fully understand the scope of the crime, as well as the method. While we feel confident there is no further risk to the vaults, a full accounting of stolen goods is yet to be completed." -Schola Custodi Captain Yves Tuscou

With no warning or seeming true objective, the much flaunted Vaults of Olbern were infiltrated on a seemingly normal day in 1005 3A.    The exact listing of what items were stolen has been kept a secret by the Schola Custodi and Magus. But insider sources have revealed over the years that as many as twelve artifacts of varying value and power were taken.    The thieves were never identified, nor are their motivations understood. There hasn't been any attempts to sell the items on the black market, at least as far as authorities are able to tell.    The Vaults were infiltrated via an "unpredictable security loophole" that the Custodi have stated has been closed.

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