The Dead Waters Standoff

Political event

1009 3A

"Two heavily armed great powers are now in the process of pointing very large guns at each other 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The continent stands on the precipice of war. I can only hope we may resolve this as we have resolved such possible disasters thus far" -Bartek Milatadies

The political situation between the Impero Tharrisian and the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin had reached its lowest point since the One Day War due to accumulating crises such as the Dead Waters Incidents and the Tysos Panic.   In response to the discovery of the Tharrisian spy ring on Tysos in 1008 3A, the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin began the year of 1009 3A with a plan to restart the Dead Waters blockade and reinforce its naval forces in the region.   Tharrisia caught onto this plan, and reacted with their own navy.   The result was nearly simultaneous declarations from both powers, stating that the Dead Waters were now theirs to police and control. Both navies sent forces to enforce these declarations, which encountered each other not far off of the City of the Dead.   Neither force fired on each other, but also did not back down.   Both power's navies circled the City of the Dead and maintaining their lines, being sure to keep their guns and armaments aimed at the other navy at all times. It was presumed that if either side fired, even if on accident, it would spiral into a full blown naval battle resulting in thousands of casualties. A war would inevitably follow.   The standoff lasted nearly a full Season, and was only negotiated down by the intervention of third party diplomats from the Kingdom of Aurelia, Strakan Empire, Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi, and The Hopeful Return  Even with the negotiation, both parties merely retracted their claims on The Dead Waters, and pulled their navies back to their waters. The naval and military buildup in the border regions did not cease, it only increased.

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