
The Danny are an ethnic group that populates the binary star system of "Dan Mudd." They have adapted to the extreme heat and radiation of the system and have developed unique physical characteristics and cultural practices.   Physically, the Danny have dark skin to protect themselves from the intense solar radiation in the system. They also rely heavily on cybernetic support, including various implants and enhancements that help them withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation. These enhancements can range from protective coatings on their skin to advanced internal cooling systems.   Culturally, the Danny place a strong emphasis on resilience and adaptability. They have developed a deep understanding of the system's environment and have learned to use its resources to their advantage. They have a strong tradition of engineering and technology, with many of their cybernetic enhancements being developed locally. The Danny also have a strong sense of community and mutual support, with individuals often working together to overcome the challenges of living in such a harsh environment.   In terms of social organization, the Danny have a complex system of isolated settlements, each with its own customs and traditions. They have a rich artistic tradition, with the need for entertainment to pass time in their harsh planets. Despite the challenges of living in such a hostile environment, the Danny have a deep appreciation for the beauty of their system and have developed a unique artistic style that reflects their environment.
Parent ethnicities


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