Humans Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The population of humans across the Ninurta Galaxy is wide spread and diverse. For the most part humans all derive from the 12 mysterious generation ship monoliths that appeared in the galaxy millennia ago. Over time it has released thousands of people who have sense proliferated across multiple planets becoming more and more diverse. Overall these humans appear to come from a different galaxy, many with memories of different lives in a modern world before they died and appear in this new one. As time progressed these memories fade and new generations are born but every so often more are released into the world.   Humans by far are some of the more diverse and adaptable of all the sentient species of the Ninurta Galaxy. Their existence and ability to thrive is largely aided by advanced terraforming and sheer numbers. The idea of genetic difference across humans is largely shrugged over due to the immense variety and its obsolete categories when faced with the advancement of technology.  







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