
The Katas are a human ethnic group native to the trinary star system Katas ov, which is known for its harsh conditions and impending collapse. Despite the difficult circumstances of their home system, the Katas are a resilient and self-reliant people, known for their individualistic spirit and determination to survive.   Physically, the Katas are distinguished by their richly pigmented skin tones, which range from deep browns to lighter caramel hues. They have expressive features, with prominent cheekbones and full lips, and often wear their hair in intricate braids and twists.   Culturally, the Katas are deeply rooted in their history and traditions, which have evolved over centuries of adapting to the unique challenges of life in the Katas ov system. They are known for their strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit, with many Katas engaging in trade and commerce to support themselves and their families.   Despite their self-reliance, the Katas also have a strong sense of community and family ties, and they place a high value on education and intellectual pursuits. They have a rich tradition of storytelling and music, and many Katas are accomplished musicians and poets.   Overall, the Katas are a proud and resilient people, who have adapted to the challenges of their environment through a combination of individualistic self-reliance and strong community ties. They are deeply rooted in their history and traditions, but also open to new ideas and innovations as they work to survive and thrive in a dying star system.
Parent ethnicities


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