Apostae Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Apostae is a harsh and barren world, with a surface covered in deserts, canyons, and rocky outcroppings. Despite its inhospitable conditions, the planet has a rich and complex history, with a number of civilizations rising and falling over the centuries.   One of the most notable features of Apostae is the so-called "Scar of the Spider," a massive canyon that runs for hundreds of miles across the planet's surface. The canyon is said to have been created by a powerful weapon during an ancient conflict, and is now home to a number of dangerous creatures and ancient ruins.   Apostae is also known for its vast underground networks of tunnels and caves, which were created by the planet's previous inhabitants. These tunnels are often filled with traps and other hazards, making them treacherous for explorers and adventurers.   Despite its harsh conditions, Apostae is home to a number of unique and fascinating creatures, including sandworms, giant scorpions, and other dangerous predators. The planet's surface is also home to a number of valuable resources, including minerals and rare metals, which have attracted the attention of corporations and miners from throughout the Pact Worlds system.   Apostae has a complex and tumultuous history, with a number of powerful civilizations rising and falling over the centuries. Many of these civilizations left behind ruins and artifacts, which can be found scattered throughout the planet's deserts and canyons. These ruins are often the subject of study and exploration for archaeologists and other researchers.
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Diameter: x .5   Mass: x .3   Gravity: x 1.2   Atmosphere: x 0   Day: 30 Hours   Year: x 52.39   Satellites N/A


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