Verthani Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Verthani stand at a towering eight feet tall with delicate features and long limbs. Their pure-black, half-dome eyes protrude from their heads, giving them a distinctive appearance. They possess the ability to change the pigment of their skin at will, which allows them to have complex patterns and colors that reflect their moods. While most Verthani learn to control these color changes as they grow older, some babies and children display bright, expressive patterns that showcase their current emotions.   Verthani society is comprised of three distinct castes, the Augmented, Pure Ones, and God-Vessels. Though these castes are not strictly followed, they still hold cultural significance for the Verthani, who proudly wear their labels. The Augmented are Verthani who modify their bodies with technology, often for the purpose of piloting aetherships. The Pure Ones, on the other hand, traditionally eschew all technological augmentation and are responsible for supporting other castes, farming, and governing. The God-Vessels serve as living avatars of their deities and display their status by branding holy symbols into their chests using either acid or flame.   Despite their cultural differences, the Verthani are known for their independent, democratic cooperation, which allows them to work together without resorting to violence or subjugation. This trait is especially impressive considering the limited resources available to them on their planet.


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