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Levi Ackerman

Captain Levi Ackerman (a.k.a. Humanity's Strongest Soldier, The Monster Killer, Lethal Blade)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Levi is a fit middle aged man in good health and the prime of his life. He has a multitude of scars and marks all over his body, with the most notable being a bite mark on his left shoulder and a claw mark on his right leg. He has smooth, raven black hair kept loose and at short length in a rather messy cuted style, due to often cutting it with a knife himself rather than visiting a barber.

Identifying Characteristics

Levi has a large bite mark scar on his left shoulder and a large claw mark scar on his right leg.

Physical quirks

Levi has several scars across his face including one across his right eye and is missing both the index and middle fingers on his right hand.

Special abilities

Necromancy: As a son of Azrael, Levi has control over the dead, as well as many monsters of Azrael, such as the Oni.   Power Over the Undead: Levi can reanimate skeletons, summon Skeleton Warriors, put them to sleep, and destroy them. This is a powerful ability as it allows him to have an army anytime he wants. Summoning too many undead warriors at one time can cause fatigue. When he is angered enough, Nico can destroy even undead warriors that aren't under his control.   Sensitivity to Death: Levi can sense death as it happens or when it is coming; when a person close to him dies, it comes as a ringing in the ears. In addition to that, he has a deep knowledge of the Underworld and knows when a person's life is being judged in the Underworld. Levi could also sense when an immortal is fading.   Life Aura: Levi can sense someone's life aura.   Power Over Ghosts: As the Ghost King, Levi can physically manipulate ghosts, such as taking hold of them by hand or forcing them to be silent with a gesture.   Summoning Deceased Souls: Levi can summon the souls of the deceased by digging a pit, and filling it with food (though animal blood can also be used), and chanting in Ancient Onigo.   Releasing Souls: Levi can release the souls of people that should have died but had somehow managed to cheat death.   Ghost Transformation: Levi can kill mortals by turning them into ghosts, and forcing them into the Underworld for eternity. However, this takes away a lot of his strength and may cause him to fatigue.   Skeleton Transformation: Levi is able to kill others by transforming them into skeletons. However, this takes a lot less power and effort with Levi once causing a feral Lycanbeast to shrivel into a skeleton simply by touching his shoulder from behind. The skeleton was then under Levi's control until his distraction caused it to collapse into a pile of bones.   Osteokinesis: Levi is able to summon and telekinetically control bones.   Thermokinesis: Levi has been shown to generate extreme temperatures to the point of combustion and freezing. However, he has yet to control the fire and ice he generates.   Cryokinesis (limited): When Levi is infuriated, he generates an aura of intense cold, dropping the temperature to freezing, with the ground around him turning white with frost.   Phobikinesis: Levi radiates an intense aura of fear and death like his father, Azrael, but to a much lesser degree.   Fighting Skills: Levi shows to be more skilled with his fighting skills than his powers.   Superhuman Reflexes: Levi has shown great speed and reflexes.   Superhuman Strength: Despite his stature, Levi has shown to be unusually strong.   Superhuman Durability: Levi has immense durability, able to take immense amounts of force and damage.   Willpower: Levi has tremendous, seemingly indomitable willpower.   Pain Resilience: Levi is able to endure immense amounts of both physical and mental pain.   Genius Intellect: Levi is very intelligent. He is very clever and good at adapting. He had used his wits, which helped him survived in tough situations, and a master problem-solver.   Pyrokinesis: He is the first demigod child of Azrael in hundreds of years to master the ability of pyrokinesis, the ability to generate and control fire.   Superheated Fire: Levi can increase the heat of his fire to the point that it becomes white-hot, and can also create walls of flame. This is the main defensive use of his powers.   Supernova: Levi can increase the heat of his fire to such an extent that he basically becomes like a supernova.   Fire Immunity: Levi discovered once that he is fireproof and he can even survive a kerosene barrel explosion without feeling any pain.   Heat Sensitivity: He can sense heat and flames.

Apparel & Accessories

He is most often seen in his Monster Hunter uniform, with a light gray button-up shirt underneath, along with his trademark white ascot. When embarking on expeditions, he also wears the Monster Hunter Guild' green hooded cloak. Once, when forced to take leave from his duties due to injury, Levi was seen in a black suit, plain white shirt, ascot, and dress shoes.

Specialized Equipment

Two Silver Blades, Two throwable Grappling Hooks on each side of his belt

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Monster Hunter in the Monster Hunter Guild, part Mercenary Soldier

Mental Trauma

Levi suffer from insomnia since many years now. Even if it does not keeps him from still being a good fighter it's still gets on his mind and nerves.

Intellectual Characteristics

Honest, Calm, Stubborn, Logic, Practical, Decisive, Dependable, Insensitive, Focused, Judgmental, Loyal, Objective, Orderly, Organization, Responsibility

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Levi is a really "clean freak" (I know, harsh but true). He prefers his environment and himself to be spotlessly clean. He is averse to having either himself or his equipment soiled, and has been known to wipe down his blood-smeared blades while still on the battlefield. However, he will not hesitate to touch filth if he deems it necessary.


Family Ties

Kuchel Ackerman was Levi's mother. Kenny Ackerman is Levi's uncle. Azrael, the God of Death is his father


Levi Ackerman

Good Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Bruce Wayne



Bruce Wayne

Good Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Levi Ackerman



Lloyd Garmadon

Nephew (Vital)

Towards Levi Ackerman



Levi Ackerman

Uncle (Vital)

Towards Lloyd Garmadon




Both first met on a shared mission from Lord Wayne. At first Levi was very cold towards Lloyd but because of Lloyd´s warmness and patients Levi eventually started to slowly warm up to his Nephew and created quite a strong bond with him.

Nicknames & Petnames

One Eye, Green Bird

Honorary & Occupational Titles
The One-Eyed Hunter, The Monster Destroyer, The Son of Death, Undead Caller, Death Breath, The Lethal One, The Halfblood of Death, The Ghost King
Date of Birth
25th of Karoka 1474
intimidating, left dull grey, right white (completly blind), droppy
short, smooth, raven black, messy cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
65 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In The End, You Choose What You Choose.", "...I Can Still Take Him Down Without A Problem.", "Everyone In Our Hunters Team Survived Today Because You Got Blood On Your Hands.", "If You Hesitate For So Much As A Second, You'll Be Dead. The Moment You See An Opening, Go For The Kill.", "Stay Alive. That's A Command."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Human Language, Elfara, Orcrun, Dwarfian, Draconic


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