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Lord Alastor

Lord Alastor Pluteros of Envy (a.k.a. The King of Envy, The Sound Master, The envy One, Lord of Envy, The fourth Oni Lord)

Divine Domains

Envy, Manipulation, Blood, Voodoo, Jealousy


Oni Mask of Deception, Bloodstone

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oni Mask of Deception, Voodoo Puppets, Chains, Tombstones, Skulls, Bones, Blood, Voodoo Symbols drawn with Blood, Serpents

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alastor is a slim, dapper Oni Lord with beige-colored skin, and usually has a broad smile full of sharp, yellow teeth. His forearms and lower legs fade to dark grey, and he has red hoofed toes and red fingers.

Facial Features

Alastor's eyes have dark-red sclera, bright-red irises and thin black pupils. He sports a pinkish-red cropped, angled bob-cut with black tips at the ends and two large, black tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of his head, evoking the ears of a deer. The style has an undercut at the back, and two small black antlers protruding from the crown.

Special abilities

Immortality: As a Oni Lord, Alastor is biologically immortal, being unable to die from illnesses and unable to age, thus can not die of old age and other natural causes. He also cannot die from any kind of damage to the body, and will recover from any injury.   Soundwave Manipulation: Alastor is able to take over and control soundwaves to broadcast his voice across half Nomardia. He is able to manipulate and generate sound waves and frequencies.   Acoustokinesis: Alastor is able to put a sound effect on his voice that he can have at different levels of volume and pitch, sometimes distorting or deepening his voice to intimidate others.   Oni Transformation: Alastor has demonstrated the ability to turn into a much larger and more powerful Oni form.   Flexibility: Alastor can contort his body into numerous unnatural poses.   Oni Magic: Alastor can cast magic thanks to the high power-level he has accrued in the Oni ranking system. Alastor is also shown using a type of blood magic, clenching his fist until droplets of blood can be seen falling from it, as a means to defeat Mammon once.   Tentacle Creation: Alastor can produce black tentacles from his back and can create tentacles from outside his body.   Umbrakinesis: Alastor is able to summon and manipulate shadows into doing his bidding. He can also hide in shadows.   Shadow Warping: Alastor is able to get around with the help of his shadow.   Shadow Barrier: Alastor has shown to be able to create a barrier with his shadow; it is covered in eyes and voodoo symbols. He is also able to produce tentacles from it.   Phytokinesis: Alastor is able to make plants wilt with a single stare.   Pyrokinesis: Alastor can summon balls of fire.   Photokinesis: He is shown to be able to project red glowing light from his eyes as well as his cane.   Fragokinesis: Alastor has shown to create a large green explosion.   Deal-Making: Alastor is shown to be a deal-maker Oni. Deal-maker Onis like Alastor can increase their power by dealing in souls, which is a very powerful commodity, so they're seen as very manipulative and not to be toyed with. Deal-making is not something every Oni can do, as such it is not to be taken lightly as it doesn't generally work out well for the other party.   Soul Manipulation: Alastor is shown to have full control over the souls he owns, allowing him to command them however he pleases. He can also manifest chains on those he owns and can tear their souls apart, which he broadcasts the screams over Koronga.   Possession: Alastor is able to possess mortals. However if merging with a mortal body, that isn´t alive enough anymore then the body will burn to ash.   Cooking: Alastor is noted to be "a big foodie" which is quite unique and surprising under the Onis.   Musical, Dancing, and Theatrical Talent: Alastor is shown to display moderate vocal abilities and excels at dancing, with tap to be a style he excels in specifically. He also shows a flair for theatrical showmanship.   Wide Intellect: Alastor is shown to be quite a cunning individual, resulting in him accruing a large amount of power through his tricks and deal-making.

Apparel & Accessories

Alastor wears a red pinstripe coat with dark-red lapels piped with white, which is ragged along the bottom hem. Underneath this he wears a bright red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and long black dress pants with matching bright red cuffs. He also wears a dark-red oval-shaped monocle, rimmed with black, over his right eye.    He accessorizes with a black knotted bowtie with a bright red center, black gloves with red at the fingertips, and black pointed-toe boots with red deer hoofprints emblazoned on the soles. Alastor also carries a thin cane.

Specialized Equipment

Cane: Alastor is never seen without a thin cane. He has occasionally used it as a weapon, mostly to violently strike his opponents, or impale them with the pointed tip.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Lord of Envy, The fourth Oni Lord and Ruler of Koronga

Intellectual Characteristics

Curious, Argumentative, Creativity, Emphasize logic over emotion, Energetic, Future-oriented, Insensitive, Logic, Open, Quick thinkers, Recognize the bigger picture


Family Ties

Alastor is the "Son" of Azrael the God of Death and the second youngest of the five Oni Lords. Alastor is the younger brother of Lady Lilith of Pride, Lord Garmadon, Lord Asmodeus of Lust and the older brother of Lord Mammon of Greed.


Lord Alastor

Younger Brother

Towards Lord Asmodeus


Lord Asmodeus

Older Brother

Towards Lord Alastor


Lord Alastor

Younger Brother

Towards Lord Garmadon



Lord Garmadon

Older Brother

Towards Lord Alastor



Lord Alastor

Younger Brother (Vital)

Towards Lady Lilith



Lady Lilith

Older Sister (Trivial)

Towards Lord Alastor



Divine Classification
Oni Lord
Current Status
Ruler over Koronga as the Lord of Envy
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of Envy, The Sound Master, The envy One, Lord of Envy, The fourth Oni Lord, The Manipulator, The Voodoo King, The Blood Lord, The Blood King, The King of Blood, The red Lord, The Puppet Master
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the God of Death
Current Residence
The Palace of Envy in the Kingdom of Koronga
dark-red sclera, bright-red irises, thin black pupils
pinkish-red cropped, angled bob-cut with black tips at the ends, two large, black tipped tufts
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark grey, leathery
2.1 m
Known Languages
Human Language, Onigo


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