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Lord Garmadon

Lord Garmadon Pluteros of Wrath (a.k.a. Lord of Wrath, Demon King, The Demon Father, The Lover of the Dragon Princess, The heartless One, The second Oni Lord)

Divine Domains

Wrath, Hatred, Vengeance, Destruction, Darkness


Oni Mask of Hatred, Oni Mask of Vengeance

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lion, Oni Mask of Hatred, Black, Red, Purple, Chimera, Petunias

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a powerful frame and stands tall, towering over most humanoids with ease and able to look many monsters and bestial races eye to eye. Garmadon is able to grow an extra pair of arms from his under torso and even a pair of wings from his upper back while also be able to grow his horns, his claws, fangs and even his entire body bigger.

Body Features

Garmadon appears as a middle aged male Oni with a fit but aging body. He is rather tanned as well.

Facial Features

Garmadon's eyes are glowing red with his grey skinned face having a purple glowing aura on it and sharp fangs, giving him an extremely demonic appearance.

Special abilities

Destruction: Garmadon has the ability to control the elemental essence of Destruction. He is able to invoke Destruction daggers to help him in combat, and he is able to gain more power by battling opponents. He can also use it to manifest it as purple energy, in the form of blasts, shields and strong explosions. He can also use Destruction to telekinetically choke and even tear apart others from certain distances, as well as enhance his strength to superhuman levels, which makes him able to easily break through stone walls.   Colossus: Using his full power, he was able to use the environment to create an enormous Colossus. He controlled the being with his Destruction element, and created by his dormant control over Creation because of his descendants from one of the Major Gods.   Oni Form: Due to being an Oni Lord, Garmadon can enhance his strength and other capabilities whilst using Destruction and channeling his anger, making himself turn into an Oni as a result. However, if weakened, he would revert back to normal.   Limb Changing: Garmadon is able to get rid of his two extra arms and grow them back at will.   Life bestowing: Garmadon is able to give life to an inanimate collection of rocks to create the Colossus.     Shadows: Lord Garmadon is able to summon and duplicate shadows, dark entities able to harm physical beings while the latter could not do the same.   Summoning: Garmadon can summon weapons from a distance or from thin air.

Apparel & Accessories

Garmadon often wears a black samurai armor and his towering helmet though which his horns appear though. He also sometimes sports a black robe with a silver trim over his armor with a circular symbol on the back. He wears at times a purple sash and silver knee pads.

Specialized Equipment

Destruction daggers: He is able to summon up to four daggers out of Destruction for combat.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Lord of Wrath, The second Oni Lord and Ruler of Koronga

Intellectual Characteristics

Arrogant, Charismatic, Intolerant, Objective, Strategy, Critical, Decisive, Efficiency, Energetic, Goal-oriented, Impatience, Leader, Logic, Analytical, Assertive, Confident, Difficulty with emotions, Dominance, Expressive, Intuition, Judging, Outspoken, Stubborn, Well organized and structured, caring and loving towards a few people, wrathful, slightly cruel


Family Ties

Garmadon is the "Son" of Azrael the God of Death and the second oldest of the five Oni Lords. Garmadon is the younger brother of Lady Lilith of Pride and he is the older brother of Lord Asmodeus of Lust, Lord Alastor of Envy and Lord Mammon of Greed.


Lady Lilith

Older Sister (Trivial)

Towards Lord Garmadon



Lord Garmadon

Younger Brother (Trivial)

Towards Lady Lilith




Even when both of them are Oni Lords and do not actually hate each other how many think they still do not have a strong bond and just accept both of their existence and interact rarely with each other.

Koko, the Dragon Princess

Soulmate (Important)

Towards Lord Garmadon



Lord Garmadon

Soulmate (Vital)

Towards Koko, the Dragon Princess




Despite being complete opposites in many ways and enemies even at first, so those has love and passion found its way to bring those two together which even led to the birth of their son and one of the only Drakoni alive, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. And even if the both of them now live their separate lifes, they still have contact and meet up once a month in an unknown place and both of them keep a watchful eye on their beloved son.

Lord Asmodeus

Younger Brother (Important)

Towards Lord Garmadon



Lord Garmadon

Older Brother (Important)

Towards Lord Asmodeus




One of the better brotherhoods, especially between Onis.

Lord Alastor

Younger Brother

Towards Lord Garmadon



Lord Garmadon

Older Brother

Towards Lord Alastor



Divine Classification
Oni Lord
Current Status
Ruler over Koronga as the Lord of Wrath
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Wrath, Demon King, The Demon Father, The Lover of the Dragon Princess, The heartless One, The Wrathful One with a Heart, The King of Darkness, The Oni
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the God of Death
Lady Lilith (Older Sister)
Lord Asmodeus (Younger Brother)
Current Residence
The Palace of Wrath in the Kingdom of Koronga
bright red
short, white, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pitch black, scaly
2.13m, 4m (in Oni form)
125kg, 355kg (in Oni form)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Good and Evil. There has always been a balance. But where I go, the balance can be destroyed.", "Whatever happens to me, wherever I am, I will always be with you. There comes a time where every boy must become a man. What sort of man, is up to him.", "Don't you see? I will never do what is right. The evil in my blood can never go away! I am corrupted, every ounce of my fiber, every bone in my body. I am Lord Garmadon! Destiny took my family from me, and the only way for us to be together is to turn everything in this world into my image! Then you'll all see what I see, feel what I feel!",  "I have seen things in the Departed Realm. A darkness, an everlasting night, that even frightens me. If my father's realm is to survive I must be stronger."
Known Languages
Draconic, Human Language, Onigo


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