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Basic Information


Vampires are bipedal species that have four limbs, two legs and two arms, five digits on each hand and feet and have hairless bodies. They have hair on their heads and males are able to grow facial hair. They also have pointed ears and elongated canines.

Biological Traits

Male Vampires are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Vampires are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth. All Vampires have long pointed ears and elongated canines as well as an affinity for magic. Vampires are weak to sunlight and prolonged exposure can cause death. The bite of a Werewolf can make Vampires very sick and drinking a Werewolfs blood has the same effect which can also kill them if not treated.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampires reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months. Vampires can create new Vampires by draining the life of a living humanoid, most commonly Humans or Light Elves, those who become Vampires this develop vampiric features such as the elongated canines and pointed ears.

Growth Rate & Stages

Vampires born naturally grow at the same rate as Humans, from infancy Vampires take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Vampire is considered a young adult. When Vampires reach adulthood, at 30 years of age, they will physically stop ageing. While Vampires created by draining the life of a person stop ageing at the point, they become a Vampire for example an 5-year boy who was turned into a Vampire will have the appearance of an 5-year old for the rest of her life.

Ecology and Habitats

Vampires are able to live anywhere in the world due to their abilities and biology. Vampires are generally found in temperate, sub-artic, tundra or sub-tropical climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampires sustain themselves by drinking the blood of their prey be it animals, monsters or other races. They obtain their prey by various way such as hunting, seducing or tricking them. Vampires are known to not drain the blood from their prey entirely allowing the prey to create new blood for them to drink at a later date, some Vampires even hire people, or take slaves, from other races to drink from.

Biological Cycle

Vampires are generally not affected by the passage of time, only those born naturally age until adulthood, or by seasonal changes.


Vampires are a cooperative species and enjoy fine things and engaging in decadent behaviour, Vampires can be very arrogant and prideful believing they are superior to other races. Vampires instead of cooperating or allying themselves with other will either force other races to serve them or will take slaves. Disputes between Vampires are generally resolved without the use of violence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Vampires live in family units that is led by the head of the family, the Vampire that started this family. A Vampire family can have many branch families that are connected to the main family and are loyal to the head. Though rare, due to the Vampires immortality, a head of a family can be replaced as long as the one replacing the head is biologically related to them.

Facial characteristics

Vampires have a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green, red, yellow, purple, orange and brown, and pointed ears with one nose and mouth, that contain elongated canines. Male Vampires are able to grow facial hair.

Average Intelligence

Vampires have a high level of intelligence and are known to be one of the more intelligent races found on Nomardia. Vampires are naturally proficient with using magic and excel in various skills and techniques.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vampires predominantly use sight to observe the world around them but can use other senses such as hearing to do so as well. They are also able to use magic to observe the world around like a sixth sense.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Vampire names are influenced by Human names but are darker sounding, those who become Vampires gain a new name that is given to them by the one who turned them.

Beauty Ideals

Vampire beauty ideals are based on the physical appearance of an individual, their magical power/ability and the personality of the individual.

Gender Ideals

In Vampire society both sexes have equal rights and opportunities.

Courtship Ideals

Both sexes of Vampires will try to court those they are attracted to by either showing off their nobility, wealth or magical power.

Relationship Ideals

Vampires are monogamous and have one eternal partner. To a Vampire their partner is one of the most important things in their life and they will do anything to protect them, if a Vampire is in love with a person who isn't a Vampire, they will try to turn that person. Same sex marriage is common in Vampire society.

Average Technological Level

Vampires have access to advance technologies such as electricity, gunpowder, metal alloys and refined metals, steam power and machinery. they also have access to advance magics such as powerful magic tools/equipment as well as artefacts, magical metals, magical stones and powerful spells.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human Language

Common Etiquette Rules

Vampires treat other Vampires as family members such as siblings, children, parents etc. The head of the family is treated with respect and reverence.

Common Dress Code

Vampires adorn themselves with elegant and radiant clothes made from fine silk and fine fabrics, they also adorn themselves with precious stones and jewellery.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Vampire culture is based on their familial bonds, Vampires are very protective of their own kind and especially those that are members of their family either by blood or being adopted. People who are turned into Vampires are given a new first name by the one who turned them and adopt their last name becoming a member of that family. Vampires are a very secretive race preferring to pull the strings of society inside the shadows, due to this they have influenced many events throughout history.

Common Taboos

In Vampire society it is forbidden to betray your family or cause them harm, this is punishable by death.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Vampires are secretive and prideful due to this they look down on other races. Other races view Vampires as dangerous monstrous creatures due to their thirst for blood and avoidance to sunlight.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Average Height
The average female Vampire height is 1.5‒1.9 m and the average male Vampire height is 1.7‒2 m.
Average Weight
The average female Vampire weight is 40‒111 kg and the average male Vampire weight 56.2‒130 kg.
Average Physique
The average Vampire physique is lean and slightly muscular. However, their physique can vary from being fatter, thinner and/or muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vampire skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown, Vampire hair colour ranges from blond, red, brown, white and black.


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