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Basic Information


Ghouls have high physical capability and produce kinetic energy in their muscles 4-7 than that of a human. They are able to send the average human flying if they strike with enough force and can penetrate a human's body with their bare hands. They are also able to jump several meters high.   Under normal conditions, Ghouls have a high regenerative ability: Small wounds and fractures heal in a matter of hours to a day, and even grave wounds heal after few days, as long as the Ghoul has adequate food supply. They also have a tougher body than most regular solid materials. For example, if a ghoul were to be stabbed with a knife, the metal of the knife would bend. Ghouls' body wouldn't get injured easily and only more keen tougher materials can injure them. A strong enough force may also be able to break their tough body.

Biological Traits

Ghouls develop kakugans in both eyes. Through cannibalism, a Ghoul absorbs Rc Cells, and this uptake of Rc cells increases their concentration within a Ghoul's body. If the concentration becomes high enough, it may trigger a mutation within the cells and lead to the formation of a new kagune. A kakuja can evolve their armor kagune further by continuing to cannibalize their kind.   Apart from the predatory kagune Ghouls commonly possess, a kakuja has a special kagune that clads the Ghoul's body and functions like an armour. The kagune amplifies the kakuja's strength or diversifies his abilities, which makes a fight against one of them especially hard.   However, using a kakuja kagune is nearly impossible because most users tend to lose their minds while fighting with it. It is unknown why some Ghouls are able to remain sane and others are not. One reason may be that all unstable/insane Ghouls using kakuja are half/incomplete as full kakuja aren't observed to have any problems maintaining control.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ghouls reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ghouls seem to age at the same rate as Humans, further allowing them to blend in.

Ecology and Habitats

Ghouls can live as hermits isolated and avoidant of society eyes or can attempt to assimilate with the Humans. Living amongst Humans is seen as "walking on a thread of rope" because of their biology and social records. If they are caught in Ghoul activities or suspected to be a Ghoul, hunters have the right to apprehend and kill them as they see fit. Ghouls that are identified are labeled can be hunted down like fugitive criminals.    Because a Ghoul doesn't require much due to their high physique and their diet of human meat, they can live adequately as vagabonds with little to no money, although such a life is generally as discomfortable as it might be for a Human. Nonetheless, funds obtained from their societal jobs are spared of the cost of food and could be spent on other necessities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ghouls are a carnivorous and cannibalistic humanoid species that are only able to feed on the flesh of humans and other ghouls. They can pretend to eat food in order to fool other people into believing they are human. However they must make themselves throw up soon enough afterwards, or they'll become sick. Because they can only consume human flesh, they are very territorial when it comes to "hunting grounds" on which it is appropriate to hunt Humans without notice.    Human consumption depends on the Ghoul as some may prefer to be scavengers who only take from people who were recently deceased. Other Ghouls may moderately hunt Humans as carnivores with thoughts of appreciation for the lives they must consume, although there are Ghouls who will indiscriminately devour as much as they can. Ghouls who indulge in excess have developed a superficial view on the value of life after consuming so many humans, much like how Humans perceive livestock they grow and consume.   Besides water, a Ghoul can only feed on humans and other ghouls. They are unable to digest any other type of food due to a particular enzyme their bodies produce. The structure of their tongues are also different from Humans', making other foods taste disgusting and uncomfortable.   While Ghouls can't eat normal food, they are able to drink plain water. If Ghouls try to eat normal food, they will be struck by a powerful urge to vomit. When forced or forcing themselves to digest such food, it will degrade their physical condition.   Ghouls don't need to eat in the short term like Humans do. They can survive for one or two months just feeding on one body. However, some Ghouls eat merely for pleasure.   When a Ghoul enters an extreme state of hunger, they will suffer very painful headaches and lose all reason, causing them to become driven by instinct alone. They will feed on any available source of human meat to end this state, even that of close friends.   Although Ghouls can go up to two months without human flesh, some Ghouls can feed on more than eleven people in just a few days.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Ghouls age and grow until eventually their body reaches a point that they can no longer sustain themselves and die.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Because only a Ghoul's Kagune or a special weapon enchanted with anti-vampire spells can harm a Ghoul seriously, part of Kagune from killed Ghouls are quite valuable and in demand on the market but also really rare.

Facial characteristics

Ghouls have a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green and brown, and ears with one nose and mouth. Male Ghouls are able to grow facial hair.   A kakugan denotes a Ghoul's eye where the iris turns red, and the sclera black with red veins across the eye and into the skin around the eye. A Ghoul could activate their kakugan at their own will, or when they are hungry, excited or using their Kagune.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ghouls have keen senses. They can smell people or meat from afar and can tell apart humans and ghouls by their smell. Some Ghouls have a heightened sense of hearing that even allows some Ghouls to discern individual footsteps from far away.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human language, Onigo
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Lost Souls who escaped from the Underworld, Born from a female vampire and a male none-vampire
115 years
Average Height
The average female Ghoul height is 1.5‒1.9 m and the average male Ghoul height is 1.7‒2 m.
Average Weight
The average female Ghoul weight is 40‒111 kg and the average male Ghoul weight is 56.2‒130 kg.
Average Physique
Ghouls appear to be Humans, although there are variants. They are One-eye Ghouls and Kakuja's   A One-Eyed Ghoul is a human-ghoul-hybrid. Most Ghouls treat their existence as an urban legend or have never heard of their existence at all.   The average Ghoul physique is lean and slightly muscular; however, their physique can vary from being fatter, thinner and/or muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ghoul skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown.    Ghoul hair colour ranges from red, blond, brown and black.
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