Slave Wars of Gharlarad

A civil between various factions in Gharlarad. The bloody and brutal fights are mostly fought by slaves forced into battle by their masters. Civilians often find themself in the crossfire between the factions.   Despite being explicitly forbidden from interfering in internal affairs of the region, the 2nd Legion of the Bulls takes a stance and ends the fighting. With their superior power they quickly liberate Barad and create a buffer zone between the factions up and down the Ghazanar.   For their bravery, the 2nd Legion is being widely admired from the common folk. On the other hand the nobles all across the Empire are in uproar, viewing this as a blatant breach of the the agreement between the Empire of Alharien and local leaders.   While not the sole reason, many historians consider the Slave Wars of Gharlarad the inciting incident, that ultimately lead to the Contract of the Dragon and the disbandment of the Empire of Alharien.


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