
Aasimar in Novus

Much like Tiefling, Aasimar are a rare species in Novus. They can be born divinely touched to parents of any race.

Aasimar were rare before the fall, and knowledge of their lineage to creatures of the Celestial Planes was largely lost in the fall. Aasimar continue to be born, many of them being able to trace their lineage to a deity of Novus. As a result, they are thought to be beacons of blessing and good fortune.

Deities and Aasimar

Aasimar who can definitively trace their lineage to a deity or one of their servants find themselves connected to this deity in larger ways. Many feel compelled or propelled into being servants of this deity, or at the very least conduits for good a deity may wish to put into motion.

Aasimar tend to share some sort of visual connectedness to the divine source of their lineage. Aasimar born of Kiyoh for instance are always born female and have exceptionally pale skin. Aasimar born of Artusa's domain will sometimes have translucent skin that courses with golden light.

Blurred Lines

Indeed the categorization of what makes an Aasimar an aasimar is hazy at best. This becomes especially clear when comparing aasimar to tieflings. Movements exist to eliminate nomenclature differences between the two races, though resistance to this notion has been offered by many within The Council of the Hallowed Abbey who prefer a stricter structure of morality clearly delineated by good and evil.

This has becomes an even more prickly issue in the light of the discovery of aasimar of Mazarathes, whose visual appearance tends to be a near perfect blend of aasimar and tiefling.