Agnar Adamas


Agnar Adamas is the founder of the Novus Agricultural Survey. He is carries as much pride as he does disdain for the title, disliking the way his organization has been co-opted as an official effort of Novus, sanctioned by the Brass Ring of Novus. Adamas is fiercely independent and a rugged survivalist, leading the people of the Survey to establish farming colonies outside of Novus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Agnar Adamas was raised in family of agricultural laborers in the Jade Ring. When he was entering his pre-teen years, Adamas's family won a lottery for prospective workers in the Jade Ring, allowing them to find new work away from the churning machinery of the Foundry District. However, his family became quickly disillusiosed with life laborers seeing the intensely industrialized nature of farming in the city.


During a season where productivity of the Jade Ring being low, tensions mounted within the Jade Ring. Adamas's family became focal figures in a workers' rights organization the formed in this climate and rallied together a number of workers to protest the treatment of Jade Ring workers.

As with many protests in Novus, the Brass Spears of Novus were called in to quell the dissent. Adamas's father was arrested and imprisoned -- later dying in prison due to an outbreak of a contagion. This was widely formative for Agnar in forming his libertarian, anti-Novus stances

Formation of the Survey

As a young adult, Agnar Adamas led a number of former Jade Ring workers to begin to form farming colonies outside of Novus. These efforts were unsanctioned, illegal, and highly dangerous. For several years, Adamas continually pursued this goal -- establishing colonies, only to have them fail because of unsuccessful farming, harsh weather, miasma storms, monster attacks, or a plain lack of resources. These efforts resulted in deaths each time, but somehow created a word of mouth legend of resilience which disseminated through Novus, ultimately attracting new recruits.

Rather than dealing with consistent trouble from the authorities, members of the Adamantine Wayfinders elected to support the endeavor under the condition that the Survey also support Wayfinder efforts officially. This paved the way for the official founding of the Novus Agricultural Survey.

Despite the official recognition, Agnar maintains his libertarian, icy attitudes towards the government and authorities of Novus.

Aligned Organization