Brass Ring of Lanterns


The Brass Ring of Lanterns is the most recent ring forged and added to the council of seven ringbearers. It was created in recognition of the Relighting of the Lights in the Lamplight District of the Copper Ring.

The bearer of the Ring of Lanterns is ostensibly the chief morale officer of Novus, tasked with representing the people of Novus, their spirit and willpower, and ensuring the availability of activities for leisure, artistic endeavors, merriment, and recreation.


The process to elect a new bearer of the Ring of Lanterns is somewhat complicated, with separate tallies of votes for candidates -- one tally as a popular vote and another tally from the anyone who takes part in the city's system of patronage of artists. Effectively these votes are weighed more heavily against the popular vote. This system incentivises those individual who have the wealth to do so to patronize artists in Novus, enriching Novus with a celebration of artistry even in the bleak days it has faced and will continue to face.


  • Resource allocation and implementation for artistic endeavors directly linked to the generation and improvement of morale.
  • Representing and acting in the best interest of the morale of the people in ensure a placid, consistent, populace.
  • Patronizing, dedicating, and pursuing the enrichment of the arts in Novus


The Ring of Lanterns came as the result of years of patronage, advocating, and celebration of artistic endeavors within the city of Novus. The ring was first bestowed to Reisor Semattz, though this appointment was largely symbolic as he was aged and ailing at the time. He passed away and bequeathed to ring to Venus Cousard to serve out the remainder of his term. Venus was the overwelming victor in the subsequent election when Semattz's term concluded.

Cultural Significance

The Ring of Lanterns marked a shift in Novus's culture. In the aftermath of the fall and the agonizing desire to rebuild, most inhabitants of Novus adopted a mindset of austerity, a willing forgoing of material comforts and frivolities in the name of restoring Novus both to flight and function. Over the years, as it became clear that such a feat would not be easily possible, attitudes began to shift. The Relighting of the Lights cemented a resignation to life in Novus as it is not as it once was (or even could be). Advocates (like Venus Cousard) believe that the spirits and morale of people must be administered to in addition to as they toil towards the goals of reconstruction, while detractors see these tasks as a resource drain, a frivolity, or a decadent indulgence with moral repercussions. Still others see the creation of the ring as the result of a political favor or blackmail designed to keep power isolated away from the people.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Elected position (weighted votes from patrons)
Length of Term
20 years
First Holder
Current Holders
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