Venus Cousard
Bearer of the Ring of Lanterns
It was a feat when the lanterns of Novus began to be lit again, a sign that the people were rebuilding and prevail after the fall. Today, the lantern is often seen as a symbol of the common people. It is also deeply tied to notions of hedonism and entertainment in Novus, where the Lamplight District became the first ward of the city to be bathed in light at all hours of the night. Music, entertainment, and revelry spill forth from the district of the undisputed king (queen?) of it all is Venus Cousard, a flamboyant performer-turned-politician. Venus has captured the hearts of the people of Novus, with his well known and exclusive nightly musical revue at his theatre - The Orchid - and his subversive pop-up art exhibitions. Venus is seen as flighty and performative by many, but to simply write him off as this would be a vast underestimate of his work. Between his ties to brothels and bawdy clubs, Venus knows many secrets and has exploited them to gain the votes needed to gain the Ring of Lantern.