
The Devouring Growth


Some see Miasma as a disease, run rampant and unapposed to consume the surface of Novus. This view runs counter to Mesmer being the source of the miasma, but rather a force as old as life itself that is called Malady, the root of all disease. This view is not without merit as the miasma contorts and shifts the bodies of those unfortunate to be caught within it and those who survive contact with miasma succumb to disease soon after.

Those who hold this view see all disease and illness linked to a cosmic source in Malady, including miasma, and can be heard uttering curses in Malady's name to ward off disease.

However clerics of Ordonda, Sarconis and Tu’akkou see Malady as more of a concrete threat and less of a superstitious cause of illness. They see Malady in any evil necromancy that defies the order of life and death to consume. No matter who is mobilizing undead forces for what purpose ultimately finds themselves to be a pawn of Malady in the most extreme view.

They see Malady as a devourer and take to calling it The Devouring Growth. Undeath is a cancer to the world and the spirit, and Malady seeks to malevolantly consume everything it can miasma or undead.

The Seal of Malady - Malady is most connected with death, depicted as a mocking, hungry skull. It is a mockery of death itself.
