Noble Houses of Indarra in Nune | World Anvil
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Noble Houses of Indarra

House Indarra

House Indarra was previously the ruling house of both the Empire and Nephissan, however the house died with the death of Pericles IV, during the Indarran-Peraxian war, as he was the last surviving member of the house.  

House Renault

House Renault is the current ruling house of Nephissan and the Indarran Empire.  

House Lorraine

House Lorraine is the ruling house in the kingdom of Vairea.  

House Brightburn

House Brightburn is a minor house in the kingdom of Vairea. They are sworn to House Lorraine. Though they are a minor house, their governance of Seamouth has brought them great wealth, and as such their power approaches that of some of the greater houses of the Empire.  

House Harcourt

House Harcourt is the ruling house of Bredigo. They rose to power by controlling the plentiful gold mines found in the kingdom, and now control the royal mint and banks.  

House Timurid

The ruling house of Kuvaria. House Timurid is said to have elven blood, as they had close relations with the Elves in an age long past. The family has a long tradition of breeding gryphons as mounts.

Articles under Noble Houses of Indarra


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