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The Ostermark

The Ostermark is a frontier region of South Lubik. It is a rugged and dangerous region with wide expanses of wilderness marked by the occasional village or town.The region is scarred with the ruins and after effects of the Demonic Incursion, and as such is well known for the monsters and demonic creatures that creep in it's wilderness, as well as the treasure and relics to be recovered from the ruins of the cities that once stood here.  


The Ostermark is a hilly region filled with many forests. It is divided into sections by the four rivers flowing out of the mountains into the Nebelsea. The north and east sides of the region are contained by the two mountain ranges Sudwarn Mountains and the Ostergal Mountains, and the south of the region is blocked in by the Nebelsea.

Culture and Peoples

As wild and dangerous as the Ostermark is, so too are its people. While technically a part of South Lubik, the Ostermark is left largely to its own devices. The region has never been allowed to fully recover since the Demonic Incursion due to the constant plague of monsters and evil that makes it way over from Infernum. The ruins of the cities and the ancient battlefields that hold untold treasures attract many who would seek to claim it. As such it is quite common to find mercenaries, treasure hunters and adventurers all throughout the region seeking to profit from the industry of treasure hunting. The isolated and dangerous nature of the Ostermark has lead to a tribal culture of each settlement having a strong sense of loyalty to each other but an equally strong distrust and wariness of outsiders.
The people of the Ostermark are largely humans, though there is a healthy population of Chromadian Elves and Half-Elves descended from the fleeing refugees of Chromadia. Dwarves and Halfling are also not entirely uncommon, and you are also likely to notice the towering half-giants more frequently than you might in other parts of Udora thanks to the many giant tribes living in the Ostergal Mountains. The other races do not have large sizeable populations in the region, however due to the nature of the treasure hunting business, many peoples of all races travel far to seek their fortune in the ruins of the Ostermark.


The Embershield

The Embershield are an order of knights and soldiers who work to fight back the demonic creatures and any other evil forces that might seek to make their way inland from Infernum. They are funded and backed by the crown, however it is clear that they are not supported well enough. They are undermanned and spread thin, constantly struggling to keep the region safe. Public opinion of the Embershield varies, but they are generally well respected by the locals throughout the region.  

The Servants of the Ember

The Servants of the Ember are a religious military group and the primary law enforcement organization in South Lubik. They are loyal to the King of Embers, and forbid the organized worship of any other deities. The Servants of the Ember are harsh and strict religious zealots, and are unforgiving to those who break the holy law. The public in general fears or hates the Servants, but there are few who would stand up to them.  

The Silver Fists

The Silver Fists are the largest and most well known mercenary company in the Ostermark. They are frequently hired by travelers and merchants for personal protection, escorting goods, hunting down monsters, and other jobs.  

Order of Lordrusk

The Order of Lordrusk is an organization based around the collection of research and knowledge, primarily of the alchemical and arcane varieties. They are known for their somewhat shady dealing and questionable research methods, but they have made several incredible breakthroughs in their fields of study.



The official capital of the region as well as the largest city. Beastport is the center of trade in the region and most goods entering or leaving the Ostermark flow through it. It is known throughout the world for the massive petrified demon that stands over its port.


Freymarkt is a large town east of Beastport. It's proximity to the ruins of Flaukrith and the Kratglas make it a hub treasure hunters, archeologists and the buying and selling of relics.


Nebeldamf is the second port town in the region and the gateway to the eastern part of the Ostermark.  


Kratglas is a ruined castle which stands in a crater of black glass, said to have been created when a powerful demon was slain and its body exploded.  


The ruins of a once great city, destroyed when the earth cracked at the start of the Demonic Incursion. It now stands a ruin, half submerged in the Nebelsea and crawling with beasts.


A fortified town built atop a steep cliff, Eracrass is known for the soaring watch tower at its from which it is said you can see the entire eastern Ostermark. Once a fortified military keep, the town is now well known as a gathering place for mercenaries and unsavory individuals and dealings.  


A town built around the fossilized skull of an enormous humanoid creature. The study and extraction of the creatures bone, brain, and other organic substances has created an entire business and study around it.
The Ostermark
Population: 800 000
Capital: Beastport 

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