Tikhufri Project Report

The Tikhuphri Project is a completed research project aiming to discover energy circuitation. The project began in 2092 as a five years plan, proposed to the Arkadhian Institute of Technology, among dozens of others on the same topic. That one in particular caught the magitech commision interest and was accepted.   Co-financed in secret by the Shadow Court, the project required huge quantities of energised crystals, but all others details remained hidden until the completion of the project, which is set to 2097-8-1.   The Shadow Court forced the requirement for the researchers to write weekly reports about the project status, completed with the required maths and tool designes where necessary. The reports were collected and published at the end of the project.


The report's goal was twofold.   First, it was to describe the performed experiments in details. In case of failure, subsequent projects would have a stronger starting point, with details about what experiments did not work at all and which yielded some result instead. In case of success, instead, it would be faster to reorganise the discovery and prepare blueprints for magitech equipment to produce for the war.   Second, the report would showcase to citizens the immense power their Empire achieved, glorifying the researchers and the Institute, especially after the latest military defeats in Cajena  

Historical Details

Public Reaction

When the project first began, no one really cared about it since it was just another idea, among so many similar ones, to try to restore the lost technology. It acquired significance when people saw an increased in energised crystal mining efforts after its starting date and related the two events. Finally, it surged as the most awaited project when the mining did not stop after the fourth consecutive year, surpassing what was believed to be the Institute's economic possibilities, implying some other organization, likely the Shadow Court, was financing the project.   When finally the fifth year clocked away and the report became public, people were extatic to receive news about the project. They refound their patrioctic spirit and cheered for the percieved inevitable restoration of the Empire's gold era. With circuitation, nothing would oppose their force.   Beyond ordinary people, researchers, engineers and magitech specialists were thrilled. The circuitation discovery unlocked so many fields and possibilities for progress that were on hold.   Word of the project conclusion crossed the borders and rose both suspicion and fear. Some thought the Empire did definetely not discover the circuitation already. These people claim the Shadow Court crafted the documents to give people hope, but that the project was not completely successful. The Empire was mere months away, but not quite there yet, which called for an immediate preemptive attack. According to others, the Court did not craft anything, the document was genuine and war would ensue as soon as the Empire manufactured the first prototypes of whatever required energy circuitation.   In favour of the former thesis, it is debated why people outside the Empire, in particular in Cajena and in the Shajīn, were able to read a document describing in detail how to make energy circuitation work. People who doubt the genuiness of the documents argue that it was a classified military technology, there was no way the Empire let the recipe for their most powerful weapon exit the borders and end in their enemies' hands. Either they thought no one would be able to replicate it and were willing to take the risk or it was all a staging. The main counterargument was that there could be missing key details, or that the details were not genuine, but the discovery was.   No consensus has been reached yet, especially on the next moves the Cajenian League should take to avoid losing the next confrontation to the Empire.
Report, Scientific
Authoring Date
From 2092 to 2097

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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