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The Irun were the first humans and the most powerful of all the Kingdoms of men, the Eldorai say that they were the greatest, noblest, and most powerful of all the cities within the Protectorate. Known as the Third Race of Oarus and the 1st Kingdom of Men and said to be children of Aeohim, and were given all the lands west of Itheria, home of the Eldorai. It is unknown how but it is said that the Irun were given greater strength, height, wisdom, and longevity thanks to their knowledge of science and even technology. This made them a superior breed of human to any of those from the other Twelve Cities born in the modern day.

Basic Information


Little is known about the Irun themselves, it is said that they appeared human like any other, however, they were said to be taller by a foot. All of their five senses were stronger than a human's, and discovered remains of ancient skulls were 30% larger which leads scientists and alchemists to take an obvious sign of greater intelligence. Other stories tell of how every Arun had total control over their bodies down to their own blood. Of how they could change the color of their skin, eyes, and hair color at will even. Others where told that through intense training and focus they could enable themselves to feel no physical pain, enable themselves to heal their wounds faster than normal. However, this is just speculation and myth and legend as their are no surviving Irun left.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The average Irun knew more about the world of Oarus and its peoples and races than any of the other Twelve Cities combined. They had access to technology and science long before any of the other kingdoms of men before they even began to advance. Much of them knew things as basic as the world being round, biology, electricity, space, time, and gravity even when most other races still believed the earth was flat and believed that beasts were gods.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

There is little known about the names of people from the Lost Kingdom, what few are known are of figures like Allendil, Xelor, and Zane are one of the few names known for the Irun. For the women, figures such as Azrea, Lumina, and Ulia are one of the few that are known.

Major Organizations

The Auran Holy Knights

Average Technological Level

The Irun are known as the first race of men, sometimes even the greatest of the human kingdoms. The Irun were a strong, wise, and noble people. Known for their advancements, their creation of technology that had the ability to alter reality and affect the mind by creating illusions so real that they can cause death. For creating weapons that could destroy entire armies, something that only spellcasters of great and terrible power, and Astral Arms (weapons created from the stars) that could destroy an army in a single sweep.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Toungue, First Speak


The Irun are said to be the first race of men to appear but none know from where, the Khazaugrim were the first to come across them. In the beginning, the Khazaug mistook them for more Eldorai and brushed them off but began to notice things. Their physique was different, more muscular, and heavier. They did not possess immortality like Eldorai, like the stars they lived and died, and they were content.   Through the Khazaug the Irun learned much about the other races of this world and even magic itself. They learned how to build and work steel and iron from this world as they did where they came from originally and began to create new technology as well. Found ways to enhance their physiology and other abilities as well that were discovered by a select few of their own race.   It took time but eventually, the Eldorai came across them and were especially curious of this mysterious race. The firstborn met with the Irun, seeking to learn what they could from them, and the humans wanted to learn from the Eldorai as well. The elves with their curiosity wanted to learn about them and their science and the technology that came from them. At first, they were impressed with their achievements but also alarmed by their creations that allowed them to control the minds of others and further enhance their own to great and terrible heights.   The Aru's technology allowed them to affect another creature's mind and control them, to create illusions so real that they could even kill someone. The greatest of their inventions were those that could alter reality to an extent control energy and destroy entire battalions of soldiers. Others allowed them to travel between the stars and pass into different planes of existence. Regardless, they were a formidable foe if one recklessly chose to fight against them.   Thankfully the Irun had no intentions of using their powers for such maniacal or cruel means, they were not conquerors, rather they were explorers, astronomers, scientists, and inventors. However, this did not mean that they shied away from conflict. The Irun were more than ready to fight if need be, and so they would once the Dark War began.   Of all the human kingdoms that came after them, the Irun were the first to rise up and fight against the demonic scourge. With the aid of their weapons and magic they were able to strengthen their minds and bodies they were one of the most dangerous threats to the demons. Yet despite their magic and weaponry the Irun were also the one's to suffer the greatest losses and in the end lose so much of themselves too.   During the Dark War, the Irun learned to imprison and seal away the archdemons, dark entities that were sent by the Eldritch Horrors that lead the demon armies but the failed to find away to destroy the accursed creatures. So they spent years trying to find away to do so, but in the process of doing so they were corrupted by the archdemon's dark energies, warping their minds and thoughts in order to free them and join them. So the Arun sealed themselves in their capital city of Arudan, along with the archdemons that they had imprisoned, and with powerful magics they wiped any and all records of their city's location from any and all who knew of them and hid their city away in a different dimension.   All that remains of the Irun are those in the other cities, and now their descendants. Much of the technology that allowed them to travel between worlds and across the stars was lost when the capital fell and they sealed themselves away. But some weapons and artifacts from the Arun still remain, those that have been found outside the Twelve Cities were only discovered by their human descendants. The other smaller cities that remained beyond the Protectorate's borders are all but abandoned with the few remaining full Aru retreating back to the Twelve Cities slowly losing their strength and longevity and becoming the humans of the modern day.

Historical Figures

What little is known of the Irun's important figures is what is told of in the Dark War. Most of them being their Kings and Queens who are listed as such:   Allendil the Eternal was the last king of the Irun, known as the "Last King" or the "Last King of Light", he was the one who led his people in battle against the demonic scourge in the end of Dark War. With his sword she struck down the last of the Archdemons that lead the demonic scourge known as the Infernal Legion and unlocked the power of the Great Gates, most notably the Hellgate, and sealed off the demons from Eldorahn. He is also said to be the one to have sealed the Archdemons essences away and then the city of Irudan along with all of the Arun to prevent the corruption that infected them and their minds from spreading to the rest of the entire human race.   Illumina the Maiden, known as the "Moon Queen" or the "Moon Maiden", was the queen and wife of Allendil the Eternal. She stayed at her king's side until the very end when the Irun disappeared. She is said to have sailed the seas and made friends with many of the undersea races and learned much from them. There she attained knowledge to craft her weapon, a trident that gave her mastery of the seas.   Ithilios the Sage, was the judge and mediator for his people, always keeping a sound mind. He is said to have had a gift for dealing with disputes amongst his citizens and preventing unnecessary conflicts between the Irun and other races. He was said to have been melancholic, and tired of the Dark War during his time and began searching for other ways to win. Ithilios fought with a scepter, using powerful magics.   Cilion the Swift, was the fastest with a blade in hand and fought with twin daggers. He was sly and deceptive, always trapping his enemies. Cilion was the most humorous and had a fondness for jokes and taunting his enemies even at the worst of times.   Xelor the Wise, was the greatest sorcerer of his time. It is said that he mastered the higher arts of magic and mastered all forms of magic. He was said to have wished to learn any and all forms of magic and of those who mastered them. In battle he carried a spellbook that held the wisdom and secrets and knowledge of all forms of magic that he had collected in his travels to every kingdom and race. This would later be called the Book of Xelor.   Arteus the Shinning, was a knight and king of the Irun. It is said that he was the greatest warrior of all mankind, and that there was not a single weapon crafted in his age that he could not master. Despite his skills with any weapon, he always preferred his sword Mathael, on occasion called the Sword of Arteus. He was foretold of his death by his mother in vision, despite this he fought in the Dark War nonetheless and did his duty. In battle is said the sword could match the power and devastation of any astral arm. He died in battle against three Archdemons that he slew in single combat.   Ulea the Bright, was the greatest of sorceress of her time, and learned of great and powerful magics that not even the Eldorai knew of. She even created spells of her own that only a handful to this day are even remembered. In battle, she carried a five powerful talismans of incredible power that enhanced her magic beyond that of any human that has lived. These would be later known as the Stones of Ulea.   Azrea the Just, was a queen of great renown, she was loved and respected by her people and was a noble woman. Her husband was Arteus the Shinning and though she did not respect the thought that her husband accepted his death she followed him to the end. In battle, she wielded a pair of powerful chakrams.   Athea the Oracle, was a seeress of great renown. Unlike most seers she could see the true future, though her visions were rare and came to her when necessary, when times of great change or calamity came. For this reason she was looked upon to for great advice on how to survive and adapt to the coming futures.   Georel the Mighty, was the strongest of all the kings of the Irun. He was unmatched in brute force and could fight a giant and win. In battle, he wielded a halberd and once battled against five giant worms and littered shaping the valley that is known as the Worm Grave. This earned him the title of the Monster Slayer.   Surhea the Fierce, was a great queen of the Irun. To her people she was kind, loving, and watchful. To her enemies she was ruthless, terrifying, and brutal. In battle she wielded a double-sided battle axe that she used to cut all of her enemies down and fought beautifully.   Orus the Wanderer, was the most mysterious king of the Irun, he did not train like other royals from birth. He was the youngest of seven and spent most of his time exploring the world of Eldroahn creating the map of the world that is used by the Twelve kingdoms today. Upon his return after his brothers and sisters were killed, he became king, even after he took the crown he still traveled the world learning more and more of the world of Eldorahn and all its creatures. In battle he fought with a pair of bracers and was unmatched in hand-to-hand combat.   Zane the Blessed, was priest of great and awesome power. It is said that his mastery of light was so great that no demon could dare touch him directly for they would be consumed by fire and light if the did. He is said to have been the creator of the Auran Knights and their holy order and trained the first priests, sages, paladins, and crusaders of the order. In battle, he wore a shroud that was indestructible and shielded him from any attack and healed any wounds. It was said to have even raised the dead. This would later be known as the Shroud of Zane.

Common Myths and Legends

Though only a theory a best, it is said that the Arun are descended from the eldorai though no one can say if this is truly fact or fiction.   There are legends that say that Irun still live, continuing to fight against the corruption that eats away at their hearts and minds. While at the same time continuing to search for a way to permanently destroy the archdemons that they captured and imprisoned. That once they have succeeded, they will return to Eldorahn and take their place amongst the Kingdoms of Men once more.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Though nobody knows the specifics of any hybrids, it is said that the Arun were supportive of those who had romantic relations with those of other races. As a curious and inquisitive people, they always took an interest in the other races such as the Eldorai, Khazaugrim, etc. and learned from them. For this reason, the other races admired the Irun.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Superior
300 years max
Average Height
6ft - 6ft 8 in
Average Physique
No different than humans save for being taller and stronger, enough to match an eldorai in physical combat.
Related Organizations


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