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Omnipath Corps

The Omnipath Corps is a group of mostly human spellcasters from across the Protectorate that is tasked with the training of magically enabled citizens in order to control their powers. Fully trained members that joined the corps are sent across the Twelve Cities on missions to deal with matters concerning magical items and rogue criminal spellcasters. In times of war, they are even sent to aid in military matters as well as act as support and additional firepower in battle situations for the Protectorate. Well known for using scientific means and magitek to enhance and train its members.


The Omnipath Corps is led by a council of powerful omnipaths known as Exemplars who preside over the laws and regulations that all omnipaths in the Protectorate follow. All members of the council are incredibly powerful and chosen from psions and adepts with unique skills and abilities. These members also have access to secret knowledge only allowed for the most experienced and trustworthy among their numbers. In times of war, the Exemplars represent omnipaths cooperating with the military and giving out orders to their operatives.

Public Agenda

When special individuals appeared all over the Twelve Cities a special tasks group was created to aid and study these individuals and their abilities as well. This was the Omnipath Corps, they have been charged with the training and study of any and all special abilities that appear in the citizens of the Twelve. Since the Twelve Cities of Men founded the construction of Machino they have dedicated themselves to the studies of science, mathematics, invention, experimentation, and surprisingly the paranormal.   The Corps is where these studies and experiments take place, using highly advanced technology to enhance and control their abilities instead of staffs, wands, and runes of any kind. This unfortunately has led them into tense arguments with the Order of the Ancients or rather Council of the Tirn as well as the Emerthain as well. A vast majority of the corps members are human due to their location in the Protectorate but there have occasionally been members of different races though that is extremely rare.   It is unclear how much the Corps know, but what can be said for certain is that they are the only ones with full access to what little remains of the archived knowledge of the Arun. Since the end of the Age of Technology, the corps has done its best to protect what remains of their ancient knowledge. Ensuring that it is used to benefit all citizens of the Protectorate and that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. The archives are guarded day and night at the same time constantly checked to ensure that nothing is stolen.   Though just about everyone in the Protectorate knows of the Omnipath Corps' existence and its purpose of training its members to control their powers. Most if not all details of their other missions remain secret and are shared on a need-to-know basis only with those of authority. Because of this many within the official Protectorate military and guard positions distrust members of the corps.


Magitek is one of the Corps greatest advantages at their disposal, in the hands of a mere human it can give them the power of magic. In the hands of an omnipath, it can increase their power beyond its natural limit while at the same time allowing them to perform spells with greater ease. Using magitek gauntlets, staffs, and other gear the omnipaths that serve in the corps are very well armed even by other traditional spellcaster's standards.


The Psychomeron is the home and central base of the Omnipath Corps located in Machino, where omnipaths from all of the Twelve Cities are brought to learn how to control their abilities. Men and women of all ages are brought here when their powers begin to manifest and start training almost immediately. Every student begins with having their class level addressed and placed in the proper class. After they graduate they are free to decide if they wish to return to civilian life or join the corps as official members and serve the Protectorate as either trainers or even military operatives.


Omnipath Corps Ranks   Exemplar- The most powerful and experienced members of the Corps who are chosen to lead all omnipaths on the Consul and make major decisions on political and social issues for any power-enabled humans within the Protectorate. They are all chosen from psions who demonstrate great skill, control over their abilities, and even high levels of power. Each member is given special training and given access to secret knowledge not openly known to the everyday omnipath making them far more dangerous than any other psion within the organization.   Psion- The highest rank that an omnipath can achieve due to their level of power and training. Only a select few psions actually exist within the corps and are born a few at a time in every generation of humans. Psions are easily recognized due to the power suits worn by them and are incredibly dangerous. All who reach the rank of psion are as respected as they are feared in all corners of the Protectorate.   Adept- A more advanced rank used for the stronger and more powerful omnipaths within the corps. Adepts travel in small teams made up of at least three members if not more at any time and are sent across the Protectorate and even the Outlands for special missions.   Savant-Is the most common rank of omnipath and serves as the support in combat situations as well as other purposes. All savants work in teams of at least six or occasionally more, working together on missions for the Protectorate. They are known to work together by pooling their combined energy to use more powerful abilities that would be difficult to do so on their own. At the same time, they are sent out into the twelve cities to search for other possible omnipaths and bring them to the Psychomeron for training.

Technological Level

Advanced technology is developed and used to aid in the training of an omnipath. At the same time, this technology is used to enhance and increase an omnipath's powers in order for them to fight in the military. Most of this technology however is strictly experimental, and for that is tested and improved on. Only then when a new invention is successfully useful is it mass-produced and traded with the other cities. Adding the difficulty of acquiring resources this technology is few and far between and is only used by certain powerful individuals.   Like much of the technology created in Machino, all gear used by omnipaths is created only here and must be approved before it is allowed for distribution. Any technology that isn't approved by the corps is considered illegal and to sell it without approval is punishable by imprisonment or even execution. However, this has not stopped many from conducting illegal experiments and creating gear and technology that is seen as dangerous and unethical.   Regardless, this hasn't stopped humans of modern-day in the Protectorate from trying to replicate the kind of technology created by the Arun. Only a few ancient schematics from the Arun remain to this day that is still used by omnipaths. Even so, many scientists and inventors still try to create new technology to amplify the powers of omnipaths. Though none are as powerful as those made by the Arun back then they have still come a long way.

Foreign Relations

Most members of the Corps are known to serve as soldiers but they also serve as advisors during negotiations with other kingdoms or races, training omnipaths of noble families, and even acting as spies. Nearly every leading family and major political figure have an omnipath from the corps that serves anyone of these tasks or even several at once. Some even have several omnipaths as well to serve multiple functions. While in service to noble families, they are given the best of all luxuries while at the same time being paid more money than most high-paying jobs.   Everyone within the Twelve Cities of the Protectorate knows of the Omnipath Corps and respects them greatly as well as fears them. Because of their immense powers, many citizens within the Twelve distrust them and choose to avoid picking fights with them directly. Due to their high salaries, many everyday citizens jealously despise them or even hate them for being born with their abilities. At the same time, others view them with admiration and reverence seeing them as their greatest weapons against outside forces such as the Azmodian Empire.   Other races from beyond the Protectorate view omnipaths as godless heathens who believe in nothing. That they put their faith in more mundane things such as science and technology to explain things far too much. This has led Outlanders to despise and even hate omnipaths who shun them on a regular basis. Criminal groups such as thieves, gangs, profiteers, and many others seek to hunt and kill omnipaths. Afterward, they steal their magitek that they use to enhance their powers and sell it or worse unlock their secrets for other diabolical means. Because of this many omnipaths rarely leave the Protectorate and only on missions and heavily armed as well.


The training of an omnipath can take several years if not a little more than a decade to complete depending on the student. Once a student completes their training they're given a choice of whatever career they wish whether it be a farmer, storekeeper, teacher, or even a member of the Corps where they act as advisors and soldiers in the Twelve Cities' military should they wish it. The corps members are armed with unique technology to enhance and strengthen their psionic abilities. Depending on the level of power an omnipath possesses they are given more powerful gear and even armor that can increase their already immense powers to devastating effects. All students begin as neophytes and slowly graduate up to various ranks and are then appointed to a position within the corps should they wish.   Most people in the Twelve Cities don't manifest psionic abilities of any kind until they hit puberty. However, some exceptional people manifest their powers as toddlers or even infants. A majority of the time omnipaths are registered by their parents or rarely by themselves. As infants, they are always registered by hospitals or their parents. Once identified, members from the corp arrive to test the omnipath to gauge their power level.   In the cases of infants, they manifest the powers several times but then go dormant not waking until puberty. If an infant's powers are deemed high enough they are immediately taken into custody and outfitted with a suppression device then returned to their parents. They are however closely monitored by corps operatives at all times for when their powers emerge again.   Older students that are identified as teenagers or young adults are immediately transferred to the Psychomeron as soon as possible. Most of them tend to leave with the corps operatives that approach them with no difficulties. Those that resist are usually restrained quite easily and then taken into custody. After the omnipath is acquired they are brought to the Psychomeron they are tested once again to see if their powers have increased or remained the same. Once they are placed in a class level they begin training.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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