Bularian Riders

The Bularian Riders are a group of nomadic herders that live within the The Bularian Plain, often known simply as Riders. They herd cattle, sheep, and horses and usually travel on horseback, using carts to transport anything that cant be carried on the horses backs. Whatever they cannot produce themselves they trade with sedentary communities in Bularia, Shakara, and Eutoria, and their tents are common sights at the edges of towns and cities in the Bularian Plain. They tend to be friendly toward those who approach their camps and offer food and shelter to those who need it, seeing an unwillingness to grant these as a great evil.   In addition to trade and other friendly interactions, groups of Rider's often make raids on settled communities. These groups of raiders sometimes get quite large, and have had a great effect on the plains history. This has led to a complex relationship between the Riders and their sedentary neighbors, leaving both dependent on each other while causing distrust and frequent hostilities.   The Riders speak the Bularian language, which is also spoken by the sedentary people of Bularia and Shakara and is similar to languages spoken in the Golden Plain east of the Hornpeaks, and some also speak common. They call themselves Riders (usually in its Bularian translation).   Among the Riders, Xatha is the most commonly worshipped deity by far. A large butte called the Rock of the Heavens in the south of the Bularian Plain is a place of great natural beauty considered sacred to Xatha. Some Rider's also worship Ithren and some more inclined toward evil follow Dakath.
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